Memory Verses stick with you

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Memory Verses stick with you

Post by Shimmer » Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:58 pm

My girls are learning the memory verses from the ABC devotion book in LHTH. They have been pretty appropriate so far. "A soft answer turns away wrath" is definitly one I have been thinking of to keep my patience in check. I also had to giggle a little with the choice of "Children obey your parents in all things..." In the car today my almost three year old was having a melt down about not getting her way about something. The oldest pipped up and in a nice tone reminded her sister of "Do all things without complaining and disputing." Then she turned to me and said "Is she complaining or disputing or both right now?" I replied that it was a little of both and tried not to crack up too much.

BTW - I translate some or all words of the memory verse into ASL for them. is a great resource. My translations aren't technically correct as ASL sentence structure is different than English, but I figured to build their sign vocabulary it wasn't an issue right now. :)
dd1 - ResToRef
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dd3 - Beyond
dd4 - LHTH

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Re: Memory Verses stick with you

Post by Carrie » Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:34 pm

What a cute example out of the mouth of babes! :wink: I love to see kiddos internalizing and applying God's word to daily living. That's what it's all about!

Thanks for sharing. You gave me a smile today! :D


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Re: Memory Verses stick with you

Post by my3sons » Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:56 pm

Shimmer - I can just picture that whole scene in my head (having had my 2 yo have similar meltdowns in the car). I love your dc's response to that! :D I took a sign language class in college and loved it. We even learned to sign to songs - it was really a neat experience, and knowing even basic sign language has really helped me with various times in my life. During college, I worked at a movie theater, and we had a deaf man come in all of the time - I was the only person who could converse at all with him, and he loved it as much as I did. :) What a neat idea you have for doing that! :)

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
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Re: Memory Verses stick with you

Post by icukirt » Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:46 pm

We have been using the ABC devotion for 4 years with our 6 yr old son...we started using HOD this year (and we are loving it...)
I can't wait until my DD is talking more and we can start using it with her. Every day I see her speech delay improving and know that time is closer and closer. one of our family favorites!!

Shimmer wrote:My girls are learning the memory verses from the ABC devotion book in LHTH. They have been pretty appropriate so far. "A soft answer turns away wrath" is definitly one I have been thinking of to keep my patience in check. I also had to giggle a little with the choice of "Children obey your parents in all things..." In the car today my almost three year old was having a melt down about not getting her way about something. The oldest pipped up and in a nice tone reminded her sister of "Do all things without complaining and disputing." Then she turned to me and said "Is she complaining or disputing or both right now?" I replied that it was a little of both and tried not to crack up too much.

BTW - I translate some or all words of the memory verse into ASL for them. is a great resource. My translations aren't technically correct as ASL sentence structure is different than English, but I figured to build their sign vocabulary it wasn't an issue right now. :)
wife to Scott since 2001
step-mom to ds (14) in private school
mom to ds (5 1/2) will start LHFHG 2009-2010
mom to dd (2) who is speech delayed and has just started speech therapy

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