When to begin a guide?

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When to begin a guide?

Post by dawntx » Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:07 pm

I just want to say that I learn so much from you ladies! You encourage me so much as a new hsing mom and a new Hodie that I come to the board most every day just for a "fix" :) .I'd like to get your input. I have something that I'm trying to process just about homeschooling in general, I think. I'd just like your thoughts- I think maybe I am trying to push beyond "traditional school" ideas and learning how to be ok with it. I noticed that some of you end the "year" w/o completing a guide and then pick back up and in the middle of the year beginning a new guide. Do you only do this for the younger guides or if your child is on the younger side of the ages set for the guide? My 4th grader is doing bigger 4 days a week and I'm trying to decide whether to blaze through the summer to finish- which may wear us both out or RELAX and finish up in the fall and then begin Preparing.I struggle with this some because I am a box checker and I like the idea of beginning fresh for a new school year. So, I'm not sure what I'm asking other than maybe how you processed this - am I too stuck on what our culture says that school must look like? Any advice on how to break free? :lol:

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Re: When to begin a guide?

Post by annaz » Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:52 pm

dawntx wrote:I just want to say that I learn so much from you ladies! You encourage me so much as a new hsing mom and a new Hodie that I come to the board most every day just for a "fix" :) .

IMy 4th grader is doing bigger 4 days a week and I'm trying to decide whether to blaze through the summer to finish- which may wear us both out or RELAX and finish up in the fall and then begin Preparing.I struggle with this some because I am a box checker and I like the idea of beginning fresh for a new school year. :lol:
Sorry Dawn, I'm no help here, but today I was wondering the exact same thing. We'll be 4 weeks short of completion if we take ONLY Easter week off and go 5 days. :roll: We currently go 4 days. :shock:

So I am here with you, patiently waiting for insight.
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Re: When to begin a guide?

Post by Benelli » Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:14 pm

Last year, we had about 5 weeks of Bigger left when we took a break for the summer. We actually really liked starting back in the Fall with a familiar guide. The kids were already familiar with the level of work expected and the flow of the day. And those things worked together to make starting back to school after a long break very smooth for us. Then, by the time we finished Bigger and went into Preparing, we were already in "school mode" and used to being off break before starting a new guide.

Now, I would have preferred to finish the guide before summer just to be able to say "done". But, there was an unexpected blessing of a very smooth, familiar, and gentle beginning to the school year for us, which I ended up enjoying very much. So, I'd say not to worry about it if you have a few weeks left to complete after your break.
Lisa, Mama to 7 -

PHFHG with Ben (9) and Ellie (11) with extensions
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Re: When to begin a guide?

Post by funkmomma71 » Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:44 pm

Let me first say this, most "traditional" schools do not get through all their planned curriculum, for a year. I have heard that most teachers only get through 75% of their plans in a given year. Unfortunately, for those children, the next teacher has no idea what they have covered previously so they start their year out with a bunch of review in order to get their students up to speed. So if you don't complete the entire guide in a year, don't sweat it! Fortunately for you and your children, you know exactly what hasn't been covered and where to start in the new school year. No guessing, no boring review, no leaving a child behind, you will be right on track. Oh, you still get to check your boxes, just later! :D

I would not recommend plowing through the summer to complete a guide just for the sake of getting it done. Take your time, enjoy school, your child AND enjoy your well deserved summer break.
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Re: When to begin a guide?

Post by SoaringEagle » Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:48 am

I know we won't get done LHFHG before June even with no breaks. We school 4x/week. So what I am going to do is finish it up when we start back up in August. Then start BLHFHG once we are done the work in Little Hearts.
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Re: When to begin a guide?

Post by MomtoJGJE » Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:52 am

I know this sounds silly... but why wouldn't you finish it? Does your state require you to follow the school calendar?

Of course, my kids have way too much trouble doing school again if we take more than two weeks off at a time, so we school year round, so I'm sure that colors my perception a bit. We work on a guide taking breaks here and there until we finish it, then do some sort of unit studies in between guides for about 6 weeks, then start a new guide.

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Re: When to begin a guide?

Post by deltagal » Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:55 am

We run our school year along with the calendar and begin guides in January, taking time off in the summer and completing by Thanksgiving. If after Christmas, we need to finish up a few things before plowing ahead, we do so. For example, this month although we had completed the majority of the work on the left side, we took and extra month to complete our grammar and math text and shore up a few skills. We'll begin our new guides in one week with new grammar and math books, as well!
With Joy!

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Began HOD 1/2009
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Re: When to begin a guide?

