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O/T-Prayers please! UPDATED!!!!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:21 am
by 3sweeties
Just wanted to ask you wonderful ladies to pray for us this week. I found out last Friday that my little guy suddenly turned BREECH!

I am 36.5 weeks, so I have the options of seeing if he flips on his own (which if he doesn't it would be a scheduled c-section) or going in for an external version later this week or beginning of next. There are some risks to the version, one of which is that I have an anterior placenta and if there are complications with it, it would be an emergency c-section right then and there. DH and I have been praying and praying about what to do and I still don't feel complete clarity/guidance, although I am leaning away from doing the version. All this to say, I have never had surgery in my life, so a c-section is very scary to me! I am going to the chiropractor to loosen up my ligaments and see if he'll flip on his own and doing exercises to encourage him also. I go back to the OB tomorrow to see if he has flipped again. I couldn't tell that he flipped head-up last week, so I figure if he did by now I couldn't tell either!
I would really appreciate your prayers and that God would make it clear what is best for our little guy! Thanks so much!
Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:45 am
by momtofive
Doing the version sounds dangerous. Just try to relax and be calm.

( I know, easy for me to say!) You are doing everything that you can to help the situation, and now comes the part where you let God do the hard work! He knows our yesterdays and our tomorrows. And He has the best in mind for you and your precious little one. Even if you have to do the c-section, He will be there with you, and help you. Lean on Him now, and have peace in knowing He'll take care of you! I'll be praying for you and your sweet baby, and that God would give you clarity in making this decision, and peace during this time.
In Christ,
Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:09 am
by 3boysandagirl
I worked in an OB unit for 5 years as a surgery tech, the Version is scary, but it has a pretty good success rate. If your baby doesn't turn by himself I would definitely discuss the version very seriously with your OB. Make sure you question him or her about everything, his or hers personal success rate, their feelings on a breech birth. Is it a frank breech(butt first) or feet first, does any doctor in the practice do breech births. I am lifting you up in prayer, I know God has you in the palm of his hand. Bathe the situation in prayer and He will show you the direction you should go.
Praying for you,
Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:35 am
by GinainMD
Praying for you today!
Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:29 pm
by christyg
Hi 3sweeties! I just said a prayer for you!

I have 2 kiddos. My 2nd (little boy) was frank breech (rear end first

) for the whole last trimester. I wound up having to have a C-section, but it went fine. Our doctor joked with us about how stubborn that baby was being in not turning, and he is still the most stubborn little stinker!

I know that either situation is scary, but, just remember that God is in control and He knows what is best for you and your sweet baby!

Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:31 pm
by Kathleen
Praying for you Jessica! I have had tons of dreams this time that my little guy does this! (Probably because, like you, the thought of surgery is not appealing...) Our baby is due soon, too - during the busiest season for my husband and his family on the farm, and my mom has passed away so she won't be around to help. So, I feel like I NEED the quick recovery I've had with all my other kids' births.
It seems that during this pregnancy, I have been constantly reminded of the blessing it is to live at a time when we have so much help medically (and are not giving birth on the frontier)! Praying that God gives you peace (and wisdom in the next few days) - and that He blesses you with the Dr.'s there to help deliver you & your baby boy safely!!

Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:18 pm
by MamaPajama
Just wanted to chime in that I've had 3 c-sections and this will be my 4th. I know it's not ideal, but it's not as scary as you'd think. I'm praying for you that you don't have to experience that, but if you do, please don't be afraid! Praying for God's guidance.
Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:19 pm
by Sue G in PA
You have a few options besides a version (which I had done successfully with my first child and it was PAINFUL). Try this website: for some helpful techniques in turning a breech. You can also visit a chiropractor familiar with the Webster Maneuver. I had this done with my 3rd child. Simple, painless, manipulation and high success rate. You still have time. If the techniques on the website do not work and you cannot find a chiro familiar with the Webster Man. then I would consider the version. Painful, but effective in most cases. Praying for you!
Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:31 pm
by mamayi
Praying for you too.
Been there with two of my children and both turned on their own.
I'll just echo what the other ladies have said, that God has you in the palm of His hand and to rest in Him.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.
And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus."
Blessings to you.
Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:00 pm
by Heather4Him
Praying for you and your baby, Jessica!
Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:46 pm
by 3sweeties
Thank you sooooo much for your prayers today, ladies! I have been feeling more at peace with all of this and I know your prayers have made that difference!

I will let you know later tomorrow what the doctor says. Baby has been moving around like crazy today, but I still can't tell if he is in a different position or not!

Again, thank you for caring and for your words of encouragement!
Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:09 am
by water2wine
Praying for you! I don't know anything about rotating a baby but I have had two c-sections and they are not such a huge deal if you have to have one. Praying for God to put His hand on this pregnancy and how you welcome your sweet baby.

Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:56 pm
by 3sweeties
PRAISE GOD!!!! Just wanted you ladies to know that baby boy FLIPPED (I think in the middle of the night last night) and was head down and looking good this morning on ultrasound!

I am so vey thankful and feel like a load has been lifted! Thank you, again, for all your precious prayers and encouragement!
Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:00 pm
by MamaPajama
3sweeties wrote:PRAISE GOD!!!! Just wanted you ladies to know that baby boy FLIPPED (I think in the middle of the night last night) and was head down and looking good this morning on ultrasound!

I am so vey thankful and feel like a load has been lifted! Thank you, again, for all your precious prayers and encouragement!
That's wonderful news! God provides!
Re: O/T-Prayers please!
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:01 pm
by 3boysandagirl
How wonderful!!! I will continue to pray that that little boy stays head down until delivery day. I noticed that due date is my daughters bday. August 11 is my daughters and August 8th is my youngest son. It's so difficult to be pregnant in the summer anyway, praying you don't have any more worries.