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LHFHG: Heads up on Unit 16, Day 4 Devotional

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:00 pm
by jer2911mom
I have to say I am very troubled by the devotional today. I did not preview it and wish I had. It was first talking about the death of Christ, but then followed by trying to parallel Christ's death with the whipping of a child who took the punishment for someone else and ultimately died (p. 98 - 101 in Devotions for the Children's Hour). I was appalled by this story as I read it and it has upset me even more throughout the day that I read it to my 6 year old daughter. I am praying she does not have nightmares tonight. It is hard enough to digest the death of Christ without this additional fictional (as far as I know) horror. I just wanted to let others know who aren't to Unit 16 yet that you might want to look at this devotional before you read it to your child. I feel like I may need to just lay this devotional book aside because I don't want to be blindsided like that again. My husband was shocked that I had read this to our child today. I would have appreciated knowing this was coming myself. I feel led to post this because I am still so upset about what we read today.

Re: LHFHG: Heads up on Unit 16, Day 4 Devotional

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:59 pm
by NicoleLop
Thank you for the heads up, we'll be skipping that one. There have already been a couple of things in that devotional that I wasn't crazy about but that definitely sounds like one I'd prefer not to read at all.

Re: LHFHG: Heads up on Unit 16, Day 4 Devotional

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:20 am
by Kim S
There have been a few checks as I have read. Things I didn't totally agree with but weren't something I thought would be harmful. I believe we will put the book aside. That is our next unit and we will not start that unit until after Christmas.
I guess I am considering skipping all the devotionals for the next guides too now. I would at least have to preview them.

Thanks so much for your heads up.

Re: LHFHG: Heads up on Unit 16, Day 4 Devotional

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:59 pm
by pjdobro
Kim S wrote:I guess I am considering skipping all the devotionals for the next guides too now. I would at least have to preview them.
I didn't have the devotional for LHFHG so we didn't use it when we were doing LHFHG so I can't comment on it. We have used Morning Bells and are currently using Little Pillows, the devotionals for Beyond and Bigger. They have been very nice. Both are very old and public domain so you can look them over at several sites which have them as .pdfs. Just google them and you'll find several sources where you can preview them.

Re: LHFHG: Heads up on Unit 16, Day 4 Devotional

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 1:36 pm
by mamanlait
I know we all have different emotional barometers for ourselves and our children but I am so thankful for this book. I think it does, at times, jump head first into heavy topics, but I value this type of straightforward, and sometimes emotional clarity. Several months ago, my pastor was drawing a parallel between Christ's sacrifice and the children's book, The Whipping Boy. I re-read the book after the sermon and saw so many parallels that I hadn't seen during my initial reading. I believe the topic of concern is a common similarity that is drawn for children (and adults) because many children can relate to spankings (and sometimes those that weren't warranted). The type of language in the devotional is indicative of the 1950's when there was a lot less tiptoeing around sensitive topics for children. That should also be considered. I am one that appreciates this language, but, then again, I am drawn to those books of yesteryear.

I would be one to caution readers to set this book aside. There is SO much to be gained by reading, or summarizing, this devotional. I summarized the chapter on demons and angels just this week but I was very thankful for the discussion of fortune tellers and "mediums" and why we should strongly caution our young children against these activities. My 6 year old would have been okay to hear the story without paraphrasing, by the way. This particular chapter turned into a 20 minute discussion (with my 9 year included). I finished that discussion praying silently, thanking God for allowing me to walk beside my children as a homeschooler. They would NEVER have this type of discussion in school!

I know the poster feels strongly about discontinuing the book and I believe the Lord leads us all differently. I just want to make sure that others don't avoid this devotional without giving it a try. :)

LHfHG dd6
Preparing dd9

Re: LHFHG: Heads up on Unit 16, Day 4 Devotional

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:06 pm
by Mommamo
There were a few things that we didn't agree with theologically in that book, but for the most part I really enjoyed it. (For that matter, there were things we disagreed with theologically in the ABC devotional book from LHTH, but we just skipped those things and still enjoyed the book.) Since we have slightly different views on some things, I always skim through these types of things before I read them, or kind of skim ahead as I'm reading, but if you haven't read this book, I'm with the previous poster. I wouldn't completely give it up. Sure you might want to skip some things, but no need to throw out the baby with the bathwater, so to speak. Also, the next two devotional books are fabulous. So sweet, and gentle, and just precious. The other two are by a different author than this one, too.

