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Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:50 am
by mamas4loves
Carrie and all,

We got our eagerly anticipated package this morning!!

Oh My---words cannot describe how nice the student pages are. Just beautiful. The guide is lovely as well. My dd and I paged through it ooing and aahing over each picture. We are looking forward to beginning!

Thank-you, Thank-you for all your time you put into writing it and getting it ready for so many families to use. I hope you are able to celebrate and take a vacation!!

In Christ,

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:26 am
by momtofive
How exciting!!! :D Happy Box Day!

We're very excited and happy for you as you begin this brand new program! Please be sure to update everyone here on how things go once you begin. We're all very anxious to hear more about this great guide. We won't be using it until next year, but look forward to hearing about it as it unfolds in your home!

Blessings on your new school year!!! :D

In Christ,


Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:39 am
by Lynnw
Woo-Hoo! My email-UPS link says mine is coming tomorrow. It says it's in the nearby town... an hour away.. (road trip? LOL!!!)

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:42 am
by sycamoretree
Very Exciting!
WE are anxiously awaiting the UPS guy!

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:33 pm
by gotpeace91
Happy Box Day!!! Yay!!! I know you will enjoy it! :D

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:56 pm
by 3boysandagirl
I didn't get an e-mail, was I supposed to???? I am anxiously waiting either way, just wondering kwim!

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:29 pm
by Sharon
3boysandagirl I called today because I didn't get an email either and Mike said that boxes that went out Priority mail wouldn't get an email but UPS ones did. Something about his new system? Anyway, my package is on it's way and should be here Friday or Saturday!!! :mrgreen:

I am sure your box is on it's way!!

On a silly sidenote, I had requested some catalogs to handout at our homeschool groups first meeting and a priority box was sitting on the porch when we came home today. DD jumped out of the truck and ran for her books!!! The catalogs never entered my mind and boy were we let down when we opened that box!! :roll:

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:34 pm
by 3boysandagirl
OK good, I was worried. I'm so anxious to get these books in my hot little hands that I was feeling so left out of the email loop. I'll just hound my postman. I would have felt so let down if it was a box of catalogs, even if I had asked for them. I want my RTR!! :oops: :lol: :D

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:09 pm
by Tree House Academy
All this chatter makes me want to go ahead and order RTR...and we JUST STARTED CTC. LOL

Enojoy Ladies! I will be so excited to hear about your journies this year!

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:20 am
by Motherjoy
We got our box today, via the post office, and everything is just beautiful. We didn't do CTC, so I'm just awestruck by the quality of the student pages.

I do have one BIG complaint, though. How am I going to learn all the great stuff in RTR when its most done independently? ;) As I was looking through the Shakespeare pages, I realized that I would need to spend this year doing my own personal study of Shakespeare just for fun. :D

Thanks so much, Carrie and family!!!

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:14 am
by Sharon
Our box just came and we are so awe-struck with the quality and the beauty of the RTR notebooking pages. We just kept saying "Wow" over and over!

What fantastic job you have done!!!!

We are so excited to start our year!!!!

Thank you for all the love, attention and hard work that went into creating this year!!!

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:38 pm
by rainbowacreshs
I'm still waiting...!!! We have everything else.. ordered back around tax time..Just waiting on the Guide, and the notebooking pages..

*Sitting not so patiently by the mailbox* :twisted: :lol: :D

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:51 pm
by Tree House Academy
Would it be sad if I ordered RTR in advance for next year? LOL

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:33 am
by Lynnw
I received my guide and student pages last night right before company came and we had a great time looking it over together. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

And Carrie's letter explaining their situation with getting RTR finished and out - WOW! I so appreciate her family's perseverence. I pray God is providing rest for them now!

Re: RTR!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:21 pm
by Carrie

HOORAY! I'm so glad that you have your guides and Student Notebooks in hand! :D It is amazing how the Lord provided for our family to allow us to complete the guide and to work through the Student Notebook too! I'm so glad that you love the notebook pages! Our graphic designer is an amazingly talented Christian man. :D He works so hard to make the clarity precise and the design professional in quality. We are blessed beyond measure that the Lord brought him into our lives. I will link him to this thread, so he can be blessed by your words too! :D

Thanks for sharing your excitement! It makes any sacrifice on our part seem small when we realize the opportunity we have to be a blessing to each of you special ladies and your families this year! :D
