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My daughter flew through her book.....

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:24 am
by kissesmomof4
I am doing Bigger hearts with my older kids. The bible I chose for my daughter was too easy. She flew through it in two units instead of the NINE you are supposed to use it for. For some reason I did not notice that there was a reading schedule for it, I would have made her stick to that to spread it out if I had. Should I have her move on to the supplimental book for the unit we are on? I guess I should have paid more attention to what I was doing. :oops:

Re: My daughter flew through her book.....

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 12:35 pm
by my3sons
Well, that's wonderful that she loved her Bible enough to fly through it! :D But, you're right, it's not something you'd want her to do with the rest of the books as that takes away the beauty of it all being planned out each day with comprehension questions. I'm assuming you are referring to the Emerging Reader's Set Bibles? I guess I'd either order the other Bible and go through that one following the schedule and discussing the comprehension questions. Or, if you'd rather not do that, you could have her go through the Bible she already read again, following the schedule and doing the questions this time. Bibles are meant to be read and reread anyway. In fact, I often had my ds do a silent practice read with his emerging reader's Bible before reading it aloud to me, so I guess we went through it twice anyway. We also went through both the Bibles, because I thought he needed more time to grow into the rest of the emerging reader's set. He loved them both and was sad when they were done. The supplemental titles are wonderful (we've read a good deal of them for fun), but they don't have comprehension questions written for them. With the careful way Carrie wrote these questions according to Bloom's Taxonomy, it's tough to recreate that learning experience by thinking up questions on our own off the cuff. But, those are just my thoughts on it - you'll know what you'd like to do the most. :D

In Christ,

Re: My daughter flew through her book.....

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:46 pm
by water2wine
I do the same thing as Julie. I have my dd read through it silently and then read aloud to me. I think it is kind of like Singapore math in a weird way. Sometimes they can fly through it but they are not getting the full learning of it all if they go too fast. This is another area I have to slow mine down in as well. :lol: I do allow my over eager beaver to do two days worth of the emerging readers if she wants instead of one. It's the compromise I have found. And she has other easy readers I just let her devour quickly if she wants. That has helped as well. I think it is all good but really teaches them is to do it slowly and I have to admit I am a fast is good kind of gal, but not in this case. I might take her through some of what she flew through and have her read it aloud to you to make sure she was actually reading it word for word. I find sometimes their little mind plays tricks on them with the words and that helps to slow them down.

On the other hand though I am excioted for you that your little one is loving reading and seems to really be excelling. That is wonderful! :D