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Hi...Julie can you help!!!???

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:27 pm
by trustinghim
Hi Julie

I am sorry to a bit of a pain, but some time last year you sent me a checklist for the LHFHG subjects. It was a weekly chart with all the subjects on it, to check off when completed. I cannot find where I saved it on my computer, and was hoping to use it this year again. If you happen to still have it on your computer, would you mind e-mailing it to me please?
Thanks for your help :D

Love Deb

P.S my e-mail is

P.P.S If you don't have it anymore, that's fine... :D

Re: Hi...Julie can you help!!!???

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:49 pm
by trustinghim
Hi Julie...again!!!

I found it!!!

Thanks anyway :D :D :D

Re: Hi...Julie can you help!!!???

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:55 pm
by my3sons
Hi Deb! You were too quick for me - sorry, I just read this. Glad you found it! :D :D :D
Love in Christ,