Loved our first week with HOD

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Loved our first week with HOD

Post by momofgreatones » Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:55 am

I just want to share how excited I am with our HOD programs...It's taken us two weeks to get through the first unit, but this curriculum is just what I was hoping for.

My 14 & 12 dd's are doing CTC, and it has been an incredible blessing. My 14-year old has just lit up. She's been complaining this past year about being hs'ed, and we've struggled with her curriculum being very uninspiring for her. I really felt like HOD would kindle a love of learning in her, and that is indeed what has happened. After day two, she brought me the guide and said, "Thank you Mom, for getting this curriculum. I love it!" She is tackling the work on her own and taking it all in. She's reading ahead in her Ancient History book, the Dinosaur books too (which I was surprised that I am enjoying too), loving her notebook, the Apologia book, her Bible quiet time, and doing the program with her sister. Her schoolwork finally has meaning and purpose for her. I knew it would be a great fit for her, despite the fact that it's technically for 9-11 year olds. I think that really speaks to the depth and content of this curriculum. Quality is quality, no matter the age. So as not to freak her out at first, I removed the title page from inside the front cover of the guide that has the age range on it 8). I just hope she doesn't see it on the spine someday! I think she's in love with it enough now though that she wouldn't care. :D As we work through the guide, I will incorporate some more advanced books for her that I have seen mentioned in other threads on this forum to beef it up. I am so looking forward to RTR after this. She wanted to know if there were more guides after CTC, and I reassured her that there are, and she has already made plans to use them all. She told me she even wants to work through the summer! As I said, what a blessing.

My middle two are doing Bigger and it is so awesome. We are loving the Eggleston book, the Seashore book, the notebooking, the Ben Franklin biography, and the activities. These books are perfect. I found that I dislike Usborne-type books for "reading", and these books are so "real". I loved our easy-and-so-fun geography lesson we had tracing and talking about the continents and oceans, and our easy-and-so-fun science activity of dropping a quarter and a ball into the sink. We ended up with five of us crowding around the sink in the bathroom dropping all kinds of different things into the sink and being surprised at what sinks and what floats. Then they ran off to draw pictures of what they did. Right there in one week I had two experiences that made me feel like I was actually teaching my kids, which is more than I had in a year and a half of struggling along in an expensive, book-list-to-get-through curriculum. This is the reason I wanted to hs my kids, so I can teach them and do things with them. To say that I am pleased is an understatement.

I haven't even started Little Hearts yet, because the LHTH has been so fulfilling. I was going to do LHTH with my 4 year old, and also do her and my 6 year old ds half-speed in Little Hearts. But LHTH has been more rich than I expected, and my 6 year old is totally digging it, and I don't feel the need to do Little Hearts right this minute. Combined with daily phonics and a little math, it's plenty for my 6 yo ds right now. I think I will wait 6 months or so until they are both 5 & 7, and I will start Little Hearts full-speed and I think it will be perfect. The Little Hands is so much fun. My little girl looked at me with delight and amazement when I started singing rhymes with her and acting them out. She keeps bringing me her little Bible and saying, "Let's do more, Mama." :)

I have always wanted to do CM-style, but never have. We are all pretty much lost with the narration. None of us can do it, including my 14 and 12 year olds, and myself sometimes too! My 9 year old ds just looks at me with a blank look. Is it ok for a while to let my kids look back through the books when they narrate? When I model it for them, I find I have to do this too.

Anyway, congratulations to anyone who has read to the end of this LONG post - I read the board frequently, all you ladies are so encouraging and I appreciate this board and I am so appreciating HOD right now! Thank you for helping us get started with this fantastic stuff. I have already told several people about HOD, I think everyone should know about it. I would have hs'ed years ago if I'd had it.


Just wanted to add that as soon as I figure out how, I will upload some pictures on the weekly check-in board just for fun!

dd 18 graduated!
dd 16 studying for CLEPs
dd 14 Studying for CLEPs
ds 12 CTC with extensions
ds 10 Bigger Hearts
dd 8 Bigger Hearts
dd 4 Little Hands to Heaven
dd 2 Little Hands to Heaven


Re: Loved our first week with HOD

Post by mamayi » Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:33 am

What a fantastic week! It sounds like you placed your children well and they are just as excited as you!
It is so encouraging to read reports like yours. I pray the joy of homeschooling with HOD continues for your family.

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Re: Loved our first week with HOD

Post by eazbnsmom » Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:40 am

Thanks so much for sharing, I loved hearing about your first (2) weeks! I love having found the perfect curriculum, savor and enjoy! As for narration, you might want to start with them just having to narrate a paragraph, then work up to a page and eventually the entire reading. :D
Kay in PA

Mom to dd12, dd11, ds9, ds7 & ds3 1/2

BHFHG with dss 7&9 and dd11

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Re: Loved our first week with HOD

Post by my3sons » Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:57 am

Monique - I am so happy for you and your dc!!! I have been wondering how it was going, and I am thrilled with the update here. It just really filled my cup this morning. :D Thanks for sharing! We are in the 22nd week of CTC and still loving it. We just started BHFHG half-speed and are off to a good start with that too. We are also doing LHTH half-speed. So, I guess our days probably look a lot alike, only you are probably busier with full-speed and more dc.

As far as the narrating goes, that took me awhile to learn as well. I'd start by reading a page and stopping to narrate on that. Then, just finish the reading. Keep adding a page each time until you work up to narrating the whole thing. I really had to learn the habit of thinking about what I was reading and listening to what was read carefully. Dare I say I used to be thinking of grocery lists or errands while I read aloud to my dc prior to narrating? :oops: I could finish an entire chapter and not remember a thing I read but go off and jot down a "to do" list for the day instead, as that's what I was really thinking of. Dc can be the same way. Just start with shorter sections, like a page, and if need be reread the first line of the chapter to get them to rewind. In fact, that's been a helpful example for my dc - think of the book like a video and rewind to the beginning to "playback" it for me from start to finish with as much detail as possible. The hardest thing when starting narrations is to learn to "rewind" way back to the start, and the next hardest thing is not to "fast forward" through the middle. :wink: Narrating takes a long time to really do well (I'm still definitely working on it). Anyway, I'm celebrating your awesome news here! :D :D :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: Loved our first week with HOD

Post by Samuel'sMommy » Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:14 pm

Sounds like you had an awesome first week! Glad you are loving HOD!
Wife to Adam for 25 years
Mom to Samuel (18 - freshman in college), Isaiah (8), and Judah (4) through the miracle of adoption
Using and loving LHTH & BLHFHG


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Re: Loved our first week with HOD

Post by Tmisek » Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:19 pm

Wow, Monique! Your first 2 weeks sound great! I am so glad you found such a great must feel a wonderful sense of peace and relief :D I pray it continues to go well for you!

Mommy of 3 treasures:

:) Enjoyed: LHFHG through MTMM!

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Re: Loved our first week with HOD

Post by countrymom » Sat Feb 06, 2010 5:26 pm

Sounds like you are off to a great start. I am so glad you found HOD and are enjoying your experience. Welcome to the board!
Wife to J
Big J - LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, Rev to Rev, Modern Missions, beginning parts of World Geography
Little J - LHTH, LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, working in CTC

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Re: Loved our first week with HOD

Post by Carrie » Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:14 pm


I'm so glad to read your update and thrilled that both you are your kiddos are enjoying the change. :D We pray that HOD may continue to be a blessing to your family this year. :D

Thanks for sharing! It filled my cup today! :D


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