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R&S English question

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:19 am
by smithdonnajo
Do you recommend using the R&S English tests? ie, their test booklet? I will be using R&S English 3, but am curious about this same question for future levels too.

Donna Jo

Re: R&S English question

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:59 pm
by annaz
I'm not really a test person, so take this for what it's worth...
I'd assume that you would know what your child knows and what he/she doesn't. Save some bucks.

Re: R&S English question

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:06 pm
by deltagal
The tests are not part of HOD's recommendations. It definitely is a matter of personal preference. All HOD recommends are the text and teacher's manual beginning with Rod and Staff 3, with Rod and Staff 2 all you need is the text.

Re: R&S English question

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:39 pm
by my3sons
I think just the teacher's manual and pupil text for R & S is more than enough. :D If I were you, I'd start with those, and if you think you'd like to add to it, I'd add it later. I think you'll find R & S is thorough - very thorough - with just the teacher's manual and pupil text. It's more grammar than I ever had in elementary, and I love grammar! :D I'd be very hesitant about adding more to HOD as it lengthens the day greatly and often means it's tougher to get the rest of the plans done. One of the things I love about HOD is the balance of it. When the balance gets off by things being added and/or detracted, it can mess with the beauty of the balance of it. I'd give it a try as it is, and then add later if your heart is leading you to do so. :D

In Christ,

Re: R&S English question

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:03 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
I already had the whole set of R&S 3, including tests, before we found HOD. I've been using them as a sort of review...not so much as tests. But, we are also in Bigger w/R&S 2 planned while using 3. So we aren't messing w/the written plans when we do a "test", nor are we adding to a grammar lesson. Oddly, my dd has enjoyed them b/c I'll give her a "grade" :wink: which she likes to show off! LOL We don't have to keep grades in my state so I don't do them at all...but she thinks having an A to show to daddy is pretty cool. :D I don't think you need them however, especially at this level.

Re: R&S English question

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:19 pm
by sharonb
My dd is in R&S English 2 this year, and we have been using the tests. We do so much of the regular work orally, that it's nice to have that written record of what she has learned (we have to put together a portfolio for evaluation).

Re: R&S English question

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:25 pm
by Tree House Academy
We do test...but I don't allow my son to "study" before it. I use it purely to make sure he is actually learning the material as he has a near photographic short-term memory and he fools me easily unless I do it this way.

Re: R&S English question

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:29 am
by smithdonnajo
Thank you to all who replied!
And Thank You, Julie for your wonderful comments about being careful about adding to HOD due to time, and having a good balance!
All these comments are so helpful.
I'll try it without the tests.

Donna Jo

Re: R&S English question

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:52 am
by sharonb
Tree House Academy wrote:We do test...but I don't allow my son to "study" before it. I use it purely to make sure he is actually learning the material as he has a near photographic short-term memory and he fools me easily unless I do it this way.
That sounds kind of like my 6yo. I'm planning on using the tests with him too, once he's using R&S English. He learns things very quickly and easily, but sometimes the information doesn't stick around longterm! We are using CLE Math and I love that there are quizzes and tests in each Light Unit, because I've been able to see what he definitely knows, and what we need to work on more.