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Box Day!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:50 am
by Cindie2dds
I got all my books in for Beyond in the mail this morning. Can I tell you, Juliette squealed and ran off with two of her reader books! She is so excited about American History and "back then" this year. :D

Re: Box Day!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:15 am
by Debbie
I love box day too! :wink: That is so cute that your daughter is so excited, keep up the good work.

Re: Box Day!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:28 am
by cocomimilily
That is so cute! We just got ours over the last 2 days (3 boxes!!!) and I don't know who is more exciteed me or the girls! I had to make them promise me not to read any!

Re: Box Day!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 7:08 pm
by 3boysandagirl
I got my RTR box a few days ago, it is so great. I love new books. I can't wait for the Notebooking pages and the TM.

Re: Box Day!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 7:24 pm
by Cindie2dds
You're right. The hard part is when I follow behind her saying, "Sweetie, it's scheduled in Mommy's lovely guide for two months from now. We have to wait until then." She turned around, looked at me :shock: and said, "You don't want me to read?" My eloquent answer was, "Um....." I quickly picked another reader off the shelf; she was happy, I was happy and my schedule was safe. :lol: Then I had a big belly laugh at myself and took the girls to the dentist.... that's a whole other event. On my blog, if you're interested.

Re: Box Day!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 8:27 pm
by Carrie
How cute! I'm so glad that you have your box already and that your little sweetie is excited! :D I'm also glad that your books are safely tucked away! :lol:
