Beyond storytime titles to fit histroy era

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Beyond storytime titles to fit histroy era

Post by mamaduke » Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:50 pm

I'm trying to find storytime books for Beyond that coincide with the history time era. We read Squanto first for biography, then A Lion to Guard Us for adventure, now I'm trying to pick a historical fiction book in the colonial era. I know I will not be able to stay in the early American history category for every genre covered this year (fantasy) but I'd like to try.

Any title suggestions?

Thank you!
9yo ds completed Little Hands, Little Hearts, Beyond, and currently in Bigger
6yo twin girls completed Little Hands, currently in Little Hearts
4yo ds alongside
1 yo darling dd, stuffing crayons in her onesie
#6 due in April!

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Re: Beyond storytime titles to fit histroy era

Post by tjswaine » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:11 pm

I believe all the Historical Fiction titles listed in the Beyond manual are set within the early American history timeframe. We haven't read that genre yet, so I can't tell you my favorites, but I'm looking forward to Little House in the Big Woods.
In Him,
Logan ds {10} ~ Preparing, SM 4A, DGP, McGuffey, etc.
Connor ds {8} ~ Preparing. SM 2B, DGP, McGuffey, etc.
Charlene dd {4} ~ The Reading Lesson, SM Earlybird, C-rods, Verbal Math Lesson, etc.
Evan ds {1}
Quinn dd {0}

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Re: Beyond storytime titles to fit histroy era

Post by FiveLittlePeaches » Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:25 am

How about The Cabin Faced West from the girl's book pack?

Posts: 109
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:56 pm

Re: Beyond storytime titles to fit histroy era

Post by mamaduke » Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:48 pm

I've decided not to try to stay in the specific history time era for the storytime.

As I searched libraries and questioned librarians and searched online for historical fiction for colonial, I just was not coming up with many books that fit the appropriate listening level and age appropriate topic material. There were a few that were Jamestown or Plymouth, but they looked like just mediocre books. The era was right (early 1600 to mid 1700) but the character examples were yucky, ie worldly or the books seemed poorly written.

I came to the conclusion that I am really wasting my time!!

HOD has already figured out for me EXCELLENT literature choices. Am I really willing to give up such fine books as "The Cabin Faced West" or "Sarah Whitcher's Story", just to keep it in era? (Granted, they are close, at least being pre- Revolution) Poor thought on my part. I'm over it now, and I hope I can save someone else the mistaken direction.

As I read reviews for the suggested books, I decided my family NEEDED to read these, and now is my chance. We have read the Little House books (post civil war era: 1870s) as a family and they have been a joy.

I can hardly wait for A Cricket in Times Square. This book was read outloud to ME in the 70s in public grade school. I loved it then. It has stood the test of time!

Question: I was surprised that Sarah Whitcher's Story is a Boy Interest book. With a girl main character I would have thought more of a girl interest, maybe it's a bit scary or suspenseful. I am quite thrilled however that the message of this book is God honoring.

Thanks for those who responded.
9yo ds completed Little Hands, Little Hearts, Beyond, and currently in Bigger
6yo twin girls completed Little Hands, currently in Little Hearts
4yo ds alongside
1 yo darling dd, stuffing crayons in her onesie
#6 due in April!

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