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Outline Sketches in CTC

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:08 am
by tahami
Good morning!

My girls and I are having a great time with CTC this year! We are all three learning to much! Thank you Carrie!

My question has to do with the Story time box. I am not sure how to do the "quick outline sketch." I am not sure if this means they are supposed to draw pictures or what? I was wondering if this was a skill introduced in an earlier HOD guide. This is our first year with HOD so I am not familiar with "outline sketches."

I hope this isn't a dumb question! :lol: Then again I guess the only dumb questions are those not asked...right? :D


Re: Outline Sketches in CTC

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:40 am
by mamaloves4
Hi there,

I just had to laugh when i saw your post because me and my dd had this discussion just today! She wanted to draw, I told her to write! So we compromised! I have been having her draw a circle with lines coming out from it and then having her write her information it, with the main topic in the center of the circle and details on the 'spokes'.

We are enjoying CTC this year too. My dd wasn't too sure of all the independent boxes, but she is growing into being more comfortable with them and tries hard to get through them without my help.

Hope the info about outline sketches helps!


Re: Outline Sketches in CTC

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:11 pm
by Carrie

I'm so sorry this wasn't clear, but I'm glad you're getting a chance to use CTC. In all honesty, by outline sketches I was intending for the kiddos to draw a quick picture with outlines only (meaning not alot of detail). This was a term we used in my public school teaching days, and I never even thought to explain it further. It was meant to be a quick pictionary type sketch or a sketch of a scene, setting, character, mood etc. :D
