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Experiement in Bigger Week 25

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:01 am
by mskogen
I did this with my son and didn't get any movement. Then my husband tried it...same results. Is there something we should be doing? Help!!!

Re: Experiement in Bigger Week 25

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:03 pm
by Kathleen
Can you remind me which experiment this was? I don't have my guide right now as I let a friend borrow it to look through.

:D Kathleen

Re: Experiment in Bigger Week 25, Day 3 - HELP!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:23 am
by learningathome
We did this experiment today and I'm not sure we did it right or completely understood what was to be done. We cut out the foil fish about 5" long, taped it to a quarter, then taped it all to the bottom of a shallow glass pan. My son had to back up about 20 feet before he couldn't see it anymore. Then I poured the water in - I didn't notice anything special, except that the movement of the water being poured caused the fish to actually move where it was not taped down. Was my son supposed to observe from where he had backed up to?? He did watch from there and didn't notice anything either. There was no significant light refraction or reflection. Were we supposed to do this outside on a sunny day? Or on a particular kind of surface?

I'm sorry, but this experiment just did not make sense to us. :? I understand the concept of what it was supposed to teach, but I don't think the experiment worked right. Did I miss something? Please help.

Re: Experiement in Bigger Week 25

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:35 am
by moedertje
I am bumping this hoping there will be an experienced person since we are heading for this unit.

Re: Experiement in Bigger Week 25

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:18 pm
by Carrie

If you get a chance to tell us what the experiment was and how you did it, we could likely help better. :D I don't have my manual for Bigger with me right now, so I can't take a peek to even see what it was or how it was supposed to go. Perhaps someone who is using Bigger right now and has their manual in hand could jump in and help while we're gone in Cincinnati? :D


Re: Experiement in Bigger Week 25

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:33 pm
by happy@home
I'm not in Bigger yet, but I do have the manual. I think by the previous posts they might be talking about Unit 25 Day 3 Science Exploration. This is what the manual says:

Read A Pioneer Sampler, p. 126-129. Turn to the science expperiment section in your science binder or sketchbook. At the top of a blank page, write: Why is it difficult to catch fish when you can see them in the water? Under the question, write: 'Guess'. Have students write down a guess to answer the question.

With clear tape, tape a piece of tinfoil cut in the shape of a small fish to the top of a coin. Then, use clear tape to tape the coin with the fish on it to the bottom of a shallow, glass bowl. Have students stand around the bowl and look at the fish. Next, have students slowly step backward, while keeping their eyes on the fish. When they can no longer see the fish, have them stand still. As you slowly pour water into the bowl, ask students, What did you notice? How do you know that the fish didn't really move? Why do you think it looked like it moved? Say, As water is added to the bowl, it caused the light to refract or change directions. This makes the fish appear to move.

Next, on the paper write: 'Procedure'. Have students draw a picture of the experiment. At the bottom of the paper, students should write: 'Conclusion' and explain why their "Guess' was correct or incorrect.

KEY IDEA: As the light refracts in the water, it changes the appearance of how the fish move.

Happy to Help!!


Re: Experiement in Bigger Week 25

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:29 pm
by beandip71
We did this experiment last week and it did not really make sense to me either. I am looking forward to a further explanation on what was supposed to happen. :D

Re: Experiement in Bigger Week 25

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:29 pm
by Kathleen
If I'm remembering right...when we did this, Grant had backed up to where he couldn't see the fish and then as I poured water in it "reappeared" for him.

I bet that you could try different shaped bowls for this. Maybe the shape of the bowl and the glass is affecting how the light refracts. Just a guess. That would be something interesting to talk about with your kids, too. :D The only clear glass bowls that we have are large mixing if you used something smaller, maybe you could try something bigger.

:D Kathleen