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LHFHG questions

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:39 pm
by NicoleLop
I know that since we all start the guides at different times of the year it's basically impossible to incorporate holidays into them, so for those of you who have used LHFHG and HOD in general, what kind of fun things did you do for big holidays like Christmas, Easter, etc.? Since it will be DD's Kindergarten year (we start school next week) I want to do special celebrations, crafts, units, etc. We will also be participating in a co-op though, so maybe that will be enough?

And an unrelated question- We've already done some work in The Reading Lesson this summer and she's sailing right through it, so if she continues at this pace we may possible finish phonics a bit early. She can read Level One Bob Books right now. If we go ahead and start the ER's in the Beyond guide a few weeks early, I'm just wondering how many weeks would we spend on just The Early Reader's Bible? I hope that makes sense!

Re: LHFHG questions

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:33 pm
by MistyP
I TRIED to hold my 5 yo off on the ER's last year....I got easy readers from the library; we went through Little Bear books, etc., but I finally gave up! :lol: :lol: She was pretty proud to be starting "First Grade" books that her older sister had just done that year!
Beyond has the Early Reader's Bible scheduled for 9 units. I am thinking we took a little longer with my 6 yo last year; but I don't remember why.....

Re: LHFHG questions

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:38 pm
by NicoleLop
Oh good! We already have that Bible so it's good to know that if we do end up starting ER's a little early I'll only need to buy the Beyond guide for now.

Re: LHFHG questions

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:53 pm
by MistyP
NicoleLop wrote:Oh good! We already have that Bible so it's good to know that if we do end up starting ER's a little early I'll only need to buy the Beyond guide for now.
Really you wouldn;t need the Beyond guide for the Early Reader Bible because it has the questions at the end of each story :D

My oldest DD loved the ER's last year and my second one is looking forward to them this year!

Re: LHFHG questions

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:19 pm
by moedertje
When I noticed my ds was ready to begin in the middle of the year, I started him off with the Early Readers Bible, he loved it so much he wanted to use it for his devotions even on the weekends! We just did the questions afterward. After he was done, he started with the Beginner's Bible for his devotional time :!: and we just started the ER at the same time on unit 10.
If you dc loves to read real books, you may want to be on the look out for some of the Supplemental titles, they have been read over and over and my house!
Success and enjoy the journey! :D

Re: LHFHG questions

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:05 am
by countrymom
For holidays you can go to the library (most libraries have the holiday books separated in the children's part) and get some books. They you can go to the internet for craft ideas. That is what we have done. I haven't always done a lot, but have at least made sure we read some books and acknowledged the holiday.

Re: LHFHG questions

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:13 am
by MomtoJGJE
For the week before smaller holidays (Valentine's Day, July 4th, etc.) we'll read books, I'll tell them stories, and we'll do crafts from the internet or that I remember from when I was little.

For larger holidays (Christmas, Easter, etc.) we'll do about a month of reading and crafts... including food...

Re: LHFHG questions

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:25 am
by jenntracy
We started in the middle of LHFHG with the ER. Just followed the schedule and it didn't take any longer with it.
We used The Beginners BIble b/c we already had it and love it. So we did get the Beyond guide for the questions in the back.

We take off from Thanksgiving til New Years Day. I don't think you will have to come with too much for the holidays. It seems there are plenty of holiday things that come up and we can't do them all. We will usually do some kind of special craft. I especially like to get in a fall one with October and something around Thanksgiving. Christmas seems to overshadow these other great times of the year. Thansksgiving especially, in my book, anyway. I think it is important to teach children WHY our country was founded to begin with . Also my son' b-day is the 29th of October and so to help it stand away from celebrating Halloween (our church has special festival instead) we try to do some special activity. Oh and like countrymom said, books too. That is really fun ,b/c we don't read holiday books year round so it makes it special. Even i still learn things :)
My kids can really only handle one major craft, activity for each holiday or we can overdue it.
At Christmas we do , do a thing where we hang up hershey kisses (or other special treat)for each day leading up to Christmas. They have to give me (or dad) a kiss to get their "kiss". then we go to the advent calender with magnets and put that days magnet up to create the nativity scene.
They really like both of those things.
OH have fun....
Jenn D.

Re: LHFHG questions

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:17 am
by my3sons
My early readers did the Early Reader's Bible and then also the Beginner's Bible along with the rest of the ERS. Doing both Bibles added 9 weeks to the ERS, and that was perfect for our sons since they started it so early. Plus, then you begin with the Early Reader's Bible since the questions are right in there, and after that you can get the ERS with the Beginner's Bible, and getting the package will save you about $12, so you're pretty much getting the Bible for free (or for around $5 I think). HTH! :D

In Christ,