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Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:23 pm
by Carrie
In another thread, Polly asked about some of the resources that are in the works for our newest guide after CTC, which we will likely call Resurrection to Reformation (or RTR). Just in case you've missed it, I've pasted my part of the post below (in which we've shared the following peek into the history spines)! :D

I'm so glad that you are getting a chance to enjoy the literature found within our guides! My boys love the books too, and I must confess that I thoroughly enjoy sifting through books to find the "best" ones.

At this point, we have not completely pinned down the storytime selections or the extension pack for our newest guide which will pick up with the time period after the resurrection of Christ and go forward to the time of Columbus and the early stages of Jamestown. We are very close to having these in place, but are still working to find a few key books which can then affect the other selections.

We are, however, fairly certain of our spines for the history portion of the program, so I will share those (but bear in mind that there may be some tweaking among the resources as we utilize them this year with my oldest son). :wink:

For our history spines for the new guide we are currently planning on the following books: :D

The Discovery of New Worlds by M.B. Synge ... review.pdf
Description on this page: ... alog=world

The Middle Ages: Streams of History by Ellwood Kemp ... review.pdf

Monks and Mystics: Volume 2 by Mindy and Brandon Withrow

The Mystery of History Volume III (Reader only) by Linda Lacour Hobar

I cannot tell you how excited we are about this combination of resources. We are overjoyed with the combination of the first 3 books for the period from the resurrection up to the renaissance. Then, with MOH III coming out as a full-color student reader (separate from its companion volume), we fell in love with the design, content, and layout of this fascinating book. It is Linda's best work to date, and she has truly outdone herself with this one!

These 4 resources will provide a Christ-centered narrative view of this important period in history, and we know the Lord led us to these book choices, two of which were just released (or brought back in print) in 2008 and the other two released (or brought back in print) in 2005 and 2006. We are grateful to be writing and planning at a time when the Lord has brought forth such excellent material.


Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:40 pm
by water2wine
That is wonderful! Can't wait to look at all these resources. :D Do you know an age range for this guide yet or how far the extension packs will go in age?

Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:06 pm
by Carrie
The RTR guide is currently planned for ages 10-12 with extensions for ages 13-14. So, that transposes into a general target range of grades 5-6 with extensions for grades 7-8. :D


Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:49 pm
by water2wine
Perfect! Yeah! :D

Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:51 pm
by Tree House Academy
How exciting!!! My older son will do CTC for 6th grade and RTR for 7th grade! :) He has an Aug birthday, so really could be considered a grade earlier if we wanted to do so. I doubt we will use extensions with these...the later guides look so meaty even without the extensions. :)

Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:13 pm
by rainbowacreshs
Awesome!HOORAY! I just told Kasey that she will be able to do HOD next year too! What a big smile I got from her :D
I truely hope there will be a way to see HOD extend into her highschool years.

Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:51 pm
by water2wine
Those selections look wonderful! I can't wait to use this program. I know it will be great. :D

Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:19 pm
by threegreatkids
Thanks for drawing our attention to this exciting and late-breaking news :D I'm glad I didn't miss it by not reading the original post! It looks like it will be another incredible program!!!

Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:51 am
by momof5woodstockga
Ok I get so excited reading ahead of whats to come.
I currently have 3 that I am doing Bigger with. They technically are 6, 8, and 10. I really like what CTC looks like and that alot of it is independent. I know my 8 (will be 9 in Feb. and my 10 will be 11 in May) could do that. Would you skip Preparing and go straight to CTC next fall? Then I would repeat Bigger with my 6 and start my almost 4 (will be almost 5 then) with us and used the early math stuff and early reader stuff with them?? and do 3A3B with the 7 year old.

Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:29 am
by water2wine
momof5woodstockga wrote:Ok I get so excited reading ahead of whats to come.
I currently have 3 that I am doing Bigger with. They technically are 6, 8, and 10. I really like what CTC looks like and that alot of it is independent. I know my 8 (will be 9 in Feb. and my 10 will be 11 in May) could do that. Would you skip Preparing and go straight to CTC next fall? Then I would repeat Bigger with my 6 and start my almost 4 (will be almost 5 then) with us and used the early math stuff and early reader stuff with them?? and do 3A3B with the 7 year old.
I think if you skip preparing you are going to be writing one of those posts about being overwhelmed, hahaha! :D Seriously Preparing is a wonderful program it has the base for them to put all the skills of CTC on and the base for them to assimilate all the information for the guides to come in the history cycle. I have two 10 year olds and an 11 year old doing Preparing this year and I know that is going to be great for them. I know everyone's kids are different but the skill level jump from Bigger to CTC is huge if you do not have Preparing in between. Where your kids are age wise I would definitely think about doing Preparing. I have a 12 year old doing CTC and it is definitely enough for her and she is bright. That is where your oldest would land as well. I think you would be missing a whole lot by skipping it. Besides the wonderful information that is there it really has a lot of skills that lead them into CTC. Definitely if you decide to skip talk with Carrie about it. We have done some things off the norm with the guides but I always make sure that I thoroughly talk it out with Carrie. She'll let you know if she thinks it will work well for your family and give you suggestions. I have found her advice so helpful and wise. I know you are asking and hopefully she will see in under this thread but just wanted to respond because I saw your question. :D

Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:12 pm
by horsinaround
Thanks for sharing! I have been anxiously awaiting to hear a few tidbits on the new program! It looks great and I am sure it will be WONDERFUL! We are in week 3 of CTC and LOVING it! We will definitely be using RTR as well!


Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:11 pm
by Carrie

There will be more tidbits about the new guide to come, as we'll be piloting much of it as a work-in-progress with our own oldest son! So, there will be more information coming out about RTR as we go along! :D


Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:40 pm
by water2wine
Carrie thank you so much for being willing to share your plans for the next guide as they develop. I think it is so rare for an author to do this. It's so exciting to see the resources you find and how you put them together. I know truly God has anointed you for this. Thank you for letting us share in it with you! I love to watch it unfold! :D

Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:52 am
by Carrie
I'm so glad that you are enjoying the sneak peek into our newest guide RTR. :wink: I love to see the guide unfolding too, and its a joy to share it with each of you! :D

We're working toward wrapping up the storytime picks and the extension pack picks right now. I hope to have them in place to pilot within the next few weeks! We're still looking for a few key titles but the books we've chosen so far are each gems in their own right! :D

We will also have some wonderful upcoming thoughts to share on the Bible Quiet Time portion of the guide and some thoughts on what the parent will likely be leading in RTR. :D


Re: Just in case you've missed it, for our next guide...

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:36 pm
by Kathleen

It looks great!! It just keeps getting better and better. I'm so glad that I'll never be disappointed about moving onward and upward in our homeschooling. :D Which makes me think that HOD high school would just be fabulous... :wink: I'm pretty sure that our not-so-secret prayer team is still going on that one. :lol:

I'm so thankful for all your wise, prayer-bathed work on the guides!!
:D Kathleen