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Post by hopefulhearth05 » Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:51 pm

Hi everyone!!!

I am new to HOD and I am very excited about this school year. :?:
I was just wondering if anyone has used Reading Made Easy with success?
I have a 6 yo. d, starting beyond and she is a very reluctant reader. She can read and sound out some
words. WE have tried , 100 e-z lessons when she was younger and we both disliked it and also
the Key to Reading. When I purchased Reading Made EZ I did not realize I had purchased the CD-Rom. :oops:
Has anyone tried teaching this with the CD-Rom????? I am a true bibliophile and I would much rather
be holding a book in my hands than reading it on the computer screen.
We will also be starting bigger with my 8yo s, we have tried R&S in the past and he gave
me a really hard time using this text. I only made him do 1 set of excercises. Does anyone
have any tips on using R&S with a wiggily , hates to write kid ?? I don't want to purchase anything else because
(ouch) we just bought our HOD materials. I also think that my son was rebelling with our previous textbook
style .HHMMMMM?!?!?!? :roll:

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Post by funkmomma71 » Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:06 pm

I used RME, but I printed out the lessons, though if I could do it over again I would just buy bought the book. My dd had a blast going through RME and was reading quite well by the end. I will say that I am doing Plaid Phonics with her this along with the Emerging Readers, because she and I need to go over the phonics rules. My daughter is a ravenous reader, she stumbles over words because she doesn't have a good grasp of phonics, but we should have that fixed by the end of the year.
Mommy and teacher to
Dd 12 and DS 8
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Post by my3sons » Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:43 am

My oldest sister used Reading Made Easy with her dc (she has 7), and she loves it. Her dc are all excellent readers (except for the 3 yo who hasn't done it yet :wink: ).

For R & S we usually read the first part together together. We do the first half to 3/4 of the first section (i.e. A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) either orally or I write his answers on the markerboard (whichever seems to fit best). Then, he numbers his paper to write the last part of that section: (i.e. A. 6, 7, 8, 9). Then, we orally/or on markerboard do same amount of the next section (i.e. B. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), then he numbers his paper to write the rest of that section (i.e. B. 7, 8, 9, 10). We do the same for the remaining sections if there are any. Then, he just does his written part that's left for each section on his own. My teaching time varies, but typically it's around 10 minutes. Doing a good portion of it orally/on markerboard, and then requiring a bit of each section to still be written by the child has worked well for us. :D R & S is an awesome English program, and cutting down on the writing time by doing portions of each section orally/me writing on markerboard has made it a perfect fit for our dc. :)

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Post by mariaw » Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:16 pm

I don't know if R&S has this for every level (we are doing 3), but we are using the workbook that goes with the English book on days where dd is frustrated with too much writing. It doesn't have a worksheet for every lesson, but it does for many. When we do this, dd can, for instance, add in correct punctuation without having to write out all the sentences, too. You can see the worksheets in the back of your teacher book (with answers). The workbook is like $3.50 or something. Totally worth it, in my opinion. (Note: the workbook pages aren't necessary to the program.)
dd9 - Preparing with R&S 3 and Singapore 2
ds7 - LHFHG
ds5 - LHFHG
dd1.5 - in charge of hiding all our pencils

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Post by mrsrandolph » Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:35 pm

I would definitely print the RME. I keep mine in a binder and print ever 10 lessons or so. I believe that is how it is intended to be used (printing it). Following all of that print on the screen would be very hard.

Having said that, my daughter (who is dyslexic) struggled with RME, but she needed an approach more geared toward dyslexic learners.

I have a son with language processing issues, and he is doing well with RME.

I also like doing some of the workbook pages to reinforce the new sound concepts.

It is true that RME doesn't teach the "why" of phonics rules. : )
Shannon Randolph LOVING HOD & Running 4 Guides & DITHOR
Mommy to 4 Precious Blessings
Cassie (15- World Geography),
Will (14- Rev2Rev,
Ellie (12- Res2Ref), and
Jack (10- CTC)

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Post by hopefulhearth05 » Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:10 am

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post :D .
I am going into this year with many PRAYERS. We will be starting Beyond and Bigger/Drawn and we have a RAMPAGING
2 year old who adds so many unexpected teaching opportunities :wink: .
WE will try to work through R&S and we will see how my daughter takes to RME.
I hope everyone has a great school year !!!
May GOD bless all your endeavors!


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Post by icukirt » Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:03 pm

We are using RME; so far so good. My son (who is ALL BOY) really enjoys it. We also ordered the workbook the author just came out with. We were originally going to use Explode the Code as a supplement, but I have decided to go with the RME Worksheets.
wife to Scott since 2001
step-mom to ds (14) in private school
mom to ds (5 1/2) will start LHFHG 2009-2010
mom to dd (2) who is speech delayed and has just started speech therapy

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