Ha! Your winter and spring sound a LOT like ours, except instead of having a newborn we found out we're expecting again (due in Oct)...quite a surprise (but a joyful one!) and then of course the fatigue and ill feelings, both of which got us off track for a while. We did continue with the basics, but after a move in the fall we were already 'behind' in math too, so I understand the feeling. Besides the baby's imminent arrival, we have another move (and home to find) in the fall as well...so we expect more interruptions in our schedule/schooling/life in general. Right now we are continuing with the basics (we tend to year-round school, which helps us to stay 'caught up' some) and will start our new school year in August. We are doing a short unit study beginning Monday (not HOD). We will take several weeks break after September for the baby's birth, our move, and the holidays, although the kids will continue in math, english, and other basics.
Anyway, these are my thoughts concerning your situation...I would continue with where you left off. All of the programs you have are great programs! Your oldest...will he/she still fit into
RTR once you complete
CTC, esp. if you add extensions? The 11 yo dc in
Bigger... I would say is not ready for
Preparing... if "lots of hand-holding" is needed, as
Preparing... has even more independent work than
Bigger...and with 4 children to school plus a newborn I don't think you have a lot of time for that! If this dc wants 'more work' you could always order the extensions for
Bigger...and have him/her go through those as additional work, and if you do that you could also have dc 9 do them if desired or necessary. Another consideration is that if you put dc 11 into
Preparing... then you'll be doing 4 separate programs instead of just the 3 you're doing now....I don't think I could do it. Your 5 yo you said you would not change, so that's great. I'm just thinking that you're already doing 3 programs and trying to acclimate to a new baby. I wouldn't worry with trying to order new things or add another program to the mix....just begin where you left off and enjoy the rest of the time in those programs. I think you will love them, and learn so much! But, you know best if your dc need more...just my humble opinion.
HTH I'm sure others will be along with their suggestions as well.