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Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:01 am
by blessedmomof4
Hi ladies-I think it was on this board once upon a time that someone shared a housework calendar/organizer that is available online for download purchase-I had been using it before and it was a big help because it was so simple! But I had it on my old computer whcih crashed and never wrote down the website-anyone remember this?

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:12 am
by blessedmomof4
Oh never mind, I found it, LOL. It is Motivated Moms. I have never found another organizer so doable for me-others leave me overwhelmed and overtaxed!

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:21 am
by NicoleLop
Yes! I started using this a couple months ago and LOVE it.

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:22 am
by Mom2Monkeys
Love that too! It's fantastic! :D

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:42 pm
by tbarr12
Just looked at the Motivated Moms web-site. Does this include a way to schedule chores for your kids? If not, what do some of you use? I have used Managers of their Homes, and need to make a new one for the fall, but it always makes me feel overwhelmed, so wondered if there's anything easier out there.

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:28 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
I assign chores from the Motivated Moms List. Everyone makes their own beds, lays out their own clothes, and we share in meal clean up (we call it our table jobs). Everyone, including my 3yo, clears their own dishes and places them on the counter. For the most part, we share in everything from laundry to bathrooms. As an example, after meals: DS3 picks up trash from the floor and table, DS6 picks up food from the floor and table and dust busts underneath. DD9 rinses the dishes (just the ones we ate off of) and puts them in the dishwasher if it's open and she wipes the table and chairs. I do the big sweep, counters, and cooking dishes. Everything else is dished out based on ability.
I just stick to the chart as much as I can! It's easier on me and them. In the past, I've used a different color hi-liter for each child and hi-lite their chores for the day, as well as mine. Ones we all do (making bed, etc.) I leave white.

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:14 pm
by MistyP
I've used Motivated Moms before. I like the highlighter idea; except I just spend a huge amount of time making up chore cards for the kids and got them laminated today! :lol:

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:49 pm
by MamaPajama
I know it's not what you've asked for, but in our house I do my "have-tos" daily (dishes, one or two loads of laundry, pick up toys, etc.) and then the kids and I clean one or two rooms a day from top to bottom (or at least pretty darn good if time is an issue). I just made a table to schedule which room comes on which day. It's easy and free, and no room in my house goes uncleaned for over a week. :)

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:55 pm
by blessedmomof4
Thanks to everyone. I am at a point where the children's participation in household chores has fallen off, and I remember that when I had this before, it helped me keep track of chores to assign them, and the lists and checkboxes seemed to motivate them to keep it up. I sure need some organization and help with the new one on the way :)

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:43 am
by mom24boys
So I definitely need help in this area so I'm going to give it a try. I just bought it off their site. It's on sale for $4 right now. I searched the internet and there is a coupon code for $1 off. So if you're in the market, you can get it for $3. When I downloaded I got the whole year still. HTH. :D

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:59 am
by mskogen
Thanks Cyndi for the coupon...for $3 I think I will give it a try too!

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:25 am
by Mumkins
I made something like that up in excel for myself that I use to use. I like the idea of it. But it seems weird to have someone else saying what to do, when. Maybe there's stuff missing or too much stuff I don't have.

Do any of you find that problem?

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:51 am
by blessedmomof4
Mumkins, I'm excel illiterate, lol! And I would probably put too much in for one day and wind up overwhelmed and defeated. I wish I were organized enough to make my own list. The chores are basic, and yet, yes, I need the reminders-clean the toliets, vaccuum bedrooms/upstairs, empty trash...for something I don't have I substitute, such as "sweep porch"-we don't have a porch, but we do have a driveway and front step, so I can change it to that instead. :) I kind of look at it as my HOD for housework! I wish I had known about the $1 coupon, I already bought it for $4, but for me it's worth it :) With 4 kids ranging in ages from 10 to 17, it makes it easy for me to assign chores.

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:12 pm
by Samuel'sMommy
I know it's not what you've asked for, but in our house I do my "have-tos" daily (dishes, one or two loads of laundry, pick up toys, etc.) and then the kids and I clean one or two rooms a day from top to bottom (or at least pretty darn good if time is an issue). I just made a table to schedule which room comes on which day. It's easy and free, and no room in my house goes uncleaned for over a week. :)
I kind of do the same thing. I typed a list in word for everything that needs to be done each day of the week. Then I just put each page in a notebook in a page protector. I can flip to the appropriate page each day and just check off things with a dry erase marker as I do them. At the beginning of the week, I just erase and start over. I also made a quarterly list of things that need to be done in each room that I don't do every week - like deep clean the fridge, clean out cabinets, go through my son's toys, etc and added them to the bottom of each day. There is enough on there that I can just do one extra thing a week and all my deep cleaning gets done regularly. I have mine set up like this:

Mondays - I have Bible study and then we go to the library and run errands so there's not any cleaning other than routine stuff like loading the dishwasher and doing a load of clothes.

Tuesdays - Clean our living room, dining room, and kitchen (it's all one big room) I have the actual stuff more detailed on my list and as Samuel gets older I will give him one or two things in each room to help with like dusting or something like that

Wednesdays - Clean the bedrooms

Thursdays - Clean the bathrooms

Fridays - Plan for the next week of school and catch up on cleaning

It's free and if anyone wants my lists to get an idea I'll be happy to email them to you

Re: Off topic-housework calendar

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:32 pm
by eachlee
I don't really have a calendar that I use regularly. I was using the Just Mommies calendar, but I struggle with doing things on Saturday (which is family time) and Sunday (the Sabbath). So as much as I'd love to just buy a calendar, I get frustrated with how much extra I have to do on Monday or Friday to make up for what I've missed on the weekends. Does anyone else struggle with this?