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Suggestion for vocabulary card "box"

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:31 pm
by we6rblessed
I have found a great quality box to hold your vocabulary cards.
It was at Wal-Mat in the section with the plastic boxes and totes. I believe it is the "sterlite" brand.
I think it was around $1.50.
It is a much better quality and opens and locks so much nicer than the ones found by the school supplies.


Re: Suggestion for vocabulary card "box"

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:20 pm
by sharonb
I think I know the box you are talking about. We used to have one that we would keep random crayons in. Recently one of the children ripped the lid off of it. But the price is good, so I think we will get a couple more for when we start Bigger in a few months!