Spelling in Beyond ?

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Spelling in Beyond ?

Post by crlacey » Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:46 am

My DD is using the Beyond manual and we've been using list one for spelling. She normally can spell all but one of the regular words on the first day and sometimes she can spell the "challenge words" (the last 2 words) correctly. Does this mean I should move up to list two? How do you know which list is correct for a first grader?
DD 20 married college graduate
DS 17 college student

Finished: LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, BHFHG, PHFHG, CTC, Res to Ref, Rev to Rev, MTMM, parts of WG and WH

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Re: Spelling in Beyond ?

Post by LeAnna » Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:10 am

Hi crlacey!

I believe the general rule of thumb is that the first list is for first grade, and the 2nd list for 2nd grade. The beginning of the lists may be easy for her, but they will get harder as the lists go on. We are using Beyond as well, and the beginning lists were easy for my kids, but we kept moving through, and now they are more of a challenge for them. If I was you, I would just keep moving along through them, and not skip any.:)

Hope that helps!
LeAnna :D
Love my husband of 18 years this year;
Love my 3 teenagers--13, 15, and 16. They keep me young, but hanging on for dear life! :lol:
Used HOD in the earliest years with all three of them!

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Re: Spelling in Beyond ?

Post by kelli » Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:43 am

hi crystal,

i am using blhfhg with my 7ds for 1st grade. i usually give him list 1 with no missed words. then, i'll move on to list 2 where he'll miss several. these 3-4 words missed are the words we use to do all the fun activities for the week. in other words, if he knows the words we don't study them anymore. this way we are leaving the unit having mastered both word lists with no busy work or extra work with words he already knows. i hope this is clear. it's simple and works for us. i am so crazy for hod that i don't want to miss anything :D , even a spelling list. i want to cover all my bases. :D


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Re: Spelling in Beyond ?

Post by my3sons » Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:55 pm

If you think you'll want to do the second spelling list the next year, then I'd do the first spelling list. The following year in Bigger, you can either have dc do Spelling List 2 or Dictation Level 2. We did Spelling List 2 in Beyond, and are now doing Dictation Level 2 in Bigger. It's going well. :D Although my second ds is a more natural speller, I firmly believe that the activities and daily writing involved with the spelling in Beyond are what made the transition to dictation go so smoothly. :D So whether you choose to do Spelling List 1 or Spelling List 2 in Beyond, it is important to do the LA activities in the box, as they help dc prepare for dictation and up the level of skills for that box (i.e. using the spelling words in sentences of their own to convey understanding of their definitions, using the words in sentences to practice writing them correctly within context, etc.). Writing the words each day and doing the activities also help dc write some each day, which begins to prepare them (along with the copywork of the poetry) for the increased writing to come in Bigger. Here's a post explaining the link between the way spelling is done in HOD to the way dictation is done:
Great question! :D HTH!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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