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Dictation in Bigger vs Preparing
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:27 pm
by Blessed with seven
What is the dictation like in Bigger and Preparing? I am still trying to decide where to put my son but....boy oh boy, this is getting more complicated.
Just curious about the amount of writing because he has not had a lot of writing at all.
Thanks a bunch,
Re: Dictation in Bigger vs Preparing
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:33 pm
by pjdobro
Bigger has the first level of dictation. level 2. Preparing, as I understand it, has 3 levels, level 2, level 3, and level 4. Here is a sample of a dictation passage from the beginning of level 2:
Sue has a bird.
It can call and sing.
king ring wing
Here is a sample from the middle of level 2:
Kate goes to the store.
She gets bread and butter.
bore more sore
core pore tore
Here is a sample from the end of level 2:
How much money do you have?
I have ten dollars, five cents, and a dime.
lime time honey
I don't have Preparing yet so I don't have examples of the higher levels of dictation. I think you can see the progression somewhat in level 2 and get an idea of how the other levels would progress. Hope that helps a little.
Re: Dictation in Bigger vs Preparing
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:39 pm
by MomtoJGJE
Not that it matters for me since we are going with level 2 this year for Jayden and my others haven't started spelling at all yet, but...
does level 3 start at the end of level 2 or somewhere in the middle? Is there a bit of "review" in difficulty at the beginning of the next one or is it brand new.
Re: Dictation in Bigger vs Preparing
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:13 pm
by my3sons
Here are some links with some more samples:
Dictation Samples:
CTC Level 5 Dictation Sample:
The passages build upon each other with new words noted in bold. Some review is inherent, but passages do get progressively harder in each level.
In Christ,