The last half year I've been downloading samples, READING catalogues of,well....almost all the curricula out there. Everytime again looking at the same pages, hoping they would have changed by somehow...well, they didn't

Then I read Mike and Carrie's story on the first page of the catalog and it's SO similar to our story...
I do have quite some questions about HOD, hope you can answer them for me:
* I have a gifted 3yr old (38m) who is in second grade math, reading at first grade level, but because he's bilingual he doesn't understand much of what he reads

* There are some things I don't like, are they easy to replace? They are Storytime Read-Alouds, and he already did all of the Rod and Staff Preschool Books.
* I don't really like the first 3 years (sorry Carrie!) but I do like everything from Bigger onwards. So another option for us is: First years until DS is 9 doing some delight-led learning, reading lots of books and following our own language/reading and math program and have both sons starting in Bigger when they're 7 and 9. What do you think?
* When do they start to work more independently? I'm not looking forward to juggling with many guides to be honest....that's why I'm leaning towards child-led learning for the first view years

* Last question (for now

I really like what I've seen this far of HOD, and it's the first curriculum where I actually like 90% of the book choices

Thank you so much in advance,