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? about copying poetry in Beyond

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:46 pm
by 1GirlTwinBoys
This may be a silly question, but when copying the poems, are they supposed to indent if the poetry line is? :?

Re: ? about copying poetry in Beyond

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:10 pm
by John'smom
Here's a scan of part of my ds' copywork for this week. This specific poem doesn't indent, and I'm not going to have him worry about that. I did have him skip a line between stanzas. I don't know if I'm off in not having him indent. Image
Then I also recently had a question about the copywork, maybe something there will be of a help to you. I know it was for me. You can see it here.

ETA: Sorry about that scan of ds' copywork, I can't seem to get it any bigger. I don't know what the issue is. :(

Re: ? about copying poetry in Beyond

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:47 am
by inHistiming
I don't know exactly what HOD recommends, but here is what we do. If it is indented I will write in on our white board that way and have them copy it exactly. If all the lines start at the left margin I will put it on the board that way and have them copy it exactly. So, I pretty much just copy the poem the way it looks in the guide then have them copy it exactly as written. Hope that makes sense. And maybe Carrie will chime in soon with a definitive answer. :?

Re: ? about copying poetry in Beyond

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:27 pm
by Tree House Academy
My ds is not even quite 7 yet, so I do not force him to space exactly like the poem. I do have him copy the capitalization and punctuation correctly, though. We only do two lines a day, so we usually don't even get the whole poem copied...but it is a start. :) I think it all depends on the age of the child and their abilities.

Re: ? about copying poetry in Beyond

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:46 pm
by my3sons
I agree with Rebecca that much depends on age and maturity. Moving toward copying the poem as is, including indentations, is the end goal. I take a hi-lighter and hi-light the places that are indented. When he first started copying the poems, I wrote the first word of each line for him, so he had each line started for him and could see how it would look as a finished product eventually. :D

In Christ,

Re: ? about copying poetry in Beyond

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:25 am
by John'smom
my3sons wrote:I agree with Rebecca that much depends on age and maturity. Moving toward copying the poem as is, including indentations, is the end goal. I take a hi-lighter and hi-light the places that are indented. When he first started copying the poems, I wrote the first word of each line for him, so he had each line started for him and could see how it would look as a finished product eventually. :D

In Christ,
Thanks for the tip!!! Ds will now be indenting when it show indenting. I just didn't want to mess with it as I wanted him to do this independently while I worked with dd on her Math. Now I know a way to make indenting possible with out me looking over his shoulder. :D