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Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:13 pm
by my3sons
I posted this on the "Let's Share Our Schedules" thread, but I thought I'd post it here too, as it includes a link to the RTR time allotments, and may be helpful for others considering scheduling RTR and/or multiple guides: :D

I just made my schedule for RTR (as well as for Bigger Hearts and LHTH). I based it on last year's schedule I used for CTC, Beyond, and half-speed LHTH, which gave us a very manageable happy year. I did blocks of teaching time, rotating them between dc, and having each child take a turn playing with our sweet (yet very busy) toddler. I tried to keep assignments they needed to finish on their own towards the end of a block of time, so I could still move on to the next thing if they were taking an extra bit to finish. I also put their math/science at the same times, so I can bop between tables to help as needed. While my olders do math, it is a great time for my toddler to be at the table doing his Kumon books. When they are doing science, he's playing right by us because he loves to watch and be a part of it off and on now and then. For seatwork, it's best if my oldest two aren't by each other, as they distract one another. So, my oldest always does his seatwork at the dining room table, and my middle ds at the kitchen table. The rooms are next to each other, so I can go between them easily if they're doing seatwork at the same time. All read-aloud times are done on our living room couch, with blankets of course. Science is in the kitchen.

My oldest ds is an early riser, often reading in his room at 6:30 AM or 7:00 AM. Because I like for our dc to have Bible time first in their day, I asked him if he'd like to do it on his own at 7:00 AM in his room instead of waiting to do it at the start of the official "school day". He was thrilled with this idea! Since his BIble quiet time is independent, this will work well and enable us to finish our day earlier too. I get to do DITHOR with our 2 dc together this year. We'll do it 3 days a week, as this pacing fits well for them both. (Riley did 12 weeks of half-speed Bigger Hearts last year, with daily DITHOR, he's an excellent reader, so I think he'll be fine dropping to 3 times a week.) So, one of the days, that we don't have DITHOR, we'll finish a half an hour early. I pretty much used the maximum times for things when I planned this schedule, using these links for assistance:

BHFHG time it takes:

RTR time it takes:

I am not adding anything to our day, as HOD makes it very complete and keeps it balanced already. I am using HOD's recommended LA and math as well. If a family chooses to add things to the day, or substitutes LA and math that takes longer than the recommended time allotments, time will naturally need to be added to the day. But, my experience with HOD is that if I do the guide as it is written and am diligent about our routine (and I'm not answering the phone or on this lovely board during my homeschooling time ), I can always finish by lunch. In fact, when I plan for the normal maximum times, time usually begins to "fall off" our day about 2-4 weeks in as the kids learn what each box requires and get down the routine of the day. The times of the schedule become less important once the routine is established. For example, as time fell off the day last year, I told my older ds if he ever finished anything early, he could start working on his independent science box (since this was one of his last things scheduled in the day). He did this at intervals when he got ahead on things, and usually by the time he got to the time it was actually scheduled at the end, he only had a little left to finish (or none). I'm going to tell him to work on his Rotating History Box if he finishes things early this year. Anyway, I'd love to see others' schedules for RTR too, as this will help everyone schedule the new guide! Here's the link to the schedule (if you click on it, it will enlarge):

In Christ,

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:54 pm
by Kathleen
Looks great Julie! :D

I have to tell you that I've learned a lot about making our schedule work for us from using your ideas over the last couple years! THANK YOU!! :D We really had a smooth start this year, and I know that the routine we've developed over the last 2 years with HOD played a huge part in that. :wink: So, all of you moms newer to homeschooling or wanting a routine that gives you more free time in the day - learn all you can from the others here on the board. I can say that it has helped us tremendously! And, I want to he happy homeschooling for me & the kids & the ability to keep at it long-term. :D

:D Kathleen

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:25 pm
by pjdobro
Your organization amazes me! I wish I were that organized. Thanks for sharing. I know I'm very fortunate to just have one program with 2 children to do, but it's still difficult for me to figure out how to get everything done since we have a lot of other commitments at the moment. It is so helpful to see others schedules and see how they manage their day. :D

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:03 am
by my3sons
Thanks, Kathleen! :D I respect your opinion so much, so I'm feeling quite happy with your kind words this morning. :D I thought your schedule this year looked great too. Being happy about our homeschooling is huge, as it rubs off on the kiddos. :D Your pictures are always worth a thousand words - happy mama, happy dc. Thanks! :D

