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Science supplement

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:00 pm
by stampalot
Which year is best to supplement with Considering God's Creation? We own it and would like to add it in.

Re: Science supplement

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:22 pm
by DHT1999
You can use the units in CGC with any other science curriculum, so I don't think it would matter too much. We just started it this week and are studying plants. We started there because it's spring and the kids are gardening a bit. My oldest son is studying the constellations right now in Preparing so it probably would have made more sense to pull out the unit on the planets and stars. But, I don't think the science in HOD needs any supplementation, so that wasn't my goal. Rather, I just plan to use it alongside whatever else we are doing to fit some nature study in and to encourage my kids to get outside more this spring, before our very hot summer arrives (we live in the South). It looks like it would match up very well with the science in Creation to Christ and part of the next year since those cover alot of natural history but I don't know if you'd have time to use it much, the science in those years is going to be very meaty on its own. I'm really mostly using this for my younger son who is using Little Hearts and will mostly likely be using Beyond Little Hearts next year. He's "old" for the guides and the science is light for him but I know by the time he gets to Bigger Hearts we probably won't be adding anything to HOD at all. There is so much to do without anything extra. You may consider spreading it out and using the units during the summers when you aren't doing HOD (if you take the summer off) or just pulling a unit out when you get to a similiar topic in HOD's science. Just sticking with HOD's science, you will touch on all those units at some time or another (and some multiple times) though it may not all fit in just right within one particular HOD year/guide.

Does that makes sense at all? :D