Post by Carrie » Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:32 pm


This was something that I struggled to let go of for a long time. However, as the ladies have already explained so well, giving yourself permission to finish a guide the next school year (if needed) does take the pressure off of finishing and instead puts the focus on learning. :D

If you did end up schooling during the summer to "catch-up", I fear you'd find that you were burned out when the next school year rolled around. So, we usually don't advise rushing a guide to finish. We have many moms who switch to HOD in mid-year, and so they are often in the middle of a guide by summer. :D

I think you'll find that steady progression through the guides will give your kiddos an excellent education. It will also allow you to tailor the speed at which they progress to their needs, giving them a customized education (rather than basing the decision of progress on the public school calendar).

With that being said, I do allow myself to take a somewhat more leisurely pace through LHTH, LHFHG, Beyond, and Bigger Hearts as needed to match my student's needs. However, once we get to Preparing Hearts on up, at our house anyway, we try to finish a year within a year (unless my child happens to be on the youngest age range of the guide). Then, I'd be more likely to slow down if needed. The reason for the change in my thinking is that as they get older I really want them to be ready for their high school level material once they get there. I also want to make sure I am challenging them enough and raising the bar each year. I feel my attitude needs to be one of steadily making their schooling a daily priority as they get into the middle school years too. :D My opinions on the upper guides mainly stem from the fact that my own first-born son is heading into high school next year. EEK! :lol:


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Re: When to begin a guide?

Post by 3musketeers » Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:50 pm

Hi Dawn!

We are doing Bigger 4 days a week too :D . I too am a box checker like you. Through the years I am slowly becoming more laid back. Their was a time that if the guide had 5 days to a unit, I would have felt completely messed up to not finish the unit in one week. Thank goodness I have let myself feel a little freedom. :D

I know you come from an educational background like myself so letting go of the public school year is hard. Or you may just really want some fun vacation time with your family for summer. I think it is totally a personal decision for each mom.

I have found for us that I really like to give myself more flexibility through the year (4 day school so I can teach on Wed., extra Fridays off for campouts with dad, sick days, field trips, etc). I like to keep an 180 day school year even though we are not required to do that in Texas. So even though I try every year to have a long summer break, we usually finish our curriculum by end of June, first of July. We then take 6 weeks off and start again in the middle of August. I have carried over certain curriculum to the next year. (i.e. Carrie recommended a different R&S for one ds than we were on. We were ahead, so I was able to break the book down into 2 years.) I do think it is good to have a starting and stopping place. To set goals and accomplish them for the year. But as to how you execute that is all up to each homeschool.

I don't know if that helps at all. I think this time of year has most of us excited about summer break :lol: .

P.S. I was posting the same time as Carrie. So I am editing to add my little disclaimer to say I totally agree with the above post. :D
"Let us not despise the day of small things nor grow weary of well-doing." CM Gal. 6:9
Big & LHTH 09-10
Prep & LH 10-11
C2C & LHFHG 11-12
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Re: When to begin a guide?

Post by dawntx » Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:03 pm

Thanks, Ladies!
I know that I need to learn to relax some about my school days and length of the year, etc.
No, TX doesn't require me to follow a certain calendar- I am just conditioned to do so. I grew up going to ps here and I taught in the ps until I had children- never intending to hs quite honestly. God, through a series of events, just gently opened my eyes to a new way of looking at homeschooling. We hsed for 2nd, back to ps for 3rd (long story), and now home for 4th and until God says something different. I have a 1st grader in ps right now that we are prayerfully bringing home next year. I also have a dd that will be ready for K in the fall. I taught K in ps and LOVED it soo much that I always thought that I would send my kids to K for sure. Well, now I'm not so sure about this either. I thought that I would just ease myself, a child at a time, into hsing but now that I've found HOD even that is changing! I'm scaring myself :shock: BUT, you see, this is partly why the ps calendar still is looming over me :lol: For the new year,I would start my 2nd grader in Beyond, (maybe even my K in LHFHG), and then my then 5th grader would be finishing up bigger/or 4th grade in the fall?! I know that each family chooses to hs differnetly- year round, months off during Cmas and Thnksgving, etc. Sometimes, I just have that "fear" that my child is going to be so far behind his peers if I don't push on. I'm still learning about ways to make this work for our family and how to make our educational experience pleasant and different for OUR family. That's why I was asking about how to let go, being okay with starting or finishing mid-year or doing things counter to our ps culture?!!! :lol: One of the things that I was looking forward to about hsing was the "freedom" to take a day here or there if necessary, to do ministry, plan field trips, etc. Guess what? I haven't allowed myself to do this much at all. Some of this is because my heart and time is divided. :oops: I thought bringing all dc home at once would make everything more difficult but now I'm thinking that it just might make things a little easier-- no pick-up line (or to toddlers to wake up for that), no forgotten lunches, calls from the nurse, conferences, school plays/assemblies- you know the stuff!! :roll:
Carrie and Cindy, thanks for the encouragement too that it was difficult for you as well to think beyond the ps calendar. I needed that :wink:

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Re: When to begin a guide?

Post by Tmisek » Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:39 pm

Hi Dawn...

