So we compared CLE and R&S English. . .

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So we compared CLE and R&S English. . .

Post by birchbark » Fri May 28, 2010 4:11 pm

DS and I spent the last few weeks trying out both CLE and R&S for grammar. I had heard great reports about both programs, and didn't know what I wanted to use next year with CTC. So I thought I would try out both and see which worked better for DS and I.

I really thought CLE would win out; certainly the workbook and spiral format would be easier for DS and I was drawn to the idea of more independent learning so as to have more time with my littles. But after road-testing, this is what we discovered: I was actually spending MORE time doing CLE. Going over all his work and then explaining where he went wrong got time-consuming and I realized that I was just doing my teaching after the fact rather than before. :) When we did R&S the HoD-recommended way (most of the lesson orally and on the markerboard with just a few exercises on paper), it was fast and smooth and well-absorbed. :) DS at first said he liked the workbook, but after correcting it with me for a few sessions he sighed and said, "I guess I like the yellow grammar better, Mom."

Another thing I noticed is that his handwriting got pretty sloppy on the single lines in the workbook. It stayed nicer on notebook paper.

So if any of you are unsure about R&S, give it a try before you knock it. HoD really does have great recommendations. :D
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Re: So we compared CLE and R&S English. . .

Post by Himfirst01 » Fri May 28, 2010 10:03 pm

Thanks so much! Planning to make the switch as well. (From BJU) Anxious to see how it goes for us.

Sidenote: I am LOVING the looks of CTC. We will be doing it this fall, also. And, we get the wonderful priviledge to go to Rome in a few weeks! What awesome timing!

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Re: So we compared CLE and R&S English. . .

Post by my3sons » Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:37 am

Birchbark - thank you for this comparison, as many moms are in the same boat of trying to choose a grammar, and this is so very helpful! :D We also enjoy R & S English, and HOD's recommendation of doing it largely orally is a part of why we enjoy it so much as well. It is such a solid English program, and Christ-centered as well. Thanks for sharing this here! :D
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Re: So we compared CLE and R&S English. . .

Post by Carrie » Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:16 pm


Thanks for posting about your trial run. :D I found the same thing to be true when using various other grammar programs, before we made the switch to Rod and Staff with my oldest. I usually ended up teaching the lesson after the fact (if he missed some things in his workbook). I also found his lessons went longer with a workbook style grammar and that his retention wasn't always there. We've enjoyed the switch to Rod and Staff and have seen amazing retention and great results in our kiddos written work too. :D


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