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Little Hearts for Kindergarten
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:24 pm
by Happy2bMommyof3
Has anyone used Little Hearts as a Kindergarten program? I was planning on doing that with my extremely wiggly almost 6 year old son. I think I will need to go half speed, but I don't know how that practically plays out...will he then do the other half for 1st grade...then Beyond for 2nd?? I am thinking my very astute 4 year old daughter will be able to keep up as a tag along with him, but where will that put her in the HOD placement for kindergarten next year? Does anyone have experience doing this as a Kindergarten program...will I even need to go half speed??
As background, I started LHTH with both of them last year, but neither clicked with the program very well. They thought it was much more fun to spy on big sister's schoolwork and get into what she was doing instead. I have already purchased The Reading Lesson for them, and I think it will be good for them both.
Thanks for any advice!
Re: Little Hearts for Kindergarten
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:38 pm
by NicoleLop
We started LHFHG for DD's K year last week and so far we LOVE it. We're going full speed, but doing 4 day weeks because we go to a co-op on Thursdays. Even at full speed, it's only taking 1.5-2 hours per day at the most so far. I love the way it's organized because DD doesn't have a chance to get bored before it's time to move on to something else.
Re: Little Hearts for Kindergarten
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:35 pm
by beandip71
I used Little Hearts for K with both of my kiddos and it went very well. I went full speed and that worked fine for both of them.
Re: Little Hearts for Kindergarten
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:51 pm
by moedertje
Hi Heather,
I have used LHFHG once with my oldest ds when he was 5, and I am getting ready to use it starting at half pace with my ds of 5 for Kindergarten in Jan. We take breaks when they fit in. Summer is too hot in Florida so we are taking a month off in October this year, my best friend is having a baby that month
and we stay on track with the guides with our kiddo's!
You can always start at half pace and pick up speed if you notice that they can handle it. I did that with LHTH last year and we are not finished with it yet. I don't worry too much anymore
about what grade I use the guides in.
Carrie has done a great job at making it span the different ages.
Most Mom's are finding that the boys do great being at the middle to end range and the girls beginning to middle range! (There are always exceptions to the rule).
As you combine your kiddo's you may notice that your ds might need more than your dd who is about 2 years younger, you can always do the extensions in the older guides. It's been a difficult road for me to learn to relax and let the kiddo's have fun and not to have the "classic school syndrome". They are all so different and it's important that they have some structure and learn that school has to be done, however if you notice that it is a struggle you just adapt it to make it fit for your family.
You can start all the manuals at half pace and try to achieve having your daughter be 7 by the time you start "Bigger".
Success with your planning or "unplanning" and have fun with LHFHG this year.
Re: Little Hearts for Kindergarten
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:35 am
by my3sons
We did LHFHG for our kindergarten program and loved it!
My ds did the left side of the plans with me, played for around 45 minutes to get his wiggles out (he has a lot of wiggles to get out
), and then finished the right side of the plans with me. Halfway through the year, we switched to doing it all in a row because he was ready for it then.
I think you'd love LHFHG!
In Christ,
Re: Little Hearts for Kindergarten
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:03 am
by Happy2bMommyof3
Thank you all for your replies and encouragement! I have a bit more confidence now. Funny how I am so sure of what we are going to need to do, but then when it comes time to order I start second guessing!
Thanks again ladies!
Re: Little Hearts for Kindergarten
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:05 pm
by mommadonna
Hi Heather,
I am doing LHFHG for k with my almost 6 yo son. We started just this week and he is doing great! We are really enjoying it. The first couple of days we did go half pace...we just did the left side one day and the right side the next, but today we went ahead and did the full day and it went equally as well. He wants to do storytime everyday, so full speed is just easier for now. We are also doing lhth with my 3 yo daughter, so he actulally does all the stuff for that as well. This may sound like overload, but really its not. He needs a little more work on his letter sounds and recognition, so its good for him to go through it with us. I think its a great choice for squirmy little boys, bc it is broken down in very doable little bits, just about 5 or 10 minutes and we are moving on to something else! It is really going so much better than I expected! HTH
Re: Little Hearts for Kindergarten
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:06 pm
by mommadonna
SO FUNNY!...My son is Noah also!