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OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:56 pm
by psreit
I hope it's okay to post this. There probably aren't many here with adult children, so some may not understand how important this is. My dd(22) arrived in Mexico Thursday for an 8 day mission trip. I would like prayer, not only for her safety, but also that this trip would be a life changing time for her. She has desired to take a mission trip for a long time and the Lord has now made it possible. After high school, dd received 3 good, solid years of Bible training at a small Bible college. I know those years were life changing for her. She definitely had a heart for serving God. I know she still does.

Naturally a girl dd's age is anxious to find a mate. Many of us may have already been married before this age. She has an impulsive nature, which is obviously not always a good trait to have. Without giving too much detail, I will just say that a certain young man has captured her attention here at home. As this relationship has continued and gotten somewhat on the serious side, we have become concerned, because it appears this young man is not one who would be a strong spiritual leader. In fact, his priorities are primarily work and worldly pleasures. I know dd wants to serve the Lord and live a Godly Christian life, but this relationship has somewhat taken her focus from those spiritual goals in her life. She knows things aren't the way they should be with him spiritually, and she did mention to me recently that this time away will be a time of evaluation as far as he is concerned.

Please pray that our precious dd will have clear direction from the Lord about what His will is for her and that she will make the right decision concerning this relationship. She has so much potential in the Lord's service and we just don't want to see her make a decision that would limit what He could do with her. When dc become adults, we can only encourage them and trust they will make good decisions based on what they have been taught growing up.

As (human) parents, we look back and think about all the things we wish we would have done differently. I am very thankful that our 3 older children have the desire to serve the Lord, but I also know how the fleshly desires can take over and cloud a person's judgment. Satan wants our children, and we need to continually strive to teach them what is right from God's Word. God has blessed us by giving us another child to raise for His glory, and I can only keep saying over and over again how thankful I am to have HOD as a resource for training dd(7) in the way she should go. It's getting harder and harder to keep dc from the influences of this world. Even our churches are being infiltrated with Satan's worldly devices. Our government is trying to control our families. Children are controlling parents. Having raised three and now basically starting over, it is SO different. All I can say is that we, as parents, need to be committed to raising up a Godly generation, not compromising to fit in with this world. I know prayer is the most important part in this process and I am committing to be stronger in this area. An evangelist at our church recently said that committing to live our lives to the Lord and what He wants for us is all that matters. I wholeheartedly agree! We are in the midst of a materialistic and worldly minded society. We need to remember our purpose as the children of God and instill His purpose into our children if we desire to see them live out His will for their lives. Sorry this got lengthy, but I wanted to share my heart :)

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:17 pm
by FiveLittlePeaches
I'm praying for your daughter.


Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:44 pm
by mskogen
I completely agree. Joining you in prayer for the Lord to reveal wonderful things to your daugther.

Thank you for sharing your heart. It is very encouraging to hear others that feel the same.

Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:19 pm
by shaffer96
I am praying for your daughter also! I will be praying that she can hear God clearly as she seeks His plan for her future mate. Its such a huge decision!

Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:51 pm
by Heather4Him
Praying for your precious dd! How wonderful that she has such a heart to serve the Lord. :)

Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:33 am
by my3sons
I am praying as well!
Love in Christ,

Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:11 pm
by water2wine
Saying a prayer for your daughter! :D

Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:34 pm
by SillyMamaLuvsU
Agreeing with you in prayer.

Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:11 pm
by mamayi
Praying for your dear daughter.

Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:51 pm
by Matt'sMom
I am praying for your entire family. Please remember that God uses all situations for his good. He could be using your daughter to draw this young man's heart to Him. This could have been me and my husband 33 years ago. He was a believer but not very dedicated and definatly drawn to the ways of the world. He know says that our relationship is what brought him to an understanding of belonging and living for the Lord. I too have grown children and a young one at home. (ranging from 31 yrs to 10 yrs) We have been through a lot of friendships and "love" interest in this house!!! Something hard that God has taught me is that instead of always praying that people be removed from influncing my children's lives I should pray that the people would be drawn to him and have a better understanding of who he is and what it means to have a relationship with him because they have known us. I know there are times we should protect or kids from unhealthy relationships and I am willing to do this. so I guess I said all that to say stay open to God's leading and pray, pray, pray. God bless you and your dd.


Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:34 pm
by sw1ssm1ss
Durea, thank you for sharing what you did. I was thinking something along the same lines as well, but it was hard to put it into the right words.

Still praying for her and him, prseit.

Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:34 pm
by psreit
Thank you to all who are praying. I know God can change J's heart. That is why I actually encouraged this relationship in the beginning, even when other dear Christian friends were encouraging dd to break it off. This past month or so, I have really become concerned that he is not showing signs of growing closer to the Lord. in fact in some ways he seems to be moving a little in the other direction, or, at best, staying like he was. Just pray that dd makes her decision based on God's will and not on her emotions. She has struggled with knowing exactly where God wants her. If she decides this relationship is not God's will, she needs something to replace it.

DD is returning from her mission trip to Mexico as I write this. She and a friend are traveling with another family. She text her sister and said that bridges and roads were washed out, so they had to backtrack several hours to find a good road and a motel(which they were having difficulty finding) in Mexico. They had planned to spend the night in Texas and then my dd and her friend would fly the rest of the way north tomorrow. Pray that they don't miss their flight on Friday.

Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:15 am
by psreit
DD is back in the states from her trip to Mexico. I talked to her a little bit over the phone and I can tell she is really trying to find her place. I think this trip was a good spiritual boost for her, but she is still struggling with making decisions about a job, a church, just knowing if God wants her to stay here or go to some other place to serve. Please pray for specific guidance in those areas. As far as her other relationship, she seems to be keeping her mind open and realizing this may not be what God wants for her. Pray for the Lord's guidance in making the right choice in that area. She will be spending a few days in Michigan with her sister-in-law, while my son is on a church-planting survey trip with other pastors. My daughter-in-law has really been concerned and praying for dd. Please pray that this time spent together would help to give dd some direction, and for wisdom as my dh and I discuss these things with her when she comes home in a week.

Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:02 am
by tnahid
Lifting up your daughter now to her heavenly Father. Remember He loves her more than we can ever think or imagine. He has his hand upon her life no matter what and will never leave or forsake her. She sounds like such a joy of a daughter to have, but she must truly find her way. Even in our mistakes our Father turns them around for our good in so many ways.


Re: OT:Prayer Request - Training our chldren

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:25 pm
by psreit
Thanks Tina and all who replied. Yes, dd is a joy to have around. She keeps things lively. Our adopted dd(7) just adores her. I didn't know how long she would stick around here after she graduated from college last year. It has been nice having her here, but I know the time is coming when she will leave home. She is back from her mission trip to Mexico, but is still out of state visiting friends. I'm detecting from talks on the phone that she is questioning decisions she had made concerning a job. She was to begin a different job in August, but is not sure she should take it now. I think being away got her thinking about doing something else again. She just really needs direction and confidence about decisions that she does make. We haven't talked too much about her relationship with J, but I think she is realizing that it may not be where she should be. So, she still needs much prayer to make decisions. It is so hard to know sometimes what the best choice would be. I often said, Wouldn't it be nice if God would write the answer in the sky? :wink: