I got my way, but now I have a problem... (Grades)

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I got my way, but now I have a problem... (Grades)

Post by joyfulheart » Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:25 pm

I got my way-- I get to keep homeschooling, and am able to keep another one of my kids home for this school year!! WOOHOO (3rd child will be public schooled-- and I'm working on getting that kid home too!!)

This was a big deal. IT took alot of nagging, prayer, nagging, prayer, LOL!!!

The only thing is that I promised hubby I would do GRADES. Grades???? He's obsessed with Grades. I can't get around it.

I'll have 2 kids doing Preparing.
Math-- I can do grades.
Spelling/Vocab -- I can do grades.
R&S -- I think I can do grades too.

But the rest??? HIstory, Science, Bible, Art, Music, etc....It's not like they are doing endless worksheets (like in public school). It's not like I give them tests (like public school).

ANy ideas, suggestions?

ANd, I think the "grades" are stupid. I said it-- STUPID.
I mean, they're doing the work, does that get them an "A"???
How do I give legit grades?

I mean

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Re: I got my way, but now I have a problem... (Grades)

Post by eazbnsmom » Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:09 pm

Yea Joyfulheart,

So happy you are able to continue homeschooling. :lol: Will you be able to do letter grades? Then you can just look at what your child is doing in their history/science/art etc notebook and grade it that way (for dh's eyes only) or ask him if it is okay if you just grade the basics in math and language arts. Or for history and science there are questions each week on one of the lessons, you can either type these up and print them out and do grades that way or keep track of how many your children get wrong when they are done orally and make a note of it in your manual (if you write in your manual) etc. Also since grading is your husbands wish which you are not enthusiastic about, then I wouldn't let on to the kids (or dh) what your opinion of it is for a happier home. Just a thought :idea: :D Enjoy your year. I am so excited for you. We had fun with Preparing last year. and pray you will too!
Kay in PA

Mom to dd12, dd11, ds9, ds7 & ds3 1/2

BHFHG with dss 7&9 and dd11

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Re: I got my way, but now I have a problem... (Grades)

Post by funkmomma71 » Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:51 pm

Grades can be tough, but one thing you may want to do is write up what is expected for things you'll be grading. For history and science notebooks/projects you could grade for the following areas: work done on time, displaying adequate knowledge of the subject and thoroughness of notebook/project. You could grade the weekly notebooking, projects or questions, and possibly put together quizzes or a test. Hopefully your husband will let this go after awhile. :wink: I agree with eazbnsmom, I would keep your unhappiness with grading to yourself and God and focus on the postives of being able to homeschool. Let the Lord work on your husband's heart :D Blessings!
Mommy and teacher to
Dd 12 and DS 8
Doing MTMM & Preparing 2016-2017


Re: I got my way, but now I have a problem... (Grades)

Post by WigglesMom » Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:39 pm

This site has a rubric called the check rubric if you scroll down until you see check rubric 06-07. It is very generic and could be used for all subjects that you couldn't give a right or wrong number grade for such as history, storytime, science, notebooking...
http://www.teacherweb.com/SC/LadysIslan ... on/AP6.stm
It is what I am going to use for history and notebooking and such. I am using homeschool tracker (free) to keep up with our assignments, grades, attendance...for our portfolio. Anyway, I thought it would be helpful to you with your need to show grades and progress to your husband.
I found it helped my dd with not rushing and being sloppy with her notebooking pages if she was going to be held accountable for her work to some extent.
I'm using this rubric as well as a science notebooking rubric right now to set up our 6 week report card for the kids.
The science rubric is at
http://www.sciencenotebooks.org/classro ... ssment.php
It has really simple rubric with smiley faces and then it has a primary science rubric which I am going to use with my dd.
Hope this helps with your grading dilema.

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Re: I got my way, but now I have a problem... (Grades)

Post by Carrie » Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:29 pm

Joyful Heart,

I am so glad that you'll get the opportunity to homeschool two of your kiddos with Preparing Hearts this year! :D I pray that you'll enjoy it as much as we did when we used it this past year. :wink:

The ladies have given you great advice about grades. I would work with your husband to make sure that the grading you do doesn't take over too much of your day but still accomplishes what he desires from you. :D


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Re: I got my way, but now I have a problem... (Grades)

Post by kiloyd » Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:10 pm

I like what a previous poster said about seeing if dh will be okay if you just grade the basics.

don't really have any advice just hugs and prayers. Doesn't it stink when your dh is not totally on board with hsing? Mine is agreeable but not on board yet.
ds 9, Preparing
dd just turned 6, LHFHG
dd 3
and 15 mo old 3 days a week

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