I'm so glad that your child will get a chance to use Beyond this year!
We pray that it may truly be a blessing to you!
As far as your 7 year old goes, it sounds like he is a strong learner, which is truly a wonderful thing to behold. With that being said, I'm going to give you some tried and true advice that stems from over 20 years of teaching experience (and from my own personal experience in our own home these past 10 years with more than one very academically strong student)!
First of all, I'd definitely slow down on the math lessons to a pace of one lesson a day. Make sure that you are doing the hands-on activities with it, as they are essential to understanding the Singapore way of thinking. The math lessons in 1A/1B seem deceptively simple, and in all honesty a strong math student could complete a whole workbook in a short time if it was done without the hands-on lessons to accompany it. But, at that point you're truly missing the Singapore way of thinking and also rushing a process of gently building one concept upon another that is so necessary for the upper levels of Singapore that will come much too quickly and be too advanced should you rush.
In K and grade 1, Singapore seems almost easy, but as I'm going through it the second time around with my third son in line, I can truly begin to see the beauty of the program and the foundation being laid in those first important years. I can also truly say that even with a very mathy child, you won't want to rush to get to the higher levels of Singapore too soon, or your child will not have the maturity to think through the algebraic type concepts already contained within 4B on up.
Singapore math is a way of thinking mathematically. It is so much more than simply completing the workbook lessons.
Next, as far as the spelling lists go, if you have a natural speller praise the Lord for it! It is a true gift!
With that being said, the goal of the spelling lists in Beyond is to make sure that your child has the frequently used words that are contained in List 1 and 2 clearly memorized. These will be needed as your child heads into studied dictation. My own kiddos rarely missed a word on the lists all year, yet I was glad we went through them as we headed into studied dictation the next year. Another goal of the spelling lists in Beyond is to train kiddos to visualize a word in their mind. This is a very important skill to practice prior to studied dictation. Last, Beyond also helps a child learn some basic grammar, punctuation, usage, etc. that is also necessary prior to studied dictation. So, I wouldn't rush ahead in spelling but enjoy the year spent practicing needed skills. Knowing the words is just one part of the overall plan within Beyond. It is truly the process that is more important than the test. We are looking at spelling in a much different way.
Last, as far as the Emerging Reader Set goes, I would also slow down the pace, not doing more than one (or two) lessons in a day. This is because the purpose of the Emerging Reader's Set is to teach kiddos to read aloud well, to answer questions about what they have read, and to "live with" a book for a period of time so that they can make better predictions about what is to come. We are working on slower, more thoughtful reading in preparation for Drawn into the Heart of Reading.
This is a different type of reading, with a different set of skills than those skills required to devour a book quickly. I allow my avid reading boys to devour as many books as they like in their own free-time, but for school we keep a slower throughtful pace to work on a different set of goals.
Getting the optional extra book listed each week in the Emerging Reader's Schedule is an easy way to increase the reading. We have done that and enjoyed it with each of our kiddos. They also read plenty on their own just for fun.
My oldest son who is a freshman this year is amazing in his academic abilities in all areas and always has done everything early. So, by the time he was in third grade, we had allowed him to rush ahead in so many areas that he was feeling overwhelmed and stressed with his school day. It took several years to undo that feeling, and it was at that time that I began reading much on Charlotte Mason. With that in mind, I will tell you that some things in a child's day need to be easy. Everything should not be challenging your child to the hilt in all areas all of the time. Good spellers, readers, and mathematicians will remain strong in those areas whether you're challenging them all of the time or not. However, if you overdo you will have a different set of problems to deal with that can actually hurt the child later.
With my second very academically strong son (who is a sixth grader this year), we've taken a different path (using the HOD guides as written each year), and we are enjoying our school days much more. Yet, my second son tests and performs just as well as my oldest son always has.
Enjoy Beyond and all it has to offer. As the years pass, the school days will get longer and much more challenging all too soon!