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DITHOR question

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:26 pm
by grandsophy
I hope I'm putting this in the right place. I've never seen a forum with a "main board" so I'm a little confused! :D

DITHOR has several options for scheduling books: one book, two books, three books.
If I want my child to read two books in a particular genre, I see that I spread it out over the time period.

My question is, does she just fill out the workbook pages for whichever book she happens to be reading on that day?
Or does she do all the workbook pages for one particular book and use the other as another example of that genre?

Re: DITHOR question

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:01 pm
by my3sons
grandsophy wrote:...My question is, does she just fill out the workbook pages for whichever book she happens to be reading on that day?...
Yes, that's right! :D Just fill out the reading calendar in her student book (which for 2 books suggests a pacing of 10 days on one book, and 5 days on the other book). Then, follow the plans in order. Whichever day of plans the workbook falls on, just do it with whatever book she is reading. We have enjoyed DITHOR so much here - it is a favorite time of the day. Oh, and all posts start on the Main Board. :wink:

In Christ,

Re: DITHOR question

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:08 pm
by kiloyd
We just started DITHOR here Thanks for the helpful question.


Re: DITHOR question

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:23 am
by grandsophy
my3sons wrote:
grandsophy wrote:...My question is, does she just fill out the workbook pages for whichever book she happens to be reading on that day?...
Yes, that's right! :D Just fill out the reading calendar in her student book (which for 2 books suggests a pacing of 10 days on one book, and 5 days on the other book). Then, follow the plans in order. Whichever day of plans the workbook falls on, just do it with whatever book she is reading. We have enjoyed DITHOR so much here - it is a favorite time of the day. Oh, and all posts start on the Main Board. :wink:

In Christ,
Thanks. I don't know if I can slow dd down to that pace, but I'll try. :D

This Main Board thing is unique, isn't it? Perhaps if I learned the acronymns it wouldn't seem so cumbersome.

Re: DITHOR question

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:27 am
by grandsophy
That sounded really critical on my part. I apologize. My only complaint about HOD is how difficult the names of the books are to remember (because in the younger grades they don't describe the grade level or the subject matter), and when they're abbreviated it makes it even more difficult to figure out which post is referring to what. Searching through the main board trying to remember which letters refer to the book we're studying seems complicated.

But my kids love the books and I love the convenience of having everything scheduled. :D :lol: :D :)

Re: DITHOR question

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:17 pm
by my3sons
Oh no worries there! Just ask what the acronyms stand for - everyone has been in that boat before. I remember wondering for the longest time what "dc" stood for - I was so relieved when I figured out it stood for "dear children". As far as the names of the guides, we picked them out together (Mike, Carrie, and I - we just had to have "hearts" and "glory" in the title - Glory be to the Lord - I know they're long, but we do love them. :D Anyway, here are a few to get you going:
LHTH: Little Hands to Heaven
LHFHG: Little Hearts for His Glory
BLHFHG: Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory
BHFHG: Bigger Hearts for His Glory
PHFHG: Preparing Hearts for His Glory
CTC: Creation to Christ
RTR: Resurrection to Reformation
DITHOR or DITHR: Drawn into the Heart of Reading
ERS: Emerging Reader's Set
R & S English: Rod and Staff English
ds: dear son
dd: dear daughter
dc: dear children
dh: dear husband

In Christ,

Re: DITHOR question

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:01 pm
by grandsophy
my3sons wrote:Oh no worries there! Just ask what the acronyms stand for - everyone has been in that boat before. I remember wondering for the longest time what "dc" stood for - I was so relieved when I figured out it stood for "dear children". As far as the names of the guides, we picked them out together (Mike, Carrie, and I - we just had to have "hearts" and "glory" in the title - Glory be to the Lord - I know they're long, but we do love them. :D Anyway, here are a few to get you going:
LHTH: Little Hands to Heaven
LHFHG: Little Hearts for His Glory
BLHFHG: Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory
BHFHG: Bigger Hearts for His Glory
PHFHG: Preparing Hearts for His Glory
CTC: Creation to Christ
RTR: Resurrection to Reformation
DITHOR or DITHR: Drawn into the Heart of Reading
ERS: Emerging Reader's Set
R & S English: Rod and Staff English
ds: dear son
dd: dear daughter
dc: dear children
dh: dear husband

In Christ,
I used Beyond for a whole year without ever learning its name. :) I appreciate the goal that is reflected in the names, I just find them too similar to remember specific titles. I recommend the curriculum all the time, just referring people to the website.
I know dd and ds and that sort of thing because I've been active on various forums for years. I just haven't seen a main board before. :)
I often ask my HOD questions at but I'm trying to come directly to the source once in awhile. :)

Re: DITHOR question

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:36 pm
by grandsophy
Please understand, I am not trying to be picky or negative. I love this curriculum and I think we'll be using it for years. If my only difficulties are the titles and the unusual format of the forum.....I can definitely live with that. :D

Re: DITHOR question

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 5:03 pm
by grandsophy
I am looking forward to using DITHOR. I had been looking for a Christian character program and this looks like it will cover that very very well. :D

Re: DITHOR question

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:42 pm
by Carrie
Sounds good! :D We pray you will enjoy DITHR as well! :D It has resulted in some wonderful discussions at our house and the pacing helps a child live with a book more CM-style over time. It was tough to get my kiddos to slow down when reading too but that is truly when the wonderful insights and reflections have a chance to flow. We hope you will find the same to be true with your family! :D


Re: DITHOR question

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:51 am
by grandsophy
I am definitely going to buy the book package for next year's DITHOR. We like the curriculum, we just keep forgetting to get the books from the library.