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o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:29 am
by Tree House Academy
I won't go into the whole long story of everything that has led to me asking for prayers. I don't often do this, but I am feeling at the end of my rope. I am struggling on many fronts in my life. Most of those are emotional and due to the OCD/hypochondriasis from which I suffer. Swine flu isn't helping. LOL Today, I yelled at the children while doing school. This is not typical for me and I do not feel that this is fair to my children. I am not saying I shouold never get irritated with them or by them, but I should never scream at them during school - much less, over a lesson. I immediately went to God on this and then I went back to my children and apologized for not setting a better example. My frustration with other things seems to have led me to this point and I really just ask that, if you feel so inclined, please say a prayer for me. I need peace to calm the fears, the irritations, the storms.

Thank you all so much!


Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:06 pm
by eazbnsmom
Praying for you Rebecca!

Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:07 pm
by Shimmer
I'm praying for you.

Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:08 pm
by 4froggies
Just prayed that would would have a peace "that surpasses all understanding." :)

Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:14 pm
by dale1088
Saying a prayer for you to feel God's grace and peace.

Maybe you should take a break and have a cup of tea.


Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:05 pm
by GracieandTwinBoysMom
I am praying for you to feel the love and peace of God surrounding you!

Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:29 pm
by ncmomof5

I just prayed for you,too. May God strengthen you and give you HIS peace.

In His love,

Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:41 pm
by Tree House Academy
Thank you all very much. I am humbled at your prayers and I admit that I have already started to feel a peace wash over me in regards to my fears and stresses. We skipped one of our extra curricular activities this afternoon and spent some time with friends at the park. It is amazing what prayer and a break will do for the soul.

Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:51 pm
by 3sweeties
Praying for you! (((HUGS)))

Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:47 pm
by Carrie

I am praying for you now that the Lord will surround you with His loving arms, give you peace from the storms of life, and give you the strength to do His will.


Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:05 pm
by my3sons
I am also praying for you, Rebecca. I am so sorry about the swine flu, and I didn't understand you have OCD until now either. Thank you for asking for prayer - there is power in prayer - I believe this with all of my heart. I want you to know that I would guess we have all yelled at our dc and have felt bad about it after the fact. I think you handled the after the fact part so well. Our dc know we're not perfect, and it's how we respond to those imperfections that models how our dc should respond to their imperfections as they are revealed. My mother is the most even-tempered cheerful gal around, and I still remember her yelling at me once and a great while! I could incite it out of her, I guess. :wink: May our Lord encourage you today, and give you a fresh new start each day, as we all need that so much - His mercies are new every day - that is always such an encouragement to me.

Love in Christ,

Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:31 pm
by gracelikerain
I am praying for you. I have the same tendencies & know a bit of what you are going through. My oldest dd is very sensitive & obsesses over some things. Guess it is hereditary :? It is so very stressful for me & I am guilty of yelling, more so now that I am full of these pregnancy hormones. You will be in my prayers & know you are not alone. :)

Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:49 pm
by striving2Bprov31
Dear Rebecca,

I am putting you in my prayer journal. Be of good courage today!! It is so awesome how no matter what we struggle with, God can and is still using us to minister to our families (and others)!! When the world might tell us that we "don't function well" or are "abnormal" Oh BOY--Does God have different plans for us, or what!!!!? You are a walking picture of God's grace. This is what helps me: make a list of the things God showed you of WHY he has called you to homeschool. Then, when you are having a moment go to it as a reminder of God's calling upon your life. I also have a list of Bible verses that give me the "how"--meaning "how is this great task of hschooling and mothering going to be accomplished?" That helps a LOT. I never thought I would put this on the board, but I have bipolar disorder. I identify with you. You are not alone. Dive (literally if you need to) into your Bible!! This is how I am able to thrive everyday! Hope this helps you and not too much info.!!!

God's grace is upon you,

dh of 11yrs.
dd9,ds7,ds3,ds8 months

Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:20 pm
by water2wine
Praying for peace, comfort, for protection and for tranquility. Praying that you will feel a peace beyond all understanding that can only come from Jesus. Praying that God will give you the focus He wants for you and that Satin would have no power over your thoughts or cause you to have fear that God does not wish for you to have. Praying that your home will have peace and that you will feel love and overflow with love for your family. Satin loves to use our fears to take our focus from how God wants to bless us. I am guilty of that myself. So I will remember you in prayer. :D

Re: o/t May I ask for prayers?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:37 pm
by Happy2BHome
My heart goes out to you. I will pray for you, Rebecca. May the Lord surround you with the peace that only HE can give :!: