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Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:15 pm
by gotpeace91
Ok, I know I saw this on here somewhere but I just can't find it! Can someone tell me what the estimated times are for each workbox in Preparing including DITHOR?
I want to see how we're doing. It takes us 6 hours so I think we're off somewhere. :roll: It is fun though! :D :D

Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:06 am
by yayadaisy
I would love to know how some use the workboxes too! I just got the book and have been getting things ready. I will be using it with LHFHG with one child and with my older two also! It will be interesting to see how others are using it!


Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:12 am
by kayben
I think the OP means the workboxes in the manuel as opposed to the workbox system.. right? . I too am trying to get an estimate as I work my schedule for the fall. I'll see if we hear from someone. The whole day of Preparing, I believe is estimated at 4 hours... I think. :D

Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:58 am
by gotpeace91
Right Rebecca, I meant the boxes in the manual. Not sure why I said workboxes. :D :oops:
Yes, the total time is supposed to be 4 hours. I'm trying to figure out which subjects we're going over on.
Probably LA because they are doing separate English levels and also doing R&S Spelling in addition to the
dictation as both my kiddos struggle in that area.
Leah :)

Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:15 am
by my3sons
Once we had done school for a month, this is the longest it took us to do PHFHG:
Left side of plans...
Reading about History: 15 minutes
Research/Geog./Timeline: 20 minutes
Independent History Box: 20-25 minutes
History Project box: 20 minutes
Storytime: 20 minutes
1 hour 40 minutes

Right side of plans...
Math: 20-30 minutes
DITHOR: 30 minutes (3 x a week); Creative Writing: 20-30 minutes (1 x a week)
Dictation: 5 minutes (3 x a week)
Grammar: 15 minutes
Bible Study: 15 minutes
Science: 20- 30 minutes
Poetry: 5 minutes
2 hours 10 minutes

This totals just under 4 hours. If you are taking 6 hours to do school, this gives you an idea how long subjects should be taking once you get in the swing of things. Maybe you can see where you can carve some time off here or there to shave time off of your day. Just keep with it, it will get less and less each day timewise as you hit your stride. :wink:

In Christ,
Julie :D

Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:51 pm
by yayadaisy
opps sorry about the misunderstanding! Still is nice to get some info about preparing. Will be doing that some day too!


Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:33 pm
by gotpeace91
Thanks Julie. :) We really are enjoying our time with Preparing. We really wouldn't care except my sister's kids are on break right now so we like to spend the afternoon together. I'm trying to trim it back to get it done by noon. I just was trying to get a ballpark so I could see where I might tighten up a little. I know we are still getting in the swing of things too. I will time our progress tomorrow so I can get an idea of what's going on. We've all just been so absorbed in it and enjoying it that we don't realize how fast the time is going. :lol:

Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:50 pm
by Kathleen
Leah, thanks for asking about the times for Preparing. :D And, Julie, thanks for that great list!! :D I've got the scheduling bug, and Preparing is one of the guides we'll be doing.

Leah, I'm sure that you'll speed up as you go with Preparing. This is only your 2nd week, right? I know that it took us a while to get into a smooth groove when we started Bigger last year. But like you, we sure had fun even when it wasn't working like clockwork yet. :D Maybe if you still want more free time for the next while you could go half speed for a few weeks. Your kids could learn what's expected of them in each box during the week...and you wouldn't feel like you're in rush-rush mode getting to that point. If you don't have a time-crunch to finish in the spring that's what I'd do in your shoes.

Printing off that oh-so-helpful time list and ready to get a good schedule going when I have a chance,
:D Kathleen

Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:55 pm
by gotpeace91
Kathleen, Thanks for the encouragement. I know that we haven't hit our stride yet. I just tend to get on a little bit of a roll with some of the subjects and go a little long. :roll: :lol: I needed a bit of a guide to go by. :wink:

Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:47 pm
by my3sons
It took us a month to hit our stride and get PHFHG to those times, but before that - we took quite a bit longer to finish - probably right around what it's taking you. :D You are only in your second week, Leah, so you are doing awesome! :) I hope the time increments didn't weigh you down - I just thought it would be more helpful to share the time increments from the last 8 months rather my first fledgling first month. :wink: Just give yourself some time, and it'll keep clicking along quicker and quicker. :)

In Christ,

Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:48 pm
by my3sons
yayadaisy wrote:opps sorry about the misunderstanding! Still is nice to get some info about preparing. Will be doing that some day too!

Were you wanting LHFHG approximate times? If so, I can give you those too, and I'm sure others could as well. We just finished LHFHG last year. :D Just let me know if you're wondering about that.

In Christ,

Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:37 pm
by Kathleen
my3sons wrote: Were you wanting LHFHG approximate times? If so, I can give you those too, and I'm sure others could as well. We just finished LHFHG last year. :D Just let me know if you're wondering about that.

In Christ,

I'm not Sheila, but I'd love to know your LHFHG times. :wink: It's the other guide I'm going to be scheduling.

Your very grateful friend,
:D Kathleen

Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:41 pm
by gotpeace91
my3sons wrote:It took us a month to hit our stride and get PHFHG to those times, but before that - we took quite a bit longer to finish - probably right around what it's taking you. :D You are only in your second week, Leah, so you are doing awesome! :) I hope the time increments didn't weigh you down - I just thought it would be more helpful to share the time increments from the last 8 months rather my first fledgling first month. :wink: Just give yourself some time, and it'll keep clicking along quicker and quicker. :)

In Christ,

Thank you Julie! The time increments didn't weigh me down at all. It was exactly what I wanted to know. Just sort of a benchmark, you know. I am not distressed at all about the time. We are having a blast. :D I just wanted to know what my goals are for when we get the hang of it. :wink:

Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:58 am
by yayadaisy
Julie the times for LHFHG would be great we will be starting in a few weeks! Please share I would love to know :D Thanks


Re: Est. Time for Workboxes in Preparing

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:19 pm
by my3sons
Hi gals - I'd be glad to help... here goes...

Approximate Times for boxes in LHFHG...
Left side of plans:
Reading about History: 10 minutes
Rhymes in Motion: 5 minutes
Rotating Bottom left box (Science, Art, Dramatic Play, Thinking Games): 10-15 minutes
Bible Study: 10 minutes (add an additional 5-10 minutes on Devotional days)
Corresponding Music: 5 minutes

Right Side of Plans:
Fine Motor Skills: 5-10 minutes
Phonics: 15 minutes
Storytime: 10 minutes
Math: 10-15 minutes

That adds up to about 1 1/2 hours a day, give or take a bit. HTH - you're all going to have such fun with LHFHG! It is perfect for those ages - just enough school without going overboard. The one year sweep gave a great base of history to build upon and made our dc realize history covers a lot of time - not just the Bible history and now :wink: - it helped them begin to fill in the gaps, and piqued their interest in learning more. :)

In Christ,
Julie :D