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Hi All :)

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:37 am
by MommyInTraining
Hi Everyone,

I don't think I ever made an announcement here about our new babe.

I will try to send in our story later on, but I wanted to pop in and say howdy!

Our little guy was born on Dec. 29 in our minivan :shock: !

I am glad to be back on the board and I am looking forward to discussing HOD again!

Re: Hi All :)

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:22 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
Congrats!! And I can't help but wonder and laugh about the minivan part. :shock: :lol:

Re: Hi All :)

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:28 pm
by annaz
MommyInTraining wrote:
Our little guy was born on Dec. 29 in our minivan :shock: !

:shock: REALLY? :shock:

Congratulations! :lol:

Re: Hi All :)

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:36 pm
by MommyInTraining
Thanks Tamara!

I hope I have time to share the story soon! That was with 5 other children in the BACK of the minivan...yes, I delivered him in the front seat :lol: !

Congratulations on your new little one also!

How is your dd liking Bigger?

We were supposed to be doing Beyond and Preparing this past year, but it didn't pan out. I am wondering how putting all 3 of the oldest in Bigger would work for us. We did Bigger for a bit in the past, but, ended up not keeping on with it. I really want to have them all in 1 guide (except maybe the littles in LHTH...big sis is doing that with my 4 yo right now).

Re: Hi All :)

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:40 pm
by MommyInTraining
Thanks Annaz!

I think I remember you from years ago on MFW when we were doing Adventures. I think maybe you were using the K program. I think I remember you talking about trying to get your dd to remember the fruits of the Spirit :D !

Then I saw you on here, on WP, on MFW, and now back here at HOD :D !

What program are you using now?

Re: Hi All :)

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:01 pm
by annaz
MommyInTraining wrote:Thanks Annaz!

I think I remember you from years ago on MFW when we were doing Adventures. I think maybe you were using the K program. I think I remember you talking about trying to get your dd to remember the fruits of the Spirit :D !

Then I saw you on here, on WP, on MFW, and now back here at HOD :D !

What program are you using now?
HOLY MOSES! Yes! I did MFW K and yes the fruits of the spirit I think was part of that! Good grief! Can you imagine? I think she was like 5...maybe. we mellow. I had a K-teacher friend that told me dd should be writing letters then. :shock: I don't listen to her anymore. :D I think it was the public school mentality.

So yes, we completed MFWK, HATED MFW 1st, did my own thing, then bought Adventures, but she was too young for it, went back to my own thing, then I did Beyond and ordered WP about 6 months later (that age range was too old for dd), went back to Adventures and meshed it with Beyond. Oh my gosh! You're like the blast from the past! I don't know how you remember that! Curriculum Junkie I am :D (I'm working on changing that, doing pretty good, too.) I'm one of those irritating people who isn't happy unless I try them all then can peacefully go back and choose. :D I so despise that trait in me.

We're finishing Bigger and I already have Preparing!

Okay, so I have to ask....under the location on the birth certificate, what goes there? LOL!

Re: Hi All :)

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:20 pm
by Catherine
Woah! I can't wait to hear that story! :) I *almost* had my 2nd one in the car, but we thankfully made it. We walked through the ER doors and she was born 12 minutes later. Yikes!

Re: Hi All :)

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:01 pm
by Kathleen
Congratulations, Terri! :D It's so good to see you here again.

Being born in a mini-van sounds quite exciting. I'll have to hear that story. :wink: I'm pretty sure that it's something I will never have to worry about with my kiddos! I'm one of those who is in labor FOREVER (unless they give me pitocin). Once I was steadily in labor, Grant was 26 hrs, Allison 27 hrs. With Garret I got some extra pitocin & he was only 6 hrs. MUCH easier (even though he was a BIG boy!)! I think I could have Mike drive me to the east coast & I could still make it without having the baby on the way! :lol:

:D Kathleen

Re: Hi All :)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:15 pm
by my3sons
Congrats on your little one, Terri! :D
In Christ,

Re: Hi All :)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:14 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
MommyInTraining wrote:Thanks Tamara!

I hope I have time to share the story soon! That was with 5 other children in the BACK of the minivan...yes, I delivered him in the front seat :lol: !

Congratulations on your new little one also!

How is your dd liking Bigger?

We were supposed to be doing Beyond and Preparing this past year, but it didn't pan out. I am wondering how putting all 3 of the oldest in Bigger would work for us. We did Bigger for a bit in the past, but, ended up not keeping on with it. I really want to have them all in 1 guide (except maybe the littles in LHTH...big sis is doing that with my 4 yo right now).
I, along with many others, look forward to hearing about it! That must have been quite the experience for your other 5 children!
And thank you for the congrats for my new little one..he's FIVE MONTHS old already and it's just so hard to believe! I hope your little love sleeps like a rock...and SOON! Mine has not yet learned the art of sleeping more than a tad here and there. But he's such a sweetheart. Yours is about 4 months now I see...don't you just love this age?! Those baby smiles can melt the coldest heart.

My DD is absolutely loving Bigger! We finished up Beyond last year and started Bigger this past March/April of 2009 and I got this sinking feeling like it wasn't working...turns out, she just needed some maturing and we are loving everything about now. We're in unit 15 I believe and couldn't be happier! If you wanted to combine, I bet you could find a way if it's at all possible by asking Carrie and Julie :D You might find it easier to keep them separate if their skills are that far apart. I was trying like crazy to combine, but I found when I put them each in their own guide, I was much happier and school was much easier to do. They were happier too. I think having them at the higher end of the ages for the guide to be of great benefit as well. I know you'll be better able to think it through as baby gets older. He's why I was trying to downsize everything, but now the hormone dust has settled and I'm feeling better, so 3 guides is no biggie anymore! It's getting a nap and a shower that is questionable. LOL :lol:

So, how is everyone adjusting to the new little guy? I bet you are as thankful as I am to have HOD to get back into after having a baby. It made homeschooling life so much smoother for us!

Re: Hi All :)

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:09 am
by water2wine
MommyInTraining wrote: Our little guy was born on Dec. 29 in our minivan :shock: !
Terri you live an exciting life. :wink: I guess that is really not slowing down at all when you have a baby on the run like that. :lol: :lol: :lol: Congratulations on your new blessing! :D And welcome back.