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O/T another prayer request...but not for myself this time

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:43 pm
by Tree House Academy
Some of you here will know this already, but I feel led to ask for prayers here as well as in my church.

There is a woman, by the name of Christine, on another board and she is in the process of finding out whether or not she has Inflammatory Breast Cancer. She is going quickly through the diagnosis process and has currently had biopsies and is awaiting results. The MRI looked suspicious for IBC and she definitely has the symptoms.

Everyone at the other board is lifting her up in prayer and I am just going to ask that we do that here, as well. As women, we all know how scary this particular cancer is and, for some reason, this has really touched me and it lays heavy on my heart. If you feel led, please pray. She has asked for prayers and she gave her first name for that purpose as well as to be added to a church prayer list, so I feel that the information I have shared is not a breech of privacy or confidence.

Re: O/T another prayer request...but not for myself this time

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 5:08 am
by ihvnangel
Saying a prayer. I had a friend who went through this just shortly after her daughter was born. She has a rough go of it, but is now cancer free and doing well. I am praying for Christine.. I just can't imagine how scary it must be to be waiting to find out if indeed that is what it is, or have the possibility.. Very scary. We have a wonderful God though, I pray she lets Him carry her through.

Re: O/T another prayer request...but not for myself this time

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:06 am
by Tree House Academy
Thus far, she shows tremendous faith. She goes to the doctor today at 12:40 ET to get the results and she admitted she was scared. Bless her heart!

Re: O/T another prayer request...but not for myself this time

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:02 pm
by Tree House Academy
Update: Christine got her diagnosis and it was NOT IBC! Praise God!!! She was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, but her skin biopsy was clear so they are not willing to give her the IBC diagnosis just yet. God is hearing our prayers and I know she appreciates each and every one of them. I am sure some of you saw this and held her if your prayers even if you couldn't reply here and I thank you all so much!