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Little Hearts Literature Supplement

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:34 pm
by ncmomof5
Hello All,

I was just wondering if anyone uses this supplement to go along with their history/Bible lesson. I have found that my library has several of the books, and I checked several out to look over. I am just curious if anyone else has incorporated these into their lessons and how they did it.


Re: Little Hearts Literature Supplement

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:57 pm
by happy@home
The summer before we started LHFHG I made a list of all the supplemental books from the appendix, then I went online and looked to see if our libraries (we live in the "corner" of 3 counties) had any of them. I made a chart that listed the supplemental books that we have access to by units. I will admit that I also purchased several of the books just cause they sounded neat! :D We simply can't have too many books!

We just get the books at the library if they are in, if not we skip that one. Then we try to read the books sometime during the unit. That's all we do, just read them. Sometimes we read them during our "History Box" and sometimes we read them on the weekend! If we don't have time, that's o.k. too!!

That's what we do with them! :D :D

Re: Little Hearts Literature Supplement

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:08 pm
by my3sons
We did the same thing as the pp when we did LHFHG with our first ds. We enjoyed reading the supplemental books we had access to at our leisure. :D The last time we did LHFHG with our middle ds, I didn't do any of the supplemental books as I was pregnant and on bedrest. Both years were wonderful! So, if you have the time and the books, adding the supplemental books in is so much fun, but if not, LHFHG is great with just its daily plans too. :D

In Christ,