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Deciding between CTC and RTR

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:24 am
by sted
Hi Carrie or Julie,

What would be the deciding factor between these two programs? I have a daughter 11, turning 12 next Feb. (will be grade 7 next year) who is a very independent reader and writer (has finished Ignite your Writing vol. 1 and 2 this year). She joined her younger sisters with Bigger this year and added the Extensions as well as an Abeka textbook on Am. history just so I could keep them all together. She finished Growing with Grammar 6. She also is finishing the Apologia Botany program fairly independently. She hasn't done Ancients since grade 1 and 2 where we did Story of the World so she could definately benefit from doing CTC especially since it's from a more biblical viewpoint. I guess what I"m saying is probably skill-wise she's ready for RTR but content wise hasn't done CTC so would I be "holding her back" if I stuck with CTC next year? I guess what I'm saying is do you think CTC will be challenging enough for her? Any advice would be appreciated.


Re: Deciding between CTC and RTR

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:21 pm
by Himfirst01
I am anxious to read the response on this as well.

Re: Deciding between CTC and RTR

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:48 am
by Tree House Academy
I would do CTC with extensions (if she needs them). Starting in the middle of the 4 year history cycle at her age may be confusing (especially since she hasn't studied it since grades 1-2). This is just me. My son is doing 6th grade next fall with CTC without the extensions, so I think that adding them, and of course, doing her level for the right side pages will be great. :)

Re: Deciding between CTC and RTR

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:28 pm
by Carrie

Thanks for your patience in hearing back form me! :D From what you've shared, I do think I would lean in the CTC direction as the difference between Bigger and CTC is absolutely huge. So, there will be enough difference to really challenge her. It will also help her to gently move into the notebooking, copying, written narrations on her own, following written directions independently and doing her own projects within CTC before moving into even more independence in RTR. Plus, CTC sets the stage well for RTR. :D Usually, I don't place much weight on the history cycle, but in this case I think she'd really benefit from the time spent in the Ancients prior to doing RTR. My own son was 11 this year doing CTC (and turned 12 in February) and CTC fit him well this year. He is a strong student overall and an excellent reader, and he is thriving with CTC. It definitely isn't too easy for him. :D

You will know your daughter far better than me though, and if you feel she would fit better in RTR then by all means do that instead. The main difference between the two programs is witin the amount and level of the readings in both history and science and the amount of writing required in all assignments (outlining, written narrations and Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons, Bible, plus more in the notebooking). :D There is also more required and expected as far as the level of the independent assignments go in RTR. :D


Re: Deciding between CTC and RTR

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:05 pm
by sted
Thanks so much Carrie. I really value your opinon.


Re: Deciding between CTC and RTR

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:00 pm
by my3sons
So sorry I'm just getting back to you here, Shannon! :? Sick kiddos and preparing for conventions had me snowed under for a bit. :wink: Anyway, I just wanted to say that I view a few of the HOD guides especially as quite important teaching years - or years of important growth for dc I guess - because they set the stage so well for what's to come. Bigger Hearts is one of the guides I view this way, and CTC is another. CTC has some new things in it that require some more independence and maturity. It begins to lay the foundation for a lot of new skills to come. I think starting off on the right foot with a lot of these skills is important, and I view it as a time saver for me in the long run. I put my time in at the start, hold their hand some, teach them what is expected, and then the next year I begin to reap the benefit of that, and then the year after that I let it go and they're on their own with it.

You'll see a lot of this type of cycle of skills in HOD. One example of this is the written narration. It's completely guided in PHFHG, guided at the start in CTC and then the guiding begins to taper off in the last 1/3 of it, and in RTR you just have the tips in the Appendix for it. Within all of these guides, it's taught in conjunction with history. In RTR, you keep this history written narration but it's independent, but then you also add a written narration in the subject of science. This is guided at first in RTR, and you can see where that will be going in the next guides. :wink: Carrie and I have talked at length about this and how it is important children are taught correctly how to do a skill at the onset. We like the 3 year cycle for things, as it allows for things to be gradually handed off to the student and prepares them well for that time when it comes. Because of the legwork we did with it in PHFHG and CTC, we get to just say "write a written narration" in RTR and the dc can do it, and do it well. :D We also have talked at length about dc coming into an HOD guide for the first time and made sure that when dc are asked to be independent with a skill, they are at the age where they can truly be expected to be independent with a skill. So, by RTR - especially if dc are in the upper age range of RTR - they should be able to write a written narration or pick it up fairly well from the Appendix's tips.

Anyway, I think your dd would greatly benefit from doing CTC, and you would reap the benefits of teaching her these skills well first, and then letting go of the teaching of them gradually and enjoying your dd's excellent independent work with these same skills later in the following guides. I hope that helps! :D We've enjoyed CTC so much this year. With only a month or so left, we still love cracking open our books and digging in each day. It's a joy to teach and to learn from - I think you and your dd would have a wonderful year with it. :D

In Christ,

Re: Deciding between CTC and RTR

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:36 pm
by water2wine
I have one in 7th doing CTC. She is a complete book worm and reads well above her grade level. She does do different science and I have her LA and Math at her level but CTC has been wonderful for her. :D She has really enjoyed it. I have her doing the extension and that has been more than enough for her. I think you would find the jump between it and Bigger a huge enough jump for her. That is exactly what we did and it has worked out great for her. I have three that are in 5th doing Preparing and I am glad they had it in between CTC after Bigger but my older child was very well able to handle the jump. Looking at RTR the jump is really very large I would not consider that one after Bigger. I think it would be a bit of a shock in work load. :shock: Anyway just wanted to give you my BTDT. :D

Re: Deciding between CTC and RTR

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:46 am
by MommyMc
This thread has been very helpful to me. After I looked at the sample week for RTR, I thought, "My DD could do that." Reading the placement chart had always left me feeling as though RTR was a better placement for her than CTC. So, I was starting to doubt my choice of CTC with extensions for her. I was doubting if it would be "enough" for a pretty "advanced" seventh grader. I was doubting if it would get her "where she needs to be for high school."

After all of the back and forth I had done with Julie and Carrie, after all of the thought and prayer that I had done, I should have known that it was FINE. This thread adds another bit of confirmation.

Just wanted to add that reading how others choose and where their dc are, really helps when there are questions about doing something "different than the norm."

Several things this past week have also confirmed that it is time for me to split my older two kids up and have them each doing their own work.

I am really looking forward to doing Preparing and CTC next year! :)

Re: Deciding between CTC and RTR

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:32 pm
by my3sons
Anita - I'm glad you are having more peace about your decision now. I do think that the Lord makes clear the path when we pray, in His own time, which is always best. I think you'd enjoy CTC very much, and I think there comes a point when not combining becomes easier than combining, but of course every family has to know when that point is for them. It sounds like the Lord is just confirming that thought of yours as of late. :wink: Anyway, it was nice to hear your thoughts, and I agree that this thinking through things out loud by typing on the board here helps not only 'ourselves' sort through things, but others as well. Thanks! :D

In Christ,