I don't remember the devotional to which the original post is referring. It may have been one we skipped. And I completely understand it being upsetting to read to your dc. I wish that my copy were more easily accessible and I'd check it out...

Re: LHFHG: Heads up on Unit 16, Day 4 Devotional

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:30 pm
by jer2911mom
I just wanted to clarify that the topic of concern is not about spankings or whippings in that sense. In this particular devotional, it was about a boy "really too young to be a soldier" being whipped by an army officer. It describes how they tied the boy Willie to a tree and took off his shirt and began to whip him. It talks about the big whip cutting deeply into his back and him not screaming, and how again the whip came down and there was another deep cut in his back. That night he died, "because he had been hurt so much". This is what I took exception to, rather than a 1950s view of spanking. I understand that each person should decide for themselves what is appropriate from this devotional. I just wanted to let other moms know that this is in there in case they haven't gotten to it yet. I've always considered HOD to be very gentle in its approach, and was caught off guard by this, so I think others might be, too. Thanks

Re: LHFHG: Heads up on Unit 16, Day 4 Devotional

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:58 pm
by Carrie

I am glad that this topic has been brought up as it is one worth discussing. The devotional that is being referred to is definitely one on a tough topic, focusing on Christ, the innocent son of God, choosing to take our punishment in our place and dying for us even though He was blameless. This particular devotional needs to be read all the way to fully understand it as it is so much more than simply focusing only on the death of the young boy.

It's important to note that within the story that is shared in the devotional there had been a theft (or a sin committed) in the army regiment. When no one confessed to the theft (sin), the officer said all the men would have to be punished. This is the moment when the blameless young boy offers to take the punishment, which is the whipping, in place of the others instead. The officer is sorry because he doesn't wish to whip the young boy, but he finally agrees. (This is like God not wanting to punish His innocent Son for our sins.) The boy is whipped three times, although he does not cry out. Then, the man who committed the sin, cries out the truth that he committed the theft and is willing to take the punishment he deserves. (This is like the moment when we realize that we are sinful and deserve to be punished by God for it.) The young boy shares that it is too late, as he has already taken the man's punishment for him. The man who committed the sin (theft) is allowed to go free without punishment, because the young boy had taken the punishment for him. That night the young boy dies. (The story really helps children feel how unfair it is for the young innocent boy to die for someone else's sins, just as Christ died for our sins.) The last paragraph of the devotional sums this up so well...

"Perhaps this helps you just a little to see how it was that the Lord Jesus Christ - the one who made the heaven and the earth and you and me - came down to earth and was punished (though blameless) so that you could go free. Have you thanked Jesus for dying for you?"

I can honestly say that many, many parents have shared that after reading this particular devotion, their child has realized the magnitude of Jesus incredible sacrifice and what it meant for Him to lay down His life for them (for us)! They realize that they are like the man who committed the sin and are allowed to go free, because Jesus paid the price for our sin. There is honestly no greater message that our kiddos need to hear, and I have been so glad to share it with my oldest three boys (one at a time) through this devotion. It is honestly a parallel that children can understand, and while it is upsetting because it seems so unfair that the boy should die, it also stirs our heart in a deep way lingering long after the reading to convict us of our own sin and our hope for eternal life only through Christ's death.

I pray that you don't miss this moment with your own children.


Re: LHFHG: Heads up on Unit 16, Day 4 Devotional

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:10 pm
by water2wine
Thank you Carrie. I was not remembering this until you went through it in detail. I did not remember having a problem with anything in LHFHG. There are parts of the Bible that are very hard to teach your children especially at a young age. The whole concept of sacrifice for sin is a brutal one. The places where God chooses to eliminate people or groups of people for their sin are hard. And in all honesty the part where Jesus dies on the cross for our sin is a hard and brutal concept to explain to children. Noahs ark has been made into a cute little nursery rhyme type thing in society but truly it is a horrific tragedy as a result of sin. I struggle with some of the things I read in in the Bible even now. Sin is ugly, life can be brutal, but grace is amazing and I want my children to fully understand what God has done for us. There have been times when my children were littler when I have chosen to tell truth and gritted my teeth knowing I must tell truth even though truth is harsh sometimes. I recall the obedience of Abraham in the offering of Issac was a very hard one for me to explain to my own children. I am so thankful I gave them the full story more often than not. I find in the long run it has helped them to have real relationship understanding what God has done for us. This devotional does explain something that is hard to take. The death of Christ is hard as would be the punishment of a child. But Christ is God's only son and I see the connection and know my children did too when we read it.

