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What to do with 3 year old??

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:19 pm
by MistyP
I am doing LHFHG with my 5 & 6 yo DD's (K & 1) My 3 yo just kind of floats along....she likes to listen to the stories and does the Rhymes in Motions. She tries to say the Bible verses. She can count past 10 but doesn't recognize her numbers. She does not recognize her ABC"s although she can sing her ABC's and knows the letter K says "K". She likes to cut and glue. She scribbles when coloring and I think she will be left handed although she still passes the crayons or pencils back and forth.

She is full of energy but will sit still and do a 60+ piece puzzle on her own with great concentration.

I think my other two just learned it all through osmosis! LOL They both could spell their names by age 4, knew ABC's, shapes, and colors....but I didn't really "work" with them.....

Should I do something more with her during our school time or let her continue her own thing???

Re: What to do with 3 year old??

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:15 pm
by jenntracy
Why not start LHTH if you feel she is ready? i think what you are saying is pretty typical (except the puzzle thing) . My son was very good at puzzles at that age but i don't know that he did a 60 piece one. He could do a 100 piece one at age 5 while my daughter still struggles with 24 pieces at 4.5 yrs old. i think she just isn't a puzzle person.

Sorry to trail from your topic, just thought it amazing she could do 60 piece puzzle. every child has her gifts.

LHTH's lessons are so short .she could learn her letters and still have time to listen in with her siblings. both my kids started LHTH at 3.5yr and did all of the parts.
Hope this helps.

Jenn D

Re: What to do with 3 year old??

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:08 am
by water2wine
I think I would go for LHTH as well. You got a little smarty on your hands she probably would love a program of her very own. And then I think I would see if she could get to a 100 piece puzzle, hahahaha! No seriously that is amazing for a 3 year old! :D

Re: What to do with 3 year old??

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:06 pm
by jewel7123
Sounds like she's ready for LHTH to me! :)

Re: What to do with 3 year old??

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:00 pm
by georgiamomof3
We are using LHH for our 3.5 year old ds. He LOVES it! He also is working on Kumon books: Let's Sticker and Paste, and Let's Cut Paper. I also have him work on the R&S Adventures with Books. He LOVES doing his "lessons" as he calls it. He also has activities in his workboxes (he has 6). The LHH is just enough for him to have exposure to his own schoolwork. I plan to use LHH for him next year as well.



Re: What to do with 3 year old??

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:39 pm
by Emilylou
My DD was 3 last year while we were doing LHFHG. I didn't do anything extra with her. If she wanted to join in the activities, she could but mostly it was a little lesson for her to learn to keep herself busy for a little while.
It was so cool... about 1/4 of the way through LHFHG she learn to go into her room and play with her stuff by herself. Which was HUGE for us... before this she always needed to be occupied.

Enjoy LHFHG we loved it last year~ :)

Re: What to do with 3 year old??

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:19 pm
by Busymomma1
I have a 3 yr old as well (boy). We are doing BLHFHG, and he listens in on the history, science, poetry and bible portions. Then it is off to his room to play alone while we do math, reading, spelling, etc. I'll also let him have a little DVD in that time. We bought him a special set of toys that he is ONLY allowed to play with during school time, and that's been helping to keep him occupied.

I must say, I know the feeling about the older kids "just learning"! My oldest dd seemed to just learn her numbers and abc's by osmosis. It was as if she was 3 and just "knew" these things. My 2nd child, a son, needed a little more direct focus on learning letters, but even that came with just doing ABC train puzzles, occasionally pointing the letters out and such. No formal program. Your little one sounds like my oldest. She was a puzzle whiz at a very young age and she also learned to read at around 4 1/2, so I did give her reading lessons then... and I wasn't even planning to homeschool at that time! ha! She was in preschool outside the home!

Anyway, I'm torn on the "formal" plans. I'm just letting my 3 y/o tag along, and I'm trying to occasionally read books that talk about letters and numbers. Doing occasional dot to dots. I'm attempting to work with him in a more focused way while my older 2 are in their gymnastics class. Otherwise, I think tagging along isn't so bad. After all, he could recite much of the poem, "The Storm" after 1 week, he can chime in on AWANA verses, he does "fun math" with us and I just adjust what we're doing to include basic counting and number recognition, etc. I see he is learning, even if the focus isn't on his work. So if you are not wanting to do a separate program, you could adjust some things in the program you are using to "reach" her, too.

My two cents...
Take care!

Re: What to do with 3 year old??

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:06 am
by my3sons
I'd start LHTH, even just a few times a week. I did this with our second ds when he was that age, and it was so much fun for the 2 of us. I was homeschooling my oldest in Beyond at that point, and my second ds was longing for some individual mommy time. LHTH took us about 20 minutes a day to do and was the perfect answer for us. We stretched it out over a year and a half or so, and he learned all of his letters, a sound for each, skip counting, patterning, great Bible stories - so much I won't share it all here, but it was a great help in him learning to read young and start LHFHG half-speed next. HTH! :D

In Christ,

Re: What to do with 3 year old??

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:43 am
by MistyP
Thanks all!! Right now my brain is worn out! LOL Working nights is aging me fast! I talked with DH about it, I think we will just let her tag along at this point. He is the one homeschooling 1-2 days a week now too,.. If my schedule is better by January (that's our current goal!) we may start LHLH with her then. She actually does well with playing by herself after she gets bored with our school stuff.

Re: What to do with 3 year old??

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:18 pm
by MistyP
I looked at my friends LHLH yesterday that she is doing with her 2 little guys it looks great but I don't feel that we have the time to add anything else in right now. We are seriously running on survival mode. But I found this site today and it had several similar things to what she was doing with her preschool boys. I printed off letter C and the C booklet for her to do with DH since I am working the rest of the week and DD #3 was so excited that it was going to be her school! :lol:

So, she is happy she has 'school" now and Mommy is happy that my little gal isn't just tagging along feeling left out!

Re: What to do with 3 year old??

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:31 am
by Carrie

I'm late to the thread, but I wanted to pop-in and share that we'll be doing LHTH at a slow speed with Beau this year and are planning to split each day of LHTH over 2 days. We'll read the Bible story and do 2 boxes one day, and then read the same Bible story and do the other 3 boxes the next day. In this way, each day of LHTH plans will last 2 days but my actual teaching time will only be around 15 minutes each day. :D I'll just check off the boxes I did one day, so the next day I can easily pick up and finish the ones without checks (and then check them off too). :wink:

I'm going with this schedule for this year with my own 3 year old as I want Beau to start LHTH (but only very gently). I also want to be reasonable in what I'm asking myself to do each day, as I'll be running 3 HOD programs plus LHTH, and writing curriculum/working from home with our business each day. :D

So, this is something else for you to possibly consider down the road. :D
