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HOD Inspired Exercise for the kids this LONG winter

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:13 pm
by my3sons
My dc are bursting at the seams to get outside, and it is C-O-L-D here! So, I was thinking how many, many years ago I enjoyed the circuit exercise routine at Curves, and had the thought, now why couldn't I do that with my dc? :lol: HOD made it very easy, because I'd already taught my dc basic calisthenics from the HOD guides. HOD had taught my dc to run in place, do jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, bounce a ball, windmills, and toe touches. I added leg lifts, boxing (because we have a kids' punching bag and gloves), and a few simple stretches to round it out. That makes 10 exercises. I put each one on an index card, numbered them 1-10, and hung them spaced around the ceiling in our basement spare bedroom that has now really become the playroom (except for the bed we left in it :lol: ). I got a timer, started my middle ds on Exercise #1, my oldest son on Exercise #5 (to spread them out), and let my toddler just run around. I first set the timer for 2 minutes for each station, but that was way too long as my boys haven't huffed and puffed that much in awhile. :lol: So, we stopped and did 1 minute stations, but did them twice. This resulted in a 20 minute workout. They already want to work up to 3 rounds and 30 minutes of workout, but they're way too sore. Maybe in a month. :wink: They were so excited about it today. I'm sure it'll wear off eventually, but it's great for now. I figure it'll be easy to add things in or take them away over time too. Here are some pics to help make this clearer:
Image Running in place Image push-ups Image sit-ups Image bouncing the ball Image jumping jacks (my he looks like a hummingbird! :lol: ) Image leg lifts Image punching bag Image toe touches Image windmills

My toddler ran around and actually did a few sit-ups, jumping jacks, punched the bag, and threw the ball to me. He also played with the pool stick, rocked on his rocking horse, and dragged out the knights and castles. That's o.k. My goals for him were to have him move a little, be generally happy, and not get trampled. :)
Image Image

This worked great to get the wiggles out of my boys and have them get in some healthy exercise without having to leave the house, and without buying anything. I plan to play the Beach Boys exercise music for them once they get the circuit down better, and who knows, it looks so fun I may join them! :D

Maybe this idea would work for someone else! All of your dc using HOD probably already know these moves, so that makes it super easy to start this without a bunch of teaching. Just thought I'd share this for fun!

In Christ,

Re: HOD Inspired Exercise for the kids this LONG winter

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:21 pm
by Samuel'sMommy
Looks like fun! I was doing my Pilates tape a couple of days ago and my DS thought it looked fun so he joined in. He's been doing it with me every day since then. He loves it! Every morning he asks me if we are going to exercise after lunch. I'm going to try to find a couple other videos we can do together too since I can definitely use some daily exercise. Who knew it could be this easy?

Re: HOD Inspired Exercise for the kids this LONG winter

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:09 am
by crlacey
I too loved Curves when we lived close to one. This is a great idea that I'll borrow from you. Thanks so much for sharing.

Re: HOD Inspired Exercise for the kids this LONG winter

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:27 am
by 3musketeers

What a fantastic idea. We use to do a Presidential Physical Fitness class. In the class we did stations just like this for the kiddos to rotate through. I never thought of doing it at home. We may have to try this one. Thanks for sharing.

Re: HOD Inspired Exercise for the kids this LONG winter

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:30 am
by creativemommy
I LOVE the idea! Was just thinking adding more indoor exercise into the kid's routine during the school day since we're still in the midst of cold & snow here. I had requested a few kid's exercise DVDs from our local library but don't have them yet. I'm so glad I hopped on the board prior to school today! We will be using your idea this morning! :D

Re: HOD Inspired Exercise for the kids this LONG winter

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:15 pm
by mansmom

You're the best!

My darling children have been bouncing off the walls the last few weeks. In turn, that has led to some "bouncing" at each other! So this afternoon we used your circuit idea. WE had a blast. I may not be able to walk tomorrow, but it's all good...I think? They have already asked to do it again tomorrow.

I don't post often, but I do enjoy reading this board!



Re: HOD Inspired Exercise for the kids this LONG winter

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:27 pm
by my3sons
That's great to hear, Joy! :D I'm glad some of you might enjoy this too. My guys just got done doing it again today too, and now we even have stopwatches. Too fun!

In Christ,