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Teaching with Twins

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:23 am
by GracieandTwinBoysMom
Hi everyone,
It's been a while since I posted anything but I have hit a bump in the road and need some help....My dd is in the second half of LHFHG and LOVING it and I just started using LHTH with my 3 year old twin boys. So far every day with the twins has been challenging. One day one cries the whole time while the other one is learning and the next day they flip roles. I am not sure if I should just fight the battle and make both of them do all the work the whole time or say they are still really young and work with the one that is cooperating at that moment and still work on training the other one to work with us ( just not forcing the issue) I need some help before I fall apart trying to do this with twins:( Thanks ladies:)

Re: Teaching with Twins

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:57 am
by Tansy
I'm thinking they are 3... really young and you should do the fun rhymes etc. with who ever is working with you at the moment. Repeat it all when they are 4.

Re: Teaching with Twins

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:33 pm
by pjdobro
I understand the challenge of twins. Three was a particularly tough time around here. For us, it was a time of transition from naptime to no naps and budding independence. I wasn't trying to do any sort of a preschool program and I felt the days were challenging so I'm sure it is very challenging for you. I would agree with the pp to just work with the one that seems to want to learn that day. If they end up getting the attention from you when cooperating, the other will probably eventually want that as well. I would try to make it a fun time for you and your boys. You have plenty of time for the material to sink in so try to enjoy it. :)

Re: Teaching with Twins

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:43 am
by my3sons
I imagine this would have its own special challenges! :D I think I'd do it half-speed, doing just a half of the boxes one day, and the other half the next. I think I'd actually try it separately with each of them and see if that makes a difference for the one not seeming as ready for it especially. It should take only 10-15 minutes each, which added together is the same amount of time it would take to go full-speed anyway. :D I bet they're vying for your attention, but that's just a guess. :wink: Here's how we did half-speed LHTH with our very busy 3 yo:


You could have your LHFHG child play with one of them while you work with the other, and then switch. Just an idea - HTH! :D

In Christ,

Re: Teaching with Twins

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:02 am
by Tracee
Hi Carla,

If you look at my signature line, you will see that we are in the same situation, but my kids are a year older than yours. I bought LHTH for my 4 year old twins, but I still haven't really done it consistently yet. My dd likes it, but ds just isn't ready even at 4. I'm really trying to concentrate on my first grader right now. Three is a hard age, especially when you have twins. If I were you, I would just give myself a break and hold off right now. :D .

I hope that helps,

Re: Teaching with Twins

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:33 pm
by Carrie

The ladies are already giving you such great advice. :D Another thing I thought of that you could do this year, instead of shelving LHTH entirely, would be to follow the plans in LHTH but only do the reading of the Bible story (as you cuddle on the couch), the listening to the music (maybe while marching around), and then maybe the fingerplay (only if they seem to enjoy it, otherwise wait on this). On devotional day (once each week), you could read the devotions. Then, end with a very short prayer. :D You could go through the whole guide that way, and when you get to the end simply start over doing it as written. They'll be 4 by then and may be ready for a bit more. :D

Anyway, just a thought of how you could still keep the Bible at the forefront but let go of the battle! :D


Re: Teaching with Twins

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:34 pm
by GracieandTwinBoysMom
What would I do without all of you!?!?!?! You are all such a blessing. We have slowed it down and are just doing the Bible and music first...if we get to the other stuff it's just a bonus...much better:) Thank you so much! Thanks to the other twin moms too. It is so encouraging to find others out there homeschooling with twins:)