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new here

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:38 pm
by Annette
Hi, I'm Annette. I'm brand new to HOD,but I'm SO excited. I homeschooled my older kids for a while several years ago, but now they are in public school (8th grade and 12th) and have no desire whatsoever to go back to homeschooling. But my 3 younger ones will be doing HOD. I have 9 and 11 year old girls who are going to start homeschooling for the first time this fall. I'm using CTC with both of them and purchased the extension package for my 11 year old, but my 9 year old wants to read the books too. They're both very strong readers. My 4 year old son will be doing LHTH.

I do have a couple of questions. First of all, can anyone give me advice on how to schedule. My girls are sharing books (except workbooks) and except for DIH. My older one is in the 6/7/8 and the younger in 4/5? Also I'd like ideas on what to do on the 5th day. I'd also like some other ideas on things to do with my preschooler or have him do independently. He's 4 and a half, but developmentally,he's more like a 3 and a half year old. I'm pretty much an ADD type person, so I know I do much better with structure, but I really have trouble coming up with a schedule from scratch. If anyone can give me any ideas or advice, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!


Re: new here

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:47 pm
by my3sons
HI Annette, and welcome to the HOD Board! :D We did CTC last year and enjoyed it immensely. :) Have you gotten a chance to check out the placement chart to be sure 9 yo can handle CTC? Since 9 yo is the youngest age suggested for using CTC, I just thought I'd make sure you saw the chart, as we've found it to be very accurate for placing our dc in HOD. :D Here's a link to the chart:

As far as scheduling goes, this is an awesome thread that should help, it's been viewed over 5000+ times, evidencing we all like help with scheduling :D :

I actually did CTC and LHTH (which would be perfect for your little peanut) last year, so I'll link my schedule here too:
HI Annette, and welcome to the HOD Board! :D We did CTC last year and enjoyed it immensely. :) Have you gotten a chance to check out the placement chart to be sure 9 yo can handle CTC? Since 9 yo is the youngest age suggested for using CTC, I just thought I'd make sure you saw the chart, as we've found it to be very accurate for placing our dc in HOD. :D Here's a link to the chart:

As far as scheduling goes, this is an awesome thread that should help, it's been viewed over 5000+ times, evidencing we all like help with scheduling :D :

I actually did CTC and LHTH (which would be perfect for your little peanut) last year, so I'll link my schedule here too:

Here are some ideas for your little one too:
What to do with young ones while schooling:

I hope HOD blesses you as much as it has blessed our home!
In Christ,

Here are some ideas for your little one too:
What to do with young ones while schooling:

I hope HOD blesses you as much as it has blessed our home!
In Christ,

Re: new here

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:22 pm
by annaz
Julie, how can I see that schedule you posted so I can see it? It's too small and I can't figure out how to get it larger.

Re: new here

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:45 pm
by my3sons
I don't know what I managed to do there, but that is one itty-bitty schedule! :D O.k., here goes again...

In Christ,

P.S. I think it's readable now. I fixed it on the other one too, but let me know if you still can't read it. Thanks, annaz! :D I sure don't want moms to have to pull out their magnifying glasses. :lol:

Re: new here

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:39 pm
by GinainMD
Welcome Annette!

Re: new here

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:31 pm
by annaz
How did you know Julie, I had magnifying glasses? :oops: :lol:

Thanks! Much better!

Welcome Annette!
I'm doing Preparing w/my 10 year old dd!

Re: new here

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:43 pm
by lovedtodeath
Welcome Annette! I have ADD. We would get along great. :lol: I am looking forward to HOD scheduling everything for me. I am so excited; we are starting next week! :P

I use the book "Slow and Steady Get Me Ready" as a guide for what to teach my 3 year old son. I also picked up My Father's World PK package and some additional Lauri toys, like stringing beads and such. He is learning concepts like on and off, in and out, colors and shapes. The toys are great because all I have to do is play with them and talk about what I am doing and he learns.

Re: new here

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:12 pm
by Annette
Thanks Julie for sharing your schedule. I'm using it as a jumping off point for making my own. I will plan on taking a little more time in the morning for devotions cuz I need to have some time just to spend with God besides just doing the devotion book I bought from HOD. It does look like a really good book though. I'll be doing it with a friend so that we can keep each other on track and accountable. I also work out in the mornings, so I'm putting that into my schedule as well. Can't give that up cuz I've got a lot of weight to lose.


Re: new here

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:34 pm
by momtofive
Hi and welcome to the boards! Glad to have you here! :D

In Christ,


Re: new here

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:53 am
by my3sons
Annette - I hope you and your friend enjoy my devotional! I'm trying to exercise in the AM too. I put on some weight this summer, and I want to be more healthy... I think it will be the hardest thing in my schedule for me to do. It's too easy to lay in bed a little longer until I just don't do it. :? I'm praying for help this time though. Good luck to you with it too! :)

In Christ,

Re: new here

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:23 am
by Annette
Hi Julie!
Wow1 You're the author? How cool is that? So if my Friend Laurie and I have a question, we can just ask you directly. BTW--- I LOVE the cover. I would LOVE to decorate like that. I adore all things pink, vintage,and romantic country./cottage/shabby chic. What a gorgeous room!

Re: new here

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:22 pm
by Carrie

I just wanted to pop-in and welcome you too! We're glad to have you here! If you have other questions, ask away. We'll be glad to help! :D


Re: new here

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:24 am
by my3sons
Annette wrote:Hi Julie!
Wow1 You're the author? How cool is that? So if my Friend Laurie and I have a question, we can just ask you directly. BTW--- I LOVE the cover. I would LOVE to decorate like that. I adore all things pink, vintage,and romantic country./cottage/shabby chic. What a gorgeous room!
Thanks, Annette! :D I wish I could walk into that room every day, but with a house full of boys, there's no pink here. :lol: That would be my dream room though, and in my mind, when I'm meeting with God, it's that beautiful. :D May you enjoy the devotional and be drawn closer to the Lord through it!

In Christ,