day 2 with HOD, the good, the bad, and the uglee

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day 2 with HOD, the good, the bad, and the uglee

Post by ahngele » Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:51 pm

We are on day 2. The good is my kids are having a blast. The 8 yo flew out of bed this morning wanting to do schoolwork. The 4 yo is of course loving preschool time with mommy. I am happy that this is very do-able for me, we did school from 9-12 and that is 2 kids on 2 programs plus a snack break and clean up.

I also have 7 workboxes that have educational file folder games and other non HOD stuff in them. The idea was I would work with the 4 yo while the 8 yo worked on his boxes and then the 4 yo would have boxes to keep him busy while the 8 yo worked with me. Here is the bad part. The 4 yo is not interested in doing the boxes if I am not in the room. I took monday to do workboxes only so both boys would understand what to do. I have a bin for completed boxes and when I leave the room my 4 yo puts all of his boxes in there regardless of if he worked on them or not. :!: He loves attention and while I am fine with him joining in with big brother when he is able I need to work with my 8 yo some one on one. Any ideas?

The uglee (that is how 4 yo says it, ugleeeeeeeeeeeee) is I have had to face the facts and put my 8 yo in LHFHG instead of beyond. He is developmentally delayed (24 weeker preemie that had a brain hemmorage) and the 3 R's have always been a struggle for him. I wanted so badly for him to be in Beyond because it would be appropriate for 2nd grade, which by law is the grade he is in. But after a lot of soul searching and a long talk with my husband I know he really belongs more in LHFHG. Although he could easily handle the science in beyond everything else would just be on the edge of what he can do, but he seems very solid in LHFHG. The uglee is me, because I know it shouldn't bother me but it does. However his success is most important. I had to skip ahead a little in the math but that is not hard to do, he will just finish math a couple weeks early and I figure I could just throw in some review at the end of the year to keep him fresh. We have a children's museum that sells lots of cool science kits so I am going to let him do some of those that are more 2nd grade level and I am going to do the science that is in LHFHG too. I love him so much and want him to be sucessful in life, it is just hard to see all the other kids his age doing things with such ease that are so hard for him. Guess I should change my signature line.

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Re: day 2 with HOD, the good, the bad, and the uglee

Post by striving2Bprov31 » Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:43 pm


I think it is great that you are willing to meet your son where he is at academically. That's the beauty of homeschooling!! I dont know if you are new to homeschooling or not--I am. My seven year old son was "behind" in some things when we pulled him out of public school in March 2009. What I thought was so awesome about homeschooling is that you get to erase the lines called "grade levels." I really had to switch my mind over to that kind of thinking, and I found it to be sooo freeing! EVERYONE outside of the hschooling community thinks in terms of grade levels, and even some of us hschooling parents who grew up in the system. I just thought I would share that to encourage you with your 8 year old. I know you have a lot of good days ahead-less of the bad and uglee(((smile)))).

Take care,

dh of 11yrs.
dd9,ds7, ds3, and ds7months

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Re: day 2 with HOD, the good, the bad, and the uglee

Post by Tree House Academy » Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:24 pm

It is definitely tough to see our kids struggle. Just remember that the beauty of homeschooling is that we can meet our children where they are academically - which, in the end, gives them the absolutely BEST education possible. If your ds were in public school, they would likely keep him going at a 2nd grade level whether he was ready for it or not. Then, in 5th or 6th grade, you would have a child that is totally *lost* at grade level with very little hope of going back and catching it. When I worked in the schools, I saw this happen more than a few times. I am pretty sure the "No Child Left Behind" act is part of the reason for this.

Kudos to you for being willing to deal with the "Ugleeee" and do what is best for your son. Hope you have a WONDERFUL year!

ds13(8th) - Rev to Rev w/ TT Pre-Algebra, R&S English 6, CLE Reading 8, Rosetta Stone French
ds9 (4th) - Preparing Hearts, TT Math 4, R&S English 3, CLE Reading 4, & Writeshop Jr.

We have completed LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, CTC, & RTR.

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Re: day 2 with HOD, the good, the bad, and the uglee

Post by gotpeace91 » Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:32 pm

It all depends on your definition of success. :wink: He may just need a few years of catching up and then everything will click. Life is so much better for the child (and the teacher) when he is comfortably working at his level rather than toiling away at work that is too hard for him. Don't get discouraged, you may be able to catch him up later. If not he may need that extra time under your wing to mature before he graduates. I know my oldest son did.

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Re: day 2 with HOD, the good, the bad, and the uglee

Post by my3sons » Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:29 am

It is so much more effective to meet dc where they are at and work from there, and I'm glad you and your dh are talking together to figure out how best to do that with your ds. I think you've made a sound decision, and your ds is blessed to have you caring for all of his needs so well. Just because this is where he placed now, does not mean he will always be placed there. It is a starting point, and a very good one. I think you'll find he really blooms with HOD. LHFHG is a wonderful program, and the one year sweep of history gives a good foundation for all of the history to come. I'm glad your ds will get to do LHFHG! Just don't worry about grade levels right now. The goal this year is to have him do well with school and build his 3R's. He needs to feel successful at doing school and be able to wake up excited to do it each day. I think you're giving him exactly what he needs, and this will be a perfect place to grow from. :)

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
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Re: day 2 with HOD, the good, the bad, and the uglee

Post by water2wine » Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:00 pm

I completely understand how that feels as I have one with special needs and though I do not want her to be on the late second grade to beginning third grade level at 11 1/2 she is and that is all there is to it. She should be in 6th grade really by her birth date. This year we had a talk about high school maybe ending a little later for her than her siblings. It's just reality but it is also the blessing of hsing that we can really prepare them well for whatever God's call might be for them and we are not bound by time or ps rules. :D The important thing is to meet them at their level. Don't look at the age level or consider it a grade just look at the skills and know that if you go with that this year you are going to progress into the next guide. :D We just finished LHFHG and it is so jam packed full of stuff you are going to be so blessed. Take a look at the appendix and there is tons you can add for an older child. And if you want science at a higher level that can be done within the manual as well. I think you are going to find that you have a very blessed year. :D Praying for peace for you in your decision.
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)

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