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Math question

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:43 am
by christyg
Hi ladies! I'm looking ahead to next year (doing Beyond with daughter for 1st grade and Little Hands with son for preschool) and I have a math question. I heard some ladies in our homeschool group discussing math facts the other day at the park. One of them mentioned that kiddos really needed to get their math facts down in 1st grade. So, my question is: Does Singapore 1A/1B cover this or do I need to do something extra like flashcards or copywork? And, if you have to do extra, how many days each week and for how long each day do you do it? Or should I be doing it over the summer before we start Beyond?

Another thing that I just thought of: Do they need to do just addition and subtraction in Beyond, or do they need to do multiplication and division too? Or, is multiplication and division not covered until Bigger?

I would appreciate any advice that you can give. :wink:

Thanks and I hope that you have a blessed day!
Christy :D

Re: Math question

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:56 am
by MomtoJGJE
I don't think when you homeschool they have to learn their math facts in first grade, especially with Singapore math because they actually LEARN the math instead of memorizing facts.

They will do multiplication and division in Beyond.

It's all about different children too... DD1 does not learn in a way that supports her memorizing the math facts, however DD2 and DD3 do and they can already recite a bunch of different addition and subtraction facts that they've never been taught and they are 5 and 3.

Re: Math question

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:42 pm
by Jennifer
Hi. I just wanted to say that this was a question I battled over for a quite awhile. I was use to the drill and kill math programs. I stuck with Singapore, and I am loving the results. My son is 2nd grade and we are in book 2A. He has learned most of his math facts, and any not memorized he can add in his head. I am no longer concerned about him learning his math facts. It really does seem to come naturally when doing Singapore. We do sometimes play math games or do a few flashcards, but that is it. I believe I remember someon on the board saying that if they do not have them memorized by the 3rd grade or so, to practice more. The best thing I found was that since he is truly learning the facts, subtraction is easy. He understands it is the opposite of addition. I think most programs require them to have them memorized in the first grade because the math work is row upon row of math problems to answer over and over again. Singapore is truly a different type of program.

Re: Math question

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:34 pm
by my3sons
Hi there! If you get in on Singapore pretty close to the start, dc seem to commit the facts to memory quite naturally just from the way mental math is presented, both in the HOD hands-on plans and in the Singapore style of doing things. Both of my dc seem to be knowing their addition facts quite well in Singapore 2A, and their subtraction facts quite well in 2B. If they don't, then I'd help them along with it by having them do math flashcards, one set of numbers at a time, i.e all the +0's, then all the +1's, etc. Then combining them as you go. By the time my ds was completing 3B/4A, he seemed to have his multiplication/division facts down well. You are coming into Singapore early enough that it should be just fine! I'd just be sure to do all of the HOD hands-on plans, as well as teach the way Singapore's directions have you explain things, and you'll be set. If your older dd is going to do Singapore 2A/2B, I'd personally get the Bigger Hearts manual for her to do the HOD hands-on math along with the 2A/2B workbooks. If you haven't given your dc the free Singapore math placement test, I'd do that to place them , as it's very accurate. Don't be upset if they test a semester or year below their grade level, as Singapore is commonly thought to be about a year advanced. Here's a link to the placement test, just click on the placement button:

HTH! It think your dc will thrive with Singapore and with all of Beyond - it's a treat to teach from and to learn from! :D

In Christ,