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Using ER's for older student?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:33 am
by ihvnangel
I have started the Emerging readers set with both of my boys. They are both probably past that, at least the first few books. However, neither are super strong readers and my 11 year old is really bad at pausing at periods, commas etc. He will just read straight on through and I would have to keep stopping him because it just doesn't make sense when you read like that! lol He hated it, would get so frustrated with me when I would stop him. We have done almost a week of the Beginner Bible. I am so happy we decided to do this. For one he is asking a lot of questions about God, and why things happened the way the did. It is opening a ton of communication between us. His attitude about reading through the Bible is really good, he is anxious to do it, and he can do it easily, but he is really trying hard to make sure and pause now in his reading and use inflection in his voice as he is reading. We are going at a much faster pace, do you think that will be okay? Like we are doing 25-30 pages a day. I just want us to make it through all the ER set and then be able to start DITHOR with more confidence and excitement about reading. So far, even just a week in it appears to be just what they need. Just wondered if anyone could see any reason why we should not move so fast? I am loving my sons attitude for the first time in a LONG time about reading, and I think it is because we are starting with the Bible. Thank you Carrie for this awesome set, both boys are excited to go through the whole set and start on DITHOR.
We had planned to start nearly a year or 2 ago, and then switched to BJU becuase my husband was deployed and life was just insanely crazy then.. Now hubby is home and I finally feel like we can pull all this out and get caught up. The boys attitudes are in check and ready to learn, as are my younger two. I am so happy to see this in them, because let me tell you BJU DVD's about took all the joy of school out of them! They were in tears all the time, it was soooo much, too much. Plus they missed the one on one with me while doing the dvd's. They grew to hate the dvd's and wow that made school very hard! lol I had got those thinking it would lighten the load while hubby was gone, I was so wrong! Glad to be back on track now though! :wink:

Re: Using ER's for older student?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:32 pm
by Tansy
Since its working and your all enjoying it I wouldn't change it. Its not like your trying to savor the books but rather practice and build confidence. Which you do by reading books below your reading lvl :-) So I wouldn't rush it but I wouldn't savor it either. Think of it as review...

Re: Using ER's for older student?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:55 pm
by my3sons
I think since they are older it is fine to go more quickly, but I would definitely still do all of the comprehension questions for the ERS in the appendix. This will ensure that as their oral reading skills are improving, their comprehension skills are too. Keeping it at a pace that is enjoyable is important in this situation especially, I believe, so if it's working well and you can see them progressing toward being able to begin DITHOR 2/3 when they are done, I think it sounds like the right fit for pacing for them. I'm so glad this is going so well - it is a great joy to see our dc learn to love to read!!! :D

In Christ,

Re: Using ER's for older student?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:05 pm
by Carrie

I think since your kiddos are older, paired with the fact that you are using the set as a review and a practice for reading aloud, it is fine to pace the readings to suit your kiddos. Normally, we would look at the Emerging Reader's Set as a year-long bridge between phonics and independent reading of longer books and advise a lesson a day. However, you have a unique situation. :wink: Take your cues from your kiddos as to how much is too much each day. It is a good idea to ask the questions as well to make sure your kiddos are understanding what they're reading.
I'm so glad your kiddos are enjoying the set. My third little guy is going through the Emerging Reader's set right now, and although he is technically well beyond the reading level in the set, we are still enjoying it immensely. So enjoy your journey through the set! I know we are! :D