I'm new to HOD and hs'ing, too. (And never intended to homeschool until God told me different :D ) Your original question about not finishing a guide has been answered really well, so I won't add anything to that. But you mentioned thinking it would be easier to bring one child home at a time, and now not being so sure.

I, too, thought that same thing. I pulled my dd7 from ps after 1st grade last year. I had planned on sending my ds5 to K this year so I could just focus on one child (plus the preschooler), and then bring him home for 1st grade. Long story short, I ended up keeping him home and I am soooo GLAD I did! It really has been so peaceful not having to rush out of the house every morning and afternoon. (Plus this winter has been terrible with cold and snow, but you probably don't have that problem in TX :D ) It has not been hard to add him into the school routine...but we are taking a laid-back approach to K and his school only takes about 30 minutes. Another bonus was that my children have more playmates for breaks, "recess", etc...and I really see they are learning to play together better (well, sometimes :lol: ) So, surprisingly, I think it has actually made the transition easier by keeping him home. Oh, and one more thing, it's amazing how much gas we are saving! I never thought driving to and from a school only a couple blocks away used much gas, but I bet we are using 1/3 the gas we were.

Just a few thoughts :D

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Re: When to begin a guide?

Post by Busymomma1 » Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:22 pm

When I started hsing my dd in K, I sent her younger bro to preschool, thinking it would help to have him "out of the way" a couple of afternoons a week while I schooled my dd and the 1 y/o napped. It just seemed overwhelming at 1st to think of trying to school more than one, I suppose. And I wanted few interruptions. Like others, I ended up bringing him home, too, after the 1st semester. It was actually easier to have them all home (as was said, no rushing out to get to school and pick up, no waking the baby, etc). For what it works, that might help you in your decision!

Be blessed!
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Re: When to begin a guide?

Post by my3sons » Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:02 pm

Dawn - I'm coming late to this thread, but I had a tough time with this at first too. I went to school, went to college, became a ps teacher for 7 years, and then at that point began homeschooling. So, that added up to a LOT of years of being on the ps school schedule, and I had that mentality of finishing a guide in a year, from Sept. to May. This worked fine with 1 child. But, by the time child #2 and #3 came along, I had to step back and look at each child and decide the best pacing for each of them. That meant sometimes going half-speed for awhile, sometimes going full-speed, and sometimes doing a combination of the two.

For us, the younger HOD guides were a super time to alter pacing. I kind of had to just follow my middle ds's lead, before I could map out the years to come. Now that he's finished Beyond (he'll be done in 1 day :D ), I can map it out so we start Bigger Hearts half-speed, have the summer break, and then finish Bigger Hearts next year doing it 4 days a week for pacing. Then, he will be on the same schedule of finishing 1 HOD guide every year, starting in late August and finishing by the end of May. This was a goal of mine - to first be flexible with the pacing with the younger HOD guides, but then by the end of Bigger Hearts, be on track to finish a guide each year, as my oldest ds has always done. I plan on being very flexible with the pacing for my youngest next, and hopefully working it out when we get to Bigger Hearts so he can be doing a guide a year from Aug.-May too.

I tell you all of this because you can use flexible pacing for awhile, and then when ready, perhaps by the older guides, go to having a more standard year. For us, it's important we take the summers off. So, we've always done that. What I do is print off the ps school calendar (mainly because it shows the whole year on one sheet of paper, and has the holidays marked). Here is this year's calendar I printed off:

I then count out the days we need to do school for my oldest to finish his guide. I cross off any known holiday time we're taking off - usually Thanksgiving, Easter, and 2 weeks off at Christmas. I figure 1 week off sometime in the month of Sept. or Oct. for our family vacation, and any other dates I know of they'll be unable to do school. We want to finish by Memorial Day in May always, so I start from that date, and count 3 weeks back from there. 1 of the weeks is for testing, and 2 of the weeks are extra days for us take throughout the year. From that spot in the calendar, I count back days until I get to the number of days needed for my oldest ds to finish his HOD guide. That date is our start date then. This has worked so well! We can take the 10 extra free days (2 school weeks worth) whenever we need to throughout the year, and we have a week already set aside for testing, as well as time set aside for holidays and a vacation. We also have the summer set aside. It gives me a logical start date and makes me stick to finishing on time too.

Sorry this got long, but what I'm trying to say in a nutshell is maybe give yourself some flexibility with pacing, especially in the younger years. For your situation now, you could have a goal to by the end of PHFHG, be on track to finish a guide a year, or something like that. Or, you may just want to finish out Bigger Hearts and have that goal already for next year, depending on what overall plan you like best. As far as the school calendar, you could mark off the days you already know for sure you want off, give yourself a number of free days you want to be able to take throughout the year, and then pick an end date and count back from there to find a good start date, counting back the number of days of your oldest child's guide. Of course, this is completely just an idea you can take or leave, but it's been super effective in our home. :D HTH!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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