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Preparing with a 5th grader

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:21 pm
by grayce467
Hi everyone, this is my first post on the board :oops: I am planning on using HOD next year for my 1st and 5th grade boys. I would like to do Preparing with my 5th grader and notice that it can be extended to that grade level. Can someone tell me how that works and how successful that has been for you? Thank you!

Re: Preparing with a 5th grader

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:22 pm
by DHT1999
My 5th grader is using Preparing. I read all of the books from the Economy Package (history books) and the Basic Package (history related read-alouds) outloud. He reads the Science Package, the Deluxe Package and the Extension Package books for himself. We use the Language Arts just as it is written but we use something other than Singapore for his main math curriculum. He does use Singapore every once in a while to supplement his math. He is using Drawn Into the Heart of Reading but we haven't been doing it as often as I had intended to. The Extension Package books add alot of reading to the program. That's the main reason we haven't gotten more done with the reading program. He has studied four genres so far this year though and he really likes what we have done with DITHOR. He is also studying a classical language and a modern foreign language (that is not a part of HOD).

This is our first year with HOD. I am very pleased. I really don't have any complaints at all. We love the books. I absolutely love the guide. It is so easy to follow. My son is able to read the guide and determine what he needs to do on his own and what I need to assist him with. All of the assignments have been right on his level. Alot of the content is similiar (or even the exact same, same books) to things we have done in the past but Preparing is where he placed best according to the placement chart so I decided to have him repeat some things. I wanted him to be very well prepared for the next guide. He could have done the next program up but he would not have been as independent with it as I want him to be. Preparing has really helped him to be independent in those areas that he needs to be for this particular program. I know he will be very well prepared for next year.

My son really loves Preparing. It's hard to say what our favorites part are. I love the strong Christian worldview, the way the Bible is integrated through out the curriculum and the language arts. Well, I really like everything but I guess those are my favorite things. My son especially loves the poetry assignments and the independent history readings. He is very proud of his copybook and won't put anything in there but Scripture passages! He started this year out literally crying when I instructed him to write in cursive. Now, he is writing long passages in cursive and doesn't complain ( too much :D ). He is now writing really good narrations. That used to be an area in which he struggled. I have no idea why. I had always worked with him with those but now he can just read a passage and write a narration without any fuss. And, he has learned to draw this year. That has been a big deal with him. When we started the program he didn't even want to try. But, he completed all of the assignments in the drawing book and is very, very proud of what he has done.

I'd be glad to answer any specific questions that you may have. We have always homeschooled and HOD is by far the best thing that has happened for us. It has truly been an answer to prayer for us.

Re: Preparing with a 5th grader

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:37 pm
by grayce467
Thank you so much Donna for the time you took with your answer. It is so encouraging!! We are using a curriculum that we have all enjoyed in the past, but after 5 years I am just feeling burned out and needing something with less prep time and hopefully just a different approach that will hook my little guys into reading. I think b/c I have two little guys (my littlest is 1st grade) to flit between (and an 11th grader who doesn't get enough time with me), my prep is faltering and I feel like I'm just drowning, trying to tread water every week so we don't all go under! My 4th grader walked out of his room yesterday morning, his first words being, "I HATE school" :cry: While I don't believe it to be completely true, it shows me we need some changes. I would like him to be more independent in his work and feel that that is a blessing, not a by-product of mom being too busy for him! So thank you for the feedback, it is really helpful!

Re: Preparing with a 5th grader

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:21 pm
by DHT1999
I really appreciate that HOD is helping me to teach my son to work independently. He is 10, almost 11, and I think it's good for him. He is learning that he is capable and he can do things well without me pushing him along. He has really "clicked" with the guide this year. It didn't start out this way, but now, he starts each day reading through the day's assignments on his own and then I give him a good bit of leeway in planning how to go about doing what he needs to do. I hate to sound cheesy :lol: but it's been good for his self-esteem and very "empowering".

For me, there is practically no prep. We just take one day at a time and it all flows together very well.

I also love Little Hearts and have really, really enjoyed teaching that alongside Preparing. My 5th grader listens in on the Storytime with his little brother. We really enjoy that.

The first few weeks with HOD seemed rushed to me. It did take a few weeks for us to settle in and learn how it all works together. But, it wasn't hard to continue because the guide is so easy to follow. And, it wasn't long before we got the hang of it. Now, our days are very smooth even though we tend to mix things up, as far as what order we do everything. I am not a very organized person. In fact, I'm a highly disorganized person and I don't naturally tend to enjoy schedules. We just start at the same time everyday and take it all in whatever order we want and it comes together very smoothly. At first, it was taking us most of the day to get through everything but now we can get everything done with both programs in around four hours. I love this because one of the reasons I am homeschooling is to give them time to develop their own interests and grow in the areas that the Lord has gifted them in.

Re: Preparing with a 5th grader

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:37 pm
by kelli
welcome to hod. i am using preparing with my son who is in 5th grade and it has been amazing. he doesn't like to read or write so this went into my initial decision. he is so bright but being our first year to homeschool i wanted to catch any "gaps" and ease into a program. i couldn't be happier. i did order all of the extension books, but we honestly haven't had much time for them. i have no regrets. we will get to them eventually because i just don't want to miss a thing!! you are in for a great year.

i also have a 1st grade son in beyond!

god led us to hod and it has been one blessing after another ever since.


Re: Preparing with a 5th grader

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:56 am
by grayce467
Thank you, thank you SO MUCH ladies!! everything posted is helpful to me and is making me really excited for next year (well, we start in late July so not that far away)! What a neat message board. I love the feeling of encouraging and gentle blessing here :mrgreen:

Re: Preparing with a 5th grader

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:12 pm
by Benelli
Hi! I don't have a lot to add to the above posts. But, I will say that my 5th grade daughter is using Preparing with the extensions this year, and it is SUCH a great program. Just enough independence and challenge for her. And, she has LOVED the extension readings. You will love Preparing! I couldn't be happier with it.

Re: Preparing with a 5th grader

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:21 pm
by juliekay
Welcome to HOD! I only to say we LOVE Preparing and we are using it with extensions for 6th & 7th grade. My 3rd grader he also loves it, but it's been a bit of a reach for him in a couple of areas! Personally, I think better suited for 9-12...