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This years HOD School supplies (BARGAINS!)

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:29 pm
by joyfulheart
Hope this is OK to post, I thought all of us could use some bargains!!...

Just an FYI--

Target has the crayola watercolor paint sets for 50 cents each

Staples has sales weekly, many things are 1 cent, some 25 cents-- this week, mechanical pencils are 25cents a package-- my kids LOVE Mechanical pencils!!

ANd walmart has a good deal right now on the spiral notebooks, journal books, etc...

OfficeMax has kids scissors 20 cents a piece right now (but the one by me is already out! grrrrrrrrr)

Re: This years HOD School supplies (BARGAINS!)

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:58 pm
by sharonb
I LOVE this time of year! :mrgreen: A couple of weeks ago I bought 18 boxes of crayons at walmart for 30 cents each (could have gone cheaper, but I wanted crayola). We also bought some scissors and glue. With 4 children using this stuff, we needed more! Hopefully we're all set for a while (that is, if the 2 year old stops breaking the crayons in half :roll: ).

Re: This years HOD School supplies (BARGAINS!)

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:14 pm
by eazbnsmom
Thanks for the heads up on the bargains. My Target opened YESTERDAY!

Re: This years HOD School supplies (BARGAINS!)

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:18 pm
by AnaDawson
I love mechanical pencils! I love that the perfect point never runs out :P

Ana Dawson

Re: This years HOD School supplies (BARGAINS!)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:46 am
by my3sons
I just let my ds pick out his composition books from Walmart and his mechanical pencils. I even bought a bunch of wide-lined notebooks for not only my 6 yo, but also for me! This "Betty with Olive tendencies" needed her notebook fix for list-making. :lol:

In Christ,