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Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:54 pm
by water2wine
Ladies I know I have asked you for prayer before more than once but I know that there are ladies here who are prayer warriors so I am asking again. :D I am having an MRI of my brain tomorrow. I am actually very thankful that this is being done. My prayer is for God to shed His light on the MRI and make anything that is hidden visible and that if there is something there to be seen that needs attention now or in the future that it will be made very clear no matter how small. I say this because sometimes things are in the early phase of something or something that could have been seen that would be a problem down the road and it can be missed so I am asking God that He would make all things visible now. And of course if there is nothing to see I pray for that to be made abundantly clear as well. :wink:

Thank you Ladies I will not have results for a week after the MRI is done. :D

I appreciate your prayers!

Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 4:10 pm
by Happy2BHome
Praying for you to have peace and strength, clarity of the MRI, wisdom for the doctors/technicians, encouragement and patience as you wait for the results! Boldly going to the Throne for you! :) Hebrews 4:16

May God be honored in all that happens tomorrow!

Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:39 pm
by water2wine
Thank you Happy2BHome ! :D

Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:49 pm
by momof2n2
have prayed and will pray again

Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:47 pm
by Tree House Academy
My thoughts and prayers are with you, as well as the doctor, radiologist, and technician performing your MRI. May He make visable anything that could be there and make abundantly clear to the professionals if there is not.

I am no sure what your specific worry is at this time, but I want to mention that I have OCD that manifests as health anxiety. I can totally related to needing medical questions to be answered with 100% certainty. Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in that fear and worry. May God give you peace that passes all understanding.



Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:13 pm
by Kathleen
Praying for you now and tomorrow!

Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:15 pm
by Candice

I am so glad I stopped by to take a peek at the Board before I went to bed tonight!
Just know that I will most definitely be praying for you tonight and tomorrow during your appointment.
Big hugs, and know that we are all here for you and there is definitely not a maximum amount of times that you can come here and ask for prayer!

Candice :D

Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:17 pm
by water2wine
Thank you ladies. I really appreciate it. It means a lot to have your sweet prayers! :D

Rebecca I had been diagnosed with fybromyalgia last year. I have new symptoms with vision and balance, so now we are looking at Multiple Sclerosis, confirm or deny and I suppose there could be other things but I believe that is the front runner. I do have family history with brain aneurysms (mom and paternal grandma both had one in same area of brain oddly) but the neurologist does not think that is it. But I figure we are looking and so I am asking God to reveal even things that might not be the cause if they are present, we are looking so why not ask for everything. :lol: God can reveal it all even if it is not what the doctor thinks or is even the cause. Perhaps that is the reason in fact we are looking just so I can have peace with that. But in general just looking for answers so that we can be treating the right thing in the right way. I prefer that to the hunt and peck method. :wink: God has for me is what He has (and that simply could be no more than what I already know is there which is manageable) just asking in prayer that He will reveal the truth whatever that is. I know He is faithful.

Thanks for the praying with me and for me! :D

Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:45 am
by kayben
You are in my prayers. I pray you find out exactly what you have going on, whether it be something or nothing. That the doctors would have clarity and that God would have his hand in the whole thing. Freeing you from worry and fear.

Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:54 am
by mamaloves4
Praying for you! May you rest in His peace!


Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:34 am
by 3sweeties
Praying for you, that you would sense His Presence and Peace right now!

Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:43 am
by Marsha
Last August I woke up and could not see out of my left eye. I was completely blind. I had an MRI and a spinal tap and they diagnosed me with Preliminary MS. My eye problem is "Optic Neuritis".
I did my own research and started finding out everything I could.
I finally discovered that I have Chronic Lyme Disease. We had to pay out of pocket for labs. I got my results back in June. The symptoms make much more sense with Lyme.
Also, it is hard finding a Lyme doctor in TN. I have not tried to treat it yet. I am reading and finding everything I cam about Lyme. Lyme is very complicated and I will probably treat it naturally.
I have been holing off because I was pregnant. She was born Aug. 27 (baby #7), so now I can treat it.

PM me if you want.


Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:47 am
by my3sons
I am continuing to pray each day for you, Brenda! I pray for the MRI to have clear results, that what to do about those results is clear, and that you will be able to feel very well healthwise soon. I know you are walking closely with the Lord - may He bless that and continue to walk with you through this, and may you feel His presence sustaining you.

Love in Christ,

Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:06 pm
by water2wine
Thanks you guys. I am back and it is done. I got a CD of the MRI. I peaked there are some spots and I was worried (never look at things you do not understand thinking you can be smart :oops: ) but my sister who is a new doctor thinks the spots may be um, blood vessels. :shock: Makes total sense when you look at the map of a brain so this is not her area but she is thinking that it looks good. Anyway I got my appointment moved to Wed to meet with the neurologist so I will know sooner now. So I am thinking this will be good news. There is definitely not some massive tumor or something like that. I can see that much. So I will know on Wed but I am thinking this is all good stuff. :D So it went well thank you for your prayers. :D

Re: Prayer Request For appointment on Monday AM

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:09 pm
by water2wine

Congratulations on baby #7! That is wonderful. Thanks also for the tip. I was tested for Lymes and that was ruled out. I pray for you though because I have read enough on it to know how hard that can be. Hopefully now you can get that cleared up. Happy baby! :D