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Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:28 pm
by inHistiming
I just completed our portfolios for our school year, and that made me wonder how others store or keep track of their dc's work for each year. I know requirements vary from state to state, but would you all mind sharing how you do this?

In Florida, we must keep a portfolio of each child's work for two years, which must also include a list of books used and a daily log. I placed the work, the log, and list of books for each child in one large binder (per child). I arranged everything in order by subject: Language Arts, Math, Science, History, etc. Very simple....hoping to get a bit more creative for next year. Can't wait to hear ideas or even see pictures of how others do this! :) Please share.

Re: Record-keeping

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:55 pm
by NicoleLop
I would love to see some input on this as well. We're also in FL and this will be our first official year homeschooling (we just purchased LHFHG).

Re: Record-keeping

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:47 pm
by mom24boys
Me three! :D We're in Florida and this is going to be our first year. We're doing LHFHG for ds5 and ds6.5 with some of the right side of Beyond (for ds6.5).

Re: Record-keeping

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:00 am
by my3sons
inHistiming wrote:I just completed our portfolios for our school year, and that made me wonder how others store or keep track of their dc's work for each year. I know requirements vary from state to state, but would you all mind sharing how you do this?

In Florida, we must keep a portfolio of each child's work for two years, which must also include a list of books used and a daily log. I placed the work, the log, and list of books for each child in one large binder (per child). I arranged everything in order by subject: Language Arts, Math, Science, History, etc. Very simple....hoping to get a bit more creative for next year. Can't wait to hear ideas or even see pictures of how others do this! :) Please share.
This is a good question! I think the reason you haven't gotten a lot of responses is many ladies are doing exactly what you are doing already. I know I am (and I'm not even doing as much as you are). :wink: I have a big tub for each child with their binders in it from each year. I do have some dreams of being more creative that I can share! But I have not been able to accomplish these things to date. One thing I wanted to do was make a Shutterfly photobook for each school year, either a family one, or individual ones for each child. I love this idea as each child could see their progress more visually over the years. I also wanted to take the copywork of poems and have them comb-bound at an office type store. I wanted to take their creative writing and do the same. My nephew beat me to it though! Cole took Wyatt's poems he wrote in PHFHG and typed them all, adding photographs to them and giving it as a present to Wyatt once. That was neat! :D I also wanted to have a "looking back and celebrating how far we've come" day, where we got out their older portfolios and looked through them progressively up to date. That always does so much to show how much they've grown in their skills and maturity. BUT, I have not gotten any of these things done. If you try any of them or think of anything else to try, be sure to let me know! For now, I've had to be happy and content with just getting the portfolio done each year - blessedly, HOD makes even that small effort on my part look good. :D

In Christ,