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Anyone starting LHTH this summer?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:42 pm
by laurabelle1317
Will anyone be starting Little Hands to Heaven this summer? We plan to start it probably in June. We live in FL and it is having some fun indoor things to do and learn about through the summer is fine by me!


Re: Anyone starting LHTH this summer?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:29 pm
by tkeller
We just started our second time through LHTH last week! We are having a lot of fun with it even though we've already been through it last year. Have fun!

Re: Anyone starting LHTH this summer?

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 10:18 am
by Kathleen
I'm now 4 units into LHTH with Garret (who tagged along last year when his big sis did it). We're going to be taking a summer break starting this next week and will pick it back up in August.

You're going to have FUN with it in your house, I'm sure! :D I love that I can make fun memories with my kids, teach them about the Lord, and help them learn all the other necessary skills so easily with LHTH. They LOVE school and don't like it if I skip it. :wink:

:D Kathleen

Re: Anyone starting LHTH this summer?

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 10:42 am
by Busymomma1
We recently started and finished up Unit 3. My little guy loves it! I'm debating continuing with him this summer, as it is so easy to do! I'm sure you'll have fun.

Re: Anyone starting LHTH this summer?

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 12:16 pm
by MamaPajama
We'll be starting probably in late July or early August. I want to get at least a month in pre-baby so that we can take some time off of school guilt-free when he is born. :) It sounds like lots of fun! My DD was looking through the catalog with me yesterday and got so excited when she saw the Bible they use in her Sunday School class in there. It's the one I'll be getting her next year, though. Anyway, she's definitely looking forward to doing real school.

Re: Anyone starting LHTH this summer?

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 10:31 am
by my3sons
We started last year and had a blast, but are taking a break for summer. That's our nice outdoor season! I love doing school during the less opportune for outdoor play seasons. It's fun to be inside enjoying school together rather than outside when it's nasty weather. Sounds like you picked the perfect time for where you live to enjoy LHTH indoors together! We loved our time in LHTH and will enjoy picking it back up after our summer break. Have a good time with it in the cool of your A/C! :D :D :D

In Christ,

Re: Anyone starting LHTH this summer?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 11:05 am
by blessedwith2
Hi Laura! (Is this the Laura from the Curriculum Expo at Crossroads?) We are doing LHTH half-speed through the summer. It will be our second time going thru it (first time with our now 3 year old) and we are really looking forward to it. Big sis will be participating, too, just for fun, because she just LOVES all the Bible stories. :)

I agree with you about the Florida heat! LHTH will give you some GREAT learning activities to do that are so fun, your little sweetie won't even realize he's "doing school." Hope to see you on the "weekly check-ins" over the summer!

God bless!


Re: Anyone starting LHTH this summer?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 11:47 am
by laurabelle1317
H Delia!

Yes, this is the Laura from the curriculum expo! Nice to "see" you here! Great to hear you will be doing LHTH this summer. We will also be going half speed. It will be fun to touch bases with others that are also going through it at the same time. We have all of our items and my plan is to start in June. Our "Learning Room" will hopefully be finished this month then we can break in the room with LHTH!! When will you be starting LHTH again, if you haven't already? I look forward to reading your updates through the summer too!


Re: Anyone starting LHTH this summer?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 6:28 am
by GinainMD
Hello Everyone! We just started LHTH in March with our just turned 3year old dd. What a blast we are having. I decided to go half speed with LHTH so we will continue over the summer. I used to really look forward to summers off but HOD makes school so enjoyable for my girls and me that it is easy to keep going. Even my bigger girls look forward to LHTH with little sister and often listen in to the stories and jump in on any of the crafts/activities.

Re: Anyone starting LHTH this summer?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:57 pm
by Tracee
We live in FL also and will be starting LHTH. I started LHFHG with my 5 year old about a month ago, and once we get on a roll, I'm going to start my 4 year old twins on LHTH. Isn't summer a great time to homeschool in FL?


Re: Anyone starting LHTH this summer?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 10:29 pm
by laurabelle1317
Yay! Glad to see others starting this summer! I look forward to reading all your adventures about it in the weekly check in! Oh...and I'm planning starting my first ever blog and blogging about our HOD/LHTH adventures! I've already started formatting the blog...but I'll start that in June too when we start LHTH. How fun!