I'm not always so organized, Patty! I just tried to help a nice lady on this board with scheduling how to share books among twins for CTC and didn't do so great with that! :D I just know my dc well, and being home with them all of the time really helps me figure out how they best can work through the day, and me too. It's taken me some time to figure out how to manage the bunch, but I think I finally have it down. :) You had twins - so that's a different kind of thing to figure out! Don't worry though, you are going to do just fine with HOD. The guides are very laid out. Bigger Hearts is an important year. I think of it as the laying the foundation year before the "launching" into increasing independent work. When I put my teaching time into Bigger, it paid huge dividends in PHFHG on up. I've been reaping my teaching time in Bigger Hearts rewards for years now. It's a pivotal year, so I'm glad you're starting there. :D One tip if you want to ease into starting school would be to start half-speed, for a few weeks, doing the left side of the plans one day, and the right the next. This would let you really focus on teaching the routine of each of the boxes of plans without trying to rush due to time constraints. :D Bigger Hearts is a blast! I hope you are as blessed by it as we have been. :D

In Christ,

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:27 pm
by Lynnw
Thanks for sharing your schedule - you make it look so easy! I was able to enlarge it and see it better, but I was wondering if there's a way to print it? When I tried to print it, it was light and fuzzy. I supposed I could work on mine while I have yours on screen, but I'm such a paper person, LOL.

Thanks again!

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:57 pm
by StillJulie
Lynnw wrote:Julie,
Thanks for sharing your schedule - you make it look so easy! I was able to enlarge it and see it better, but I was wondering if there's a way to print it? When I tried to print it, it was light and fuzzy. I supposed I could work on mine while I have yours on screen, but I'm such a paper person, LOL.

Thanks again!

same here... please let us know how we can print this to look at it and write on it, etc.

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:51 pm
by Tree House Academy
Would you care to link me to your CTC and Beyond schedule from last year? That is exactly what we are using this year! :)

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:47 am
by my3sons
I would love to share any and all schedules I've made, but as you can see, I'm not always so computer savvy! I'm trying this kind of full size link, with the hope you can read it better and print it. I would gladly email you a copy as an attachment if you just give me your email address and what you'd like me to send otherwise. :D I'm not always so great about keeping up on my PM's - it's been crazy busy here - but if you put it on this thread I'll make sure to do it. HTH! :D

In Christ,

The hardest thing about my schedule this year will be trying to make myself get up to exercise. :shock: Otherwise, the rest I'm feeling great about:
RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH:

CTC/Beyond/Half-speed LHTH:

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:16 am
by Lynnw
Thanks for posting it again. I was not able to print from your bigger posting... but I went back to the original one, clicked on it to enlarge it, then clicked "zoom in" to get it 100%. Then I printed it and it is still a little light, but definitely readable. Maybe that will be helpful to other technologically challenged folks like me :D

I was playing around with a schedule for us this morning. I thought I had it close to workable until I noticed I had omitted lunch. OOPS! That would never fly around here! :D


Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:59 pm
by StillJulie
I was able to right click on the ones that you posted here, and then print them. Thank you!!!

I had tried to make a schedule that detailed before we started school this year, but it was too hard. I think with your schedules and a week of this year's HOD under our belts, I should be able to try again this weekend, with a better idea of how long different things are going to take and which things I can do at the same time.

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:15 pm
by Mom4Him
Julie, I just love looking at your schedule- it gives me so many wonderful ideas! Thanks so much for sharing!! :D

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:22 am
by my3sons
Well, I'm glad this worked out... sort of! :D I wish I was more computer savvy, but I'm glad you all figured it out somehow. I know my schedule isn't perfect for all, but if it can act as a sounding board for other schedules that can be tailored for each family's needs, that makes me happy! :D That exercising bit at 6 AM is going to be a killer for me. That's the part I'm worried about - HOD doesn't concern me a bit. :lol:

In Christ,

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:33 am
by juliekay
Thank you so much for posting this! I was trying to figure out how much time I needed per box in RTR in my own pursuit of writing down a schedule so I thought I would pop on this board to see if anyone said anything and - Viola! Right there for me! I think you saved me hours – maybe days of time!

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:40 am
by my3sons
Oh good, juliekay! :D I love to hear hours have been saved, as time is precious for us busy homeschool moms. When are you starting RTR? I'm shooting for next Tues. Today, I am getting ready and getting my books. HOORAY! :D

In Christ,

Re: Our RTR/Bigger Hearts/LHTH Schedule for this year

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:02 pm
by MomtoJGJE
I love seeing how you schedule things. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to schedule 4... I had 3 down with no problems, but 4 is throwing me for a loop, even though 2 of them are combined! :) Luckily we've decided to focus on life skills (and finishing up LHTH) this fall and not start Bigger and LHFHG until after Christmas.... that gives me a few more months (and an older Evie!)