Today I was explaining to my children why I am really against violent video games so strongly of any kind. My kids came back with pac man is very violent when you think about it. :P I was explaining to them the realism of some of the games has really caused deep problems for many children. We got into a talk of some of the violence in the Bible. There are some very hard parts. What is the difference? Pretty interesting when you think about it that God did not decide to spare us the details. He wanted the tragedy and the depth to hit our hearts. We are his children and so I assume that when He said all scripture is profitable for teaching He also means that as I teach my children. There is very little I skip or reform into other words. That is just our take on it so for that reason is probably why I did not remember anything hitting me as too much for my kids in particular. Everyone has to decide for themselves but we had some amazing moments going through things that I was feeling at the time was more intense, maybe too intense. But even if this particular devotion is not something you decide you want for your family I would take the time to read things ahead and make sure your children do not miss the overall message. HOD really has a point to all they do and if it is something that is on the harder side I always find there is a good reason. So if you choose to skip the devotion I would try to find another way to get the message into their heart.

Re: LHFHG: Heads up on Unit 16, Day 4 Devotional

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:23 pm
by inHistiming
water2wine wrote:Sin is ugly, life can be brutal, but grace is amazing and I want my children to fully understand what God has done for us.
Wow! I love is so true and very well said. :wink:

Re: LHFHG: Heads up on Unit 16, Day 4 Devotional

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:39 pm
by Candice
Thank you Carrie for explaining and sharing.

Like water2wine said, everyone has to decide for themselves whether or not to cover things that are intense. I totally agree with that and respect that.
I know that some time back I was fearful to proceed with images or content that was graphic or violent, specifically in the children's bible stories.
While I will sometimes change or delete a particular word to soften things a bit, I have learned that the best way for my daughter's heart to really receive the message within a story or lesson is to share with her the truth of what has happened. I love that I am able to speak directly to her heart and when the questions come rolling I am there as her mother to guide her through. It has actually been a blessing to share all that I can with her through the lessons and readings in HOD because I am able to walk with her every step of the way. I now see that as a privilege and an opportunity to help her grow more closely in her relationship with God. So, for me and my family, I am thankful that those opportunities are present.

I remembered there was a thread I started some time ago regarding my trepidation about heavy issues. I learned a TON from it and it actually completely changed the way I looked at things. I share this not to make the OP feel like she needs to see things my way, like I mentioned I agree that everyone needs to decide what is best for their family since we all have different views....totally respect that!
I share just to show what I learned and how thankful I am to feel confident in walking alongside my daughters as we learn about God.

Here is my old thread if anyone is interested. Water2wine's replies within the thread were amazing and really helped to shift my thinking.

Re: LHFHG: Heads up on Unit 16, Day 4 Devotional

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:20 pm
by psreit
Carrie and water2wine.
Thank you for those thoughts. We will be on that devotional in a couple of weeks and I have no intentions of skipping it. I have a dd whose mind is going faster than I can keep up with some days. She wants to know everything and know detail. When age-appropriate, I give it to her. Because of the physical and emotional discomfort she experienced early in life because of neglect, she is very emotional and shows much empathy for those who are hurting. This kind of parallel is just the thing to really help her understand Christ's death. DD takes everything literally, so she will probably talk about the boy for a while like it was real. She processes things differently than most, but being able to understand how Christ suffered can only make her understand her salvation better(summer of 2009) and make it more real to her.

Carrie, your choices of books have been wonderful. Thank you for being straight-forward when it comes to teaching our children what the Bible says. I know that our Bible readings have made an impression on Angie and I look forward to continuing doing HOD Bible readings with her. Only God knows the fruit that will result from your work.