by lovetobehome » Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:30 pm
I live in a state that requires me to keep a log of each day of school, we have lots of rules here and I dislike it. I don't want to rewrite all we are far I have just ignored this and hoped for the best. All I have done so far, record-wise, is write the dates we do school. I am extremely dedicated to getting all our work done each day, I am not slack about DOING it. Just resent the state requiring me to record it all and have them 'check' it all over (when our schools here are failing and in danger of being shut down because they are doing such a bad job--but they want to check up on me. I digress..). At year's end, I have to turn in a portfolio, which is no problem since we have so many neat things in HOD. But, I feel like I should do better than the checklist of dates we did school. I don't really want to turn in my manual to the school district! Anyone have any ideas? I guess at some point I will type up a spreadsheet or something, but it hasnt happened yet...welcoming our ideas!
DS 11 Finished CtoC! Moving on to RtoR!
DD 9 Preparing- Hoping to give her the best year possible, and sticking to the guide as written!
DS 4 All About Reading, R&S preschool workbooks, maybe some Little